For the ladies....girl talk!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
Listen up, my lovelies:

Today I went shopping and had a glorious time. I found lots of great deals, used some coupons and found some clothes that fit including a new Columbia jacket for 40% off!!! I also purchased "Even Cow Girls Get the Blues" which emkay recommended so I'll start reading that tomorrow on my trip.

Anyway, as I was walking through the mall with my purchases, I encountered a woman and her three children sitting in the food court. The kids were yelling, screaming and running around like hooligans while the woman sat there eating an ice cream cone. As if the spectacle of her misbehaved offspring weren't enough to draw people's attention, she was also wearing a white t-shirt paired with zebra print zubas! I'm not sure if she had even bothered combing her hair this morning and she had it put partially up with a bright yellow scrunchie. Her white t-shirt was too tight and stained. Above her right breast was what looked to be a mustard splotch and above the left breast....pickle juice, perhaps? Those were the two stains that stood out the most, anyway. And her choice of footwear to round out this stunning ensemble? Blue house slippers.

Ladies - if I ever catch or hear of ANY of you looking like this in public, the rest of us are going to show up on your doorstep for an intervention. In fact, I want each of you to promise me that you will follow through on this! We have a duty (heh heh...I said "duty") to one another to help our fellow sisters in such times of dire fashion need. I mean it!!!!

On the plus side, I did notice that men smile at you a lot more when you are carrying a bag from Victoria's Secret! LOL! :)
That sounds like the gal who complained about me eating a hotdog and making out with her at the same time.
Oooooooooooooo. I just love gossip.

I didn't know mustard and pickle juice came out of them. :eek:
hugo said:
That sounds like the gal who complained about me eating a hotdog and making out with her at the same time.

Leave it to hugo to combine his pleasures with such class. :p
Awwww....poor lady. The children made her crazy. It happens at times shakes head with sympathy .
emkay64 said:
Awwww....poor lady. The children made her crazy. It happens at times shakes head with sympathy .

I was struck with pity for sure, but also with disgust. I couldn't help it!

Maybe she doesn't have friends or family to tell her that going out in public looking like that isn't a good thing. If that's the case, that's very sad.

And I've spilled on myself before. It happens! But that's why God created Tide to go
come on... give her a break. She chose the yellow scruncy to match the mustard stain!

You'll never find me wearing a too tight, anything. I prefer the bag lady look.
LOL - you remind me so much of my sister. When my son was alot younger under 1 yrs old I think, I met up with my sister one Sunday; and I'll never forget her comments that day.

It was my only day off, I had worked about 65 hrs that week at work, and spent all Sat night doing laundry and have to get up early to feed my son. So I was wearing farmer jean shorts, tank top and sneakers, hair up in scrunchie. The whole time we were talkling she kept stopping and asking me what is that stain, my reply "squash"; "what is that stain - banannas". Lol, I am very clean and organized, but having kids and working doesn't leave alot of time for makeup. In fact I hardly ever wear makeup anymore.

Not to mention the day I walked around with a barrel of monkey's monkey in my hair that my son placed there and I hadn't even noticed :D
LMAO @ atlantic. I soooo know that feeling.

I think I just saw this lady's long lost sister - purple camoflage pj pant, a faded navy blue Lynrd Skynrd t-shirt, and a funky brown knitted hat with a cap brim, c cked jauntily to the side... and slippers. She also had a look on her face that suggested "Do they sell meth at Kroger?"

We moved from Farmington Hills when everytime we went out, we saw someone crossing Grand River wearing slippers. Chris says it's time for him to get out of Belleville now, too. The public slipper wearers have arrived.
If this is not a great example of my point that women drive fashion and 'beauty' on each other and men have little to do with it nothing does.

A man would have looked at her chest or her behind and not even cared about the stains on her shirt, lol. The kids may have caused a "too much baggage" alarm or even a more complex thought of being a good booty call possibility, depending on the guy's point of view.

A more selective man may have avoided her because of her dress but he would no be prompted to go tell her or anyone else they need to spruce up for the sake of all women.

Why are you women so hard on each other? Men will like you even in a burlap sack.....some will like you better in a burlap sack, lol.
I have a difficult time respecting a person of either gender that obviously takes no pride in their appearance.

Also- I call bull that a guy wouldn't give a rip. As I mentioned above... it was my HUSBAND that decided it was time to get out of town when the public slipper wearers arrive. Did he confront her and tell her to put on some shoes? NO. But he talked about how inappropriate her attire was.
mercury said:
I have a difficult time respecting a person of either gender that obviously takes no pride in their appearance.

Also- I call bull that a guy wouldn't give a rip. As I mentioned above... it was my HUSBAND that decided it was time to get out of town when the public slipper wearers arrive. Did he confront her and tell her to put on some shoes? NO. But he talked about how inappropriate her attire was.

But your missing the does the lady know what the guy thought?

The guy is not going to say anything. It is fellow women who give each other fits for how they look. I love watching a very sluttly looking lady walking around some women who are dressed conservative. The conservative ladies are tossing daggers with their eyes and the slutty lady is eating it up, lol.

Why can't the lady wear whatever she wantsa without other women talking her down? In this case the lady is bummy looking, fine, but was her style (or no style) of dress really so bad several women have to talk bad about her? Your a woman, not me, so only you guys can decide but obviously men are not the ones applying pressure on women to look certain ways, that comes from fellow women.
I don't think any single one of us would walk up to a stranger and tell them they should seek a fashion consultant, but we are allowed to have opinions on how a woman, or anyone else, presents themselves.

Did you realize that they've had to write "No pajamas or slippers worn to school" into school dress codes? Whatever happened to putting your "best" you out there? And what the hell is worng with that?

It's just a little thing called pride. I may not have an overflowing closet, but I have enough respect for myself, and the people forced to look at me, for my clothing to at least be clean when I'm in public.
mercury said:
I don't think any single one of us would walk up to a stranger and tell them they should seek a fashion consultant, but we are allowed to have opinions on how a woman, or anyone else, presents themselves.

Did you realize that they've had to write "No pajamas or slippers worn to school" into school dress codes? Whatever happened to putting your "best" you out there? And what the hell is worng with that?

It's just a little thing called pride. I may not have an overflowing closet, but I have enough respect for myself, and the people forced to look at me, for my clothing to at least be clean when I'm in public.

Again, your missing the point that it is not men who are pushing this agenda of dressing or looking a certain way, it is women who do it to themselves.

Let's take this example, no maybe you would not tell that girl anything, but you speak about her among yourselves and that reasserts the notion of always having to look a certain way between you. You are teaching each other to wear certain clothes and use certain beauty aids to gain acceptance with each other, not with men.
I am all for someone showing them selves respect by looking good, but I don't always understand it.

Slightly off topic:
A friend of mine has 4 kids and for a while was a stay at home mom (her kids were between 5 years old and 6 months at the time) and she made it a point to put her makeup on every day - for her husband. That is what her husband expected of her.

I don't understand makeup for everyday use. Never have. Probably never will.
If it makes you feel better about yourself, then have at it, but I don't think it is something that a woman should HAVE to do because of how others will look at her.
If there's a written law amongst females that requires me to wear make-up...I've failed miserably.
Same here, em. But when I do apply it, it's for me... so I can look and feel my best. I don't feel my best when all my splotches are on display for public amusement.

How would you feel if Tami stopped caring how she looked, and showed up wearing sweatpant and a stained t-shirt for a night out? From what you've said, she's seems to be a pretty classy lady and cares about her appearance a great deal. Does she care because SHE cares about herself, has respect for herself and takes pride in her appearance? Or because she's afraid of what some stranger might project on to her?
Yeah I hear you there. I like a little something to tone down my red cheeks. They flame when I'm embarrassed, when I'm's such a tell...I hate that. oooooo and I have a plumping lip gloss which does diddly, but tingles for two hours...I love it! I don't think it does much in the looks dept. though.
mercury said:
Same here, em. But when I do apply it, it's for me... so I can look and feel my best. I don't feel my best when all my splotches are on display for public amusement.

How would you feel if Tami stopped caring how she looked, and showed up wearing sweatpant and a stained t-shirt for a night out? From what you've said, she's seems to be a pretty classy lady and cares about her appearance a great deal. Does she care because SHE cares about herself, has respect for herself and takes pride in her appearance? Or because she's afraid of what some stranger might project on to her?

I do believe women do it for themselves to feel better, but that is because they are already conditioned by their own circles that makeup and clothes are the way to accomplish that goal.

The vast majority do not apply it as much or at all if they are staying at home, but instead do it when they are going out so it is what they do to face the world, not themselves.

Tami does not really wear much makeup unless we are going out to a very special event or maybe a special celebration. She spends more money on hair products than she will ever spend on makeup.

But, if she suddenly lost all interest in her appearance that is completely out of character, I would be concerned that something was wrong with her.
timesjoke said:
But your missing the does the lady know what the guy thought?

The guy is not going to say anything. It is fellow women who give each other fits for how they look. I love watching a very sluttly looking lady walking around some women who are dressed conservative. The conservative ladies are tossing daggers with their eyes and the slutty lady is eating it up, lol.

Why can't the lady wear whatever she wantsa without other women talking her down? In this case the lady is bummy looking, fine, but was her style (or no style) of dress really so bad several women have to talk bad about her? Your a woman, not me, so only you guys can decide but obviously men are not the ones applying pressure on women to look certain ways, that comes from fellow women.

"A very sluttly(sp) looking lady"......YOU just talked her down, you fuktard.

TJ, do you ever wake up in the morning, yawn, scratch your balls and think "You know, today might be a great day to keep my big ol' yap hole shut so as not to make myself look like a bigger ass than I already project myself to be."???

I'm guessing not.