Five Years After September Eleven


New member
America is seen as a terrorist nation for having supported the Israeli ethnic cleansing of 700,000 Palestinians from their land and homes and the stripping them of their most basic human rights, even depriving them of the right to live where they were born!

America is accused of supporting terrorism for backing Israel, even America is aware that Israel tortures 500 to 600 Palestinians in its jails each month.

America is called terrorist for supporting Israel even as it killed 40,000 Lebanese in its invasion of that country. They ask the world how America could support Israel even as it bombed civilian Red Cross shelters and killed women and children by the score.

Millions of people ask how the President of the United States could dine in the White House with Israel Sharon, a man with a proven history of massacring civilians, and who even Israel held responsible for the cold-blooded murder of 2000 people at the Sabra and Shatila camps in Lebanon.



New member
We must cut off the source of terrorism. That source is not Muslim fundamentalism, it is American support for Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people. The American government has been supporting the Jewish Supremacist State of Israeli with economic and military funding, though Israel denies the basic human rights of Palestinians. We believe that our economic and military aid to Israel has caused tremendous hatred toward America and that unlimitedly, it is the American people who suffers the consequences.

we continued to monetarily and militarily support Israel even after it invaded Lebanon and killed tens of thousands of Lebanese civilians. We support the Zionist state even though it tortures thousands of political prisoners in its jails. American support enabled Israel to ethnically cleanse itself of 700,000 Palestinians.



New member
DEAR ROYALORLEANS thank you for your post

noone justify terrorism or wars or murders we try here to find the reasons,why america was attacked ,watch again the two video i gave the link to above and you will understand more my message,thank you





New member
DEAR ROYALORLEANS thank you for your postnoone justify terrorism or wars or murders we try here to find the reasons,why america was attacked ,watch again the two video i gave the link to above and you will understand more my message,thank you


Ohhh... I don't doubt the reasoning behind the 9/11 attacks. I just find it hard to believe that our foreign policy could be the only cause.



New member
dear royalorleans here are more causes:

Bush says we must strike down terrorists wherever they are in the whole world, but he has shared tea and crumpets with Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, one of the world's leading most brutal and bloodthirsty terrorists. Sharon committed a number of crimes against humanity, among them the massacre of 2,000 men, women and children in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon. Mr. Bush did not strike Mr. Sharon, instead he toasted him.

But why must the media and government create this huge, absurd lie about why we were attacked on September 11.

This Big Lie is, of course, meant to hide an obvious truth. Its purpose is to keep Americans from associating this attack with our Israeli policy.

If that happens people might begin to wonder if it is in our true interest to having given Israel countless billions of our dollars.

They might begin to wonder if it is good for America to serve as the Israeli's shock troops and techno killers in attacks on Israel's enemies such as Iraq.

So, the unvarnished truth is that we suffered the terror of September 11 because of our support of the criminal policies of Israel. We have let our country be controlled by a foreign lobby that has worked against the best interests of the American people.



New member
So killing 3,000+ innocent lives was justified.
Ohh... now I can sleep better.

Than I don't know how anyone who supports the Iraqi war can sleep better...

Tell me, whats so Christian about Bush anyway?

He says he reads the bible but he doesn't even go to Church.



New member
Ohhh... I don't doubt the reasoning behind the 9/11 attacks. I just find it hard to believe that our foreign policy could be the only cause.
I don't think 9/11 was a conspiracy, I have a few questions though but we can call it a terrorist attack by VERY extreme Muslims for the sake of the victims. I think Bush's slow *** ******* response was bullshit. And when a plane is travelling off-course like that, you can get 4 F-16s on it in less than 11 minutes.

Read to little kids or scramble as many ******* jet fighters as I can to protect our skies... Reading to kids seems to be his preference.



New member
The thing I find truly astonishing about Tomaust is that he really seems to believe that people are buying the line he is currently selling.


New member
The thing I find truly astonishing about Tomaust is that he really seems to believe that people are buying the line he is currently selling.

I think they all suck eggs. Bush, Sharon, Palestinians, Lebanese. **** all of them.

I think the word 'terrorist' has become a buzzword. The definition of which is open to interpretation to whatever agenda it is applied to.

Of course Bush makes decisions that costs people their lives. Sharon too. But theres a big 'ol ******* difference between acts of war, and acts of terrorism, isn't there Tomaust? You know the difference. But you chose to spin the facts to support your own belief system. If I'm a soldier in the army, and I shoot the enemy, then I'm not a murderer am I? If I walk into a pizza parlor and blow myself and a dozen other people into pieces, then I am a murderer. If I did so for the purpose of political agenda, then I am a terrorist.

Posted by Tomaust:

So, the unvarnished truth is that we suffered the terror of September 11 because of our support of the criminal policies of Israel. We have let our country be controlled by a foreign lobby that has worked against the best interests of the American people
At least there was a reason, huh. I feel better already.



New member
Than I don't know how anyone who supports the Iraqi war can sleep better...
Tell me, whats so Christian about Bush anyway?

He says he reads the bible but he doesn't even go to Church.
Anytime a ******* Muslim dies, I cash a check. Ka-ching!



New member
I don't think 9/11 was a conspiracy, I have a few questions though but we can call it a terrorist attack by VERY extreme Muslims for the sake of the victims. I think Bush's slow *** ******* response was bullshit. And when a plane is travelling off-course like that, you can get 4 F-16s on it in less than 11 minutes.
Read to little kids or scramble as many ******* jet fighters as I can to protect our skies... Reading to kids seems to be his preference.
Shouldn't you have died in a senseless ******* jihad already, Hamsalad? You appear to be young enough.



New member
Anytime a ******* Muslim dies, I cash a check. Ka-ching!
I bet you do... What are you fighting for? Money? Those "terrorists" in Iraq don't get paid. And you wonder why they would retaliate. Is it so incomprehendable that the **** you're doing in that country is wrong?

Theres no money like blood money right? Maybe you should take that to the grave with you. Than I can cash my check. Not for money either. ;)



New member
Shouldn't you have died in a senseless ******* jihad already, Hamsalad? You appear to be young enough.
Dying in "senseless ******* jihad" is a day when my home is invaded by unwanted ******* and/or my family is hurt by these people. I may be young, but I find a lot of adults are more naive than I am. Maybe you'd better check yourself and see whose actually on your side... Anyway, wouldn't you say it's quite similar to the oh so brave soldiers in Iraq? Quite patriotic?

The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.
Mr. Adolf...
Hmm... well. You can be proud a few of "your brothers" over seas. You know when you go back home to your family you feel a sense of pride... Hmm. Well. I wouldn't be so proud. Serving your country is one thing. Serving another country their own blood is another.



New member
Maybe I'm stating the obvious here but...

Isn't a Muslim calling the Israelis, terrorists the pot calling the kettle black?

How can you justify doing the same thing you SAY the Israelis do.

In general, I believe people are MORE affraid of Muslims then they are Jews...It would be an interesting pole though.

For example, if you were getting on a plane would you be more affraid of a Muslim person with a ticking backpack or a Jewish person with a ticking backpack???



New member
The fact is, America is a prodominently Christian/Jewish supportive society. Obviously, an "outsider" like a Muslim is not as welcome to the USA as much as a Jew or a Christian would be.

The fact is, the motivation for a terrorist to lash out against Jews or Christians is because of the crisis going on in the Middle East, more generally, the crisis in Palestine/Israel.

When the USA gives support for a country like Israel... And not just any support. I am talking in billions of dollars and in military technology. What are the Palestinians, who are Muslims, supposed to think, but more so what are the rest of the Muslims who consider those in Palestine to be their brothers and sisters supposed to think about the USA.

Frankly I don't see the difference between a suicide bomber and a person in an Israeli tank. If a palestinian were to fight the Israelis head on, he would be killed immediatley. However, he is called a coward if he doesn't. If that is so cowardly, I think funding the Israelis to kill defenseless Arabs is even more cowardly.


The funds have risen recently!

Benefits to Israel of U.S. AidSince 1949 (As of November 1, 1997)

Foreign Aid Grants and Loans


Other U.S. Aid (12.2% of Foreign Aid)


Interest to Israel from Advanced Payments


Grand Total


Total Benefits per Israeli


Cost to U.S. Taxpayers of U.S.

Aid to Israel

Grand Total


Interest Costs Borne by U.S.


Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers


Total Taxpayer Cost per Israeli



New member
Okay, so I will admit that the USA has also given money to Arab nations. But we know the whole deal there.

Foreign Military Financing (FMF) is grants to foreign governments financing the purchase of American-made weapons, services and training. Israel receives 50% of the FMF budget request. The large sums paid by the US to Egypt and Jordan are in recognition of the two countries signing peace accords with Israel in 1979 and 1994 respectively.
FMF Budget Request FY 2001: Total budget request: $3.54 billion

Budget request for Israel: $1.98 billion

Budget request for Egypt: $1.3 billion

Budget request for Jordan $75 million

The Economic Support Fund (ESF) promotes economic and political stability in areas strategically important to the US. It is not intended for military usage, but allows the recipient government to free up other money, therefore providing indirect military aid. Israel receives the largest single grant of the Near East budget, which alone is 79% of the total ESF request.

ESF Budget Request, FY 2001:

Total budget request:

$2.313 billion

Budget request for Near East:

$1.828 billion, including:


$840 million


$150 million


$100 million


New member
Okay, so I will admit that the USA has also given money to Arab nations. But we know the whole deal there.

Foreign Military Financing (FMF) is grants to foreign governments financing the purchase of American-made weapons, services and training. Israel receives 50% of the FMF budget request. The large sums paid by the US to Egypt and Jordan are in recognition of the two countries signing peace accords with Israel in 1979 and 1994 respectively.
FMF Budget Request FY 2001: Total budget request: $3.54 billion

Budget request for Israel: $1.98 billion

Budget request for Egypt: $1.3 billion

Budget request for Jordan $75 million

The Economic Support Fund (ESF) promotes economic and political stability in areas strategically important to the US. It is not intended for military usage, but allows the recipient government to free up other money, therefore providing indirect military aid. Israel receives the largest single grant of the Near East budget, which alone is 79% of the total ESF request.

ESF Budget Request, FY 2001:

Total budget request:

$2.313 billion

Budget request for Near East:

$1.828 billion, including:


$840 million


$150 million


$100 million
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