Future Career

Clogz said:
I'm going to be a writer. I'd love to write some novels or maybe some screenplays, stuff like that. I have yet to decide on a fall back career, but will probably be high school English teacher or get into journalism. Either way, I say f*** math. :p
ill second that. ive always wanted to be famous so ill like to become a guitarist in a band. if cant be that,ill be a mtv video jockey.its cool.u get to meet famous pple.
I wanna become a fashion designer..and have my own line of clothing:D
If that doesnt work..there is always McDonalds:p
Fashion Designer
Graphic Designer
Interior Designer..anything like that
I wanted to be a graphics designer coz i LOVE ART!!

but now im aiming to be an accountant coz designing doesnt pay well. its hard to get into as well. but accounting is VERY WELL PAID!! and its easy to get into. u really know what courses to do....u dont have to go university, u can go with different routes. plus after all that getting the job is easy ang guranateed. with designing, people can sack you or make u redundant if u are crap. but in accountancy u develop the skills to set up your own business or develop to join major companies. u can even develop skills from other jobs.....its cool

but quite boring....yet i got art to keep me entertained!!! that is something i'll never give up....
I want to be a Dentist...no lie!! Lol i find it fasinating, and it makes serious money!...or i wanna be pro dancer.. that would be kool. OR A ROCK STAR...yea....lol I can see it now *day dreams*
These last days I've been going to a movie festival in my town. I met a couple of movie directors (Byung-chun Min, director of Natural City - a great action movie, if you want to check it out - and Elza Kephart - director of Graveyard Alive, a really funny zombie flick), I've been enjoying the environment you live there, it's the coolest thing imaginable. It makes my wish of becoming a movie director even stronger. Screw biology, I can't wait 'till I graduate to get out, then I'll major in movie directing :D
I just want to perform... My dream ''job'' is lead singer of a band, but i have back-up plans if this dream doesn't come true-i'll be an economist (anyway i go to Economic school)... I also love acting, writing (poetry mostly), dancing................
I've thought about this so many times and I'm still not sure which way I want my career path to go. This frustrates my parents and my teachers as they're trying to help me set a clear goal in my head where I wanna go for university :) I'm kinda doing subjects that will hopefully help me. Sooo in no particular order:

* Website designer. I love it and do it as a hobby. Which a lot of my buddies find weird. I'm learning flash at the mo. This and also graphics design on the computer. It's so fun for me lol. Hmm I'll post my site link up once I get my new layout up ^.^

* Uhhh....some kind of fashion designer / artistic stuff. I'm doing art. I'm not completly brilliant at drawing but I'm ok :) I hope!

* Accountant / Bank person - I dunno, I USE to like maths, till I went to college, and found out all this useless stuff about x's and y's. It's HARD lol.

* I.T person - Working with computers in some way. I can't stay away. I'de love to have my own business ^.^

* Something to do with business studies. It's quite interesting really.

* Office work - Incredibly dull and I'll probably drop dead after a week lol. But it's an option. As long as it had a good open enviroment with tons of nice people.

* Magazine Editor - Hmm. Again, looks fun and can use creative skills on computer =D

* Working in a clothes shop - I'm obsessed with clothes, so if I worked for some hip trendy shop, I'll be in clothing heaven =P

Hmm o.k, you guys didn't have to read that. I was typing them out for myself and drew up a good list. Think I might show that to my careers interviewer ^.^ Ty for the thread lol.
this iz wut i wanna b so ya i'll just post it here and yea my parents want me 2 start thinkin bout my future too they're all like if you don't hav a good education, where wuld you be? out on the streets! oh well....

1 actress
2 a guitarist/singer/ or drummer in a band
3 a lawyer (so i can yell at ppl :thumbsup: )
4 or sum1 who wrks with computers :)

im focusing on my band rite now, we got a new guitarist and drummer, they're guys :) and me and my sis so yea it's a girl/guy band and that's all we hav we're still deciding on a band name so it's gunna take a while since guys dont like wut girls pik but i act like a guy so it'll b easy 4 me, lol...
i want to deffinetly do sumthign in the music bussiness anything will do whether playing or whatever i would like to own my own music shop thats my dream to own a music store an independent one where only certain genres are accepted basically anything but pop HEHE!!! die u pop freaks (no offence anybody) i like one or two pops songs i guess whatever

I have no damn idea what I wanna be and I have to choose my profile in less then 1 yr o.o
I think I´ll be some kind of doctor but my dream job would be
singer, graphic designer ( I love animations ), physcalogist, eye specielist ( I just live eyes :p ) and many more..
My dream occupation:

Computer Graphics designer or
3D animator for movies or
Some famous rockstar!

In reality, I think I'll become a teacher...
I'll keep my hobbies of designing album covers, designing t-shirts, and poetry though
First i wanted to be lawyer, then a vet, then a doctor..and now...i really dont have a clue.....I have the nature and health profile at school, and i wanted to be a doctor for a long time, but now im doubting, id like to do something with writing too, and english literature and culture seems cool too, yeah i really dont know what i want, but i have to decide in 2 years, so there's still time..