gay marriage

Phranka said:
most people say that gay people get disrespected more everyday. but I don't think that..

we have a gay guy in my class, and everyone seems to be okay with it.. c:

that is so very different from the U.S.. Almost all my friends are Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual and I don't know how many times I've almost gotten in a fight because someone said something about one of them. As you once said I'm very protective of my friends... so I'm sure you can imagine what happens.

not all bisexual people are fake. I think people have a right to like whomever they want to like. I used to be a complete lesbian, but I faded into guys [for some odd reason & I'll never know why]. I can still look at a girl & judge her & maybe even flirt with her.

Bush is a dumbassmother****ingpieceofshitdouchebagwhore who needs to be slapped & I'm sure a lot of you agree with that. People are who they are & you shouldn't judge them at all. I think it's stupid how Gay marriage is slowly being banned here in the U.S.. It's stupid. I hope Bush gets his ass kicked in the next election. I dont like him at all because of how he treats Gay people.

I feel very strongly on this subject because most of my friends are gay and I used to be. If there is a day I can go out with my friends & not have to argue or actually get into a fight with someone for opening their mouth.... I'll die of happiness & relief. But I also know that its never going to happen. People today are pathetic with judging people & it's wrong.

Sorry I wasted your time. I'm shutting up now. XD
I don't mean to offend you but i'm curious... You said you were once gay and now you're not. How is that possible? It's a sexual orientation... A state of mind.
there's no physical evidence of sexual orientation. meaning; it's all in the mind, your body doesn't decide you're gay/les/bi/straight. your mind decides that. that's why it's also called 'sexual preference' as preferences can be changed.
So, you want scientific evidence to prove that people can change themselves?
I'm sorry, but no... I don't know if it can be considered common sense or not..
Hell, my ex. We went out for over a year & a half. And after me, she went bi, then full lesbian.
It happens.
Vash_the_Stampede said:
So, you want scientific evidence to prove that people can change themselves?
I'm sorry, but no... I don't know if it can be considered common sense or not..
Hell, my ex. We went out for over a year & a half. And after me, she went bi, then full lesbian.
It happens.

...thats gotta kinda leave a mark though lol...

lol i guess like I dont suppourt being gay that much but i mean i know its not neccesarily their choice...but some of the stuff is just dudes wearing short ass shorts...or ladies dressing like men...i mean if your gay but like cool to chill with i dont have an issue with that but if u dress like a girl and your a dude thats were lines are crossed...or if u try to feel on me...becuase i know two bi seems like a straight guy the other is obviously gay but i get along with them well, i just somethings kinda weird me out.
I think it is stunning that people demand special rights, just because of who they want to have sex with. Who you like to have sex with doesn't make you special, understand? You are not an endangered species, so stop parading around like your existence hinges on how loud you can shout.

People are people, weather I agree with you or not, but I am sick and tired of hearing this victimization card be dragged around like its tied to the bumper of a pick-up (its harsh, sue me.) I can understand wanting to marry because of love, but the fact that this group of people always plays the 'victim' in the world irks me to no end.

**to the point, all I have to say on gays is - live and let live. Do what you want, I don't agree but I'm not going to consider you a second class human being because of it.
Vash_the_Stampede said:
So, you want scientific evidence to prove that people can change themselves?
I'm sorry, but no... I don't know if it can be considered common sense or not..
Hell, my ex. We went out for over a year & a half. And after me, she went bi, then full lesbian.
It happens.

Yeah, I do, because it's more solid than the half-assed "personal experiences" I get from people.

"Blah blah blah, I'm gay"
"Oh I don't have a problem with that. My uncle is gay."

"Blah blah blah, gay blah blah blah"
"OH really? My (friend, doorman, pediatrician, neighbor's daughter, pet dog) is also gay and blah blah blah"

I've heard these conversations at my school verbatim. If I really listened to these people, I'd be dumb as **** and believe that there are more gay people in this world than straight. Vash, I'm not saying your lying, but you can't blame me or anyone for being skeptical.

No offence but I have a question, you don't think it's possible that your ex was gay the entire time through your relationship, but was influenced by the orthodox standards of society and simply learned to love you? Or maybe she was undecided at the time and was trying new things and stuck with you. Give or take, you're 17-18 now. Adolescence. That's when people are discovering who they really are.

IMHO, you can't "become" gay and I also doubt it's hereditary. But straight men don't go to jail and have sex with other men because they suddenly felt attracted to the same gender. They did irrational things that weren't true to their original sexual orientation for a variety of factors, which was probably the case with your ex.
djwakka said:
Yeah, I do, because it's more solid than the half-assed "personal experiences" I get from people.

"Blah blah blah, I'm gay"
"Oh I don't have a problem with that. My uncle is gay."

"Blah blah blah, gay blah blah blah"
"OH really? My (friend, doorman, pediatrician, neighbor's daughter, pet dog) is also gay and blah blah blah"

I've heard these conversations at my school verbatim. If I really listened to these people, I'd be dumb as **** and believe that there are more gay people in this world than straight. Vash, I'm not saying your lying, but you can't blame me or anyone for being skeptical.

No offence but I have a question, you don't think it's possible that your ex was gay the entire time through your relationship, but was influenced by the orthodox standards of society and simply learned to love you? Or maybe she was undecided at the time and was trying new things and stuck with you. Give or take, you're 17-18 now. Adolescence. That's when people are discovering who they really are.

IMHO, you can't "become" gay and I also doubt it's hereditary. But straight men don't go to jail and have sex with other men because they suddenly felt attracted to the same gender. They did irrational things that weren't true to their original sexual orientation for a variety of factors, which was probably the case with your ex.

I am 99% sure that she wasn't gay during our relationship. I can't say 100%, because well, that may be pushing it. I am relatively sure though.

A question for you now, you say, in your opinion, that people can't, meaning impossible, become gay, and that you also doubt it's a hereditary issue, so, what exactly does that leave?
I mean, there're so many gay people right now, and if they didn't become gay, & weren't born gay, what happened?
Not trying to start an arguement, I just would like to hear your take on this.
i read some scientific report somewhere, think it may have been American Scientist, cant remember, but apparently a part of Gay's brains, is different to straights.

Mind u, i think you can also become gay through different life experiences, like, if your exposed to it more, and also stuff like family/friend influence, like if you grow up around people who are all "i hate gays, gays should die, lets go gay bashing", then its likely you will adopt that outlook.

But all in all, its a matter of personal preference.

If someone wants to be gay, let them be gay. Dont make them suffer for being different. They are normal people too.
Vash_the_Stampede said:
I am 99% sure that she wasn't gay during our relationship. I can't say 100%, because well, that may be pushing it. I am relatively sure though.

A question for you now, you say, in your opinion, that people can't, meaning impossible, become gay, and that you also doubt it's a hereditary issue, so, what exactly does that leave?
I mean, there're so many gay people right now, and if they didn't become gay, & weren't born gay, what happened?
Not trying to start an arguement, I just would like to hear your take on this.

Well I think as Wakka does its not so much a over time loosing your taste for girls and moving onto men type thing. I believe it to be more of a lustful kind of thing at first. Like the dude may not think he's gay becuase hes dating a girl but I mean he's probably entertained his thought of interacting with another male. The as he gets older and matures he deicides that maybe he should go ahead and act on what he's been thinking about. In the begining I believe you start out in that impressionable state...your environment and the way you cope with it influences how you will turn out. You make that decision in adolescence/puberty wether your going to be attracted to males or females. Then from there it either progress. At first you might say hey, In my future I want to be with a woman, but I don't mind entertaining my thoughts of being with another man. Or for your ex vice versa, She wanted to be with a man but in the back of her head thoughts of lust for women could have roamed. Then after you she decided that she decided to make her thoughts reality and then went form there. It takes time, but I doubt at 25 a person is going to be like, I'm tired of being straight, I'm gunna be gay for a minute and see how that works out. It's a work in progress. For some it goes fast for others it goes slow.
I think gay cool....I mean why shouldn't they have the right to marry, too?
Vash_the_Stampede said:
I am 99% sure that she wasn't gay during our relationship. I can't say 100%, because well, that may be pushing it. I am relatively sure though.

A question for you now, you say, in your opinion, that people can't, meaning impossible, become gay, and that you also doubt it's a hereditary issue, so, what exactly does that leave?
I mean, there're so many gay people right now, and if they didn't become gay, & weren't born gay, what happened?
Not trying to start an arguement, I just would like to hear your take on this.

I think people are born gay, but not because their parents had gay genes or whatnot (heriditary). I don't think it's like a heart condition where if your parents have heart problems, then the children will be likely to have similar problems.

I think it's a trait your born with, but I have no idea if it's actually hereditary. Maybe it is, but that doesn't make sense when you think about this sudden explosion in the gay population. Then again, even though gays are constantly bashed and looked down upon today, it's still alot more accepted than it was years ago.
You make that decision in adolescence/puberty wether your going to be attracted to males or females.
Azm, i don't think you make a decision on orientation persay... Whether your straight, gay, or transgender, you just know when you grow up. For example, most guys never really liked girls at the age of 4 or 5. Ewww, cooties right? It's not that they were gay and became straight, but they were straight to begin with but never really understood or er... had the hormones until they were something-teen years old. Us straight people. We were never horny when we were kids, but look at us now. :D
i dunno. i don't really have anything WRONG with it. besides that my religion is against it and all. but i have tons of gay friends, so i dont really have the right to condemn them if i love them as people. but i'm not all "YEAH! hey you.. boy.. and you.. other boy. GET MARRIED!"
well the thing that me and Firehawk are trying to say here are that Gays basically are wrong and need to be either executed or locked up in a room where they cant have contact with anyone else.
Hahninator said:
well the thing that me and Firehawk are trying to say here are that Gays basically are wrong and need to be either executed or locked up in a room where they cant have contact with anyone else.

exactly my point :D
People can change themselves. There is no law or guideline preventing that. As I said before I used to be lesbian & now I'm practically striaght. Just like I used to be insecure and now I have more self-esteem then most people. Anyone can change themselves no matter what the situation is. It is more of personal prefrence then anything else. A girl can want a guy just as much as she wants another girl but then again she could change her mind & go for girls or guys, but not both. Do you get what I mean?

A lot of people are influenced by the people around them. They can be straight, hang with gays, and sometimes they are influenced by the people are them. That is not my case and I dont really a right to say that, but it is true. People are who they are & if you have a problem with that then please don't offend soemone by making a verbal statement.

And yes, it isn't right for gays to go out and play the victims. But that isn't always the case. Do me a favor & claim that your gay even if its just for a day. Then come back and tell us how many people disowned you, gave you weird looks, & rude comments. Gay people are often the victim by society because most of us dont know how to keep our mouths shut & deal with it.

Not becuase I was lesbian, but beacuse I think its right... Gay couples should be able to marry just as easily as any straight couple can. There is nothing different about them for being gay. They shouldn't be degraded & disowned like they are. There is nothing different about them other then their personal prefrence. Say you liked something that other people didn't & they made fun of you for that... That's what your doing to gays all because they like something that you dont like.

I'm not trying to start a fight or anything. This is my point of view & I'm simply speaking my mind on it. It's how I feel & if you dont like that then TRUST ME you dont have to open your mouth and disagree by making a rude remark. Okay?

Hahn & Firehalk - That is your opinion and yes You have a right to that, but I also have to right to say opinion and I think that is very immature & you both need to be slapped for stating it. That was very rude of you.