Gay Teens Hanged in Iran ?

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fullauto said:
We know the true Islam... We see it every day when we watch the news... You're lies and half-truths are an affront to intelligence... YOU need to realize the true Islam... We are the unwitting victims of it every ****ing day...

Lord help me... if I were in charge... I would ****ing drop a daisey-cutter on the haj this year... then you can know about the true USA!

The only lies we are told about islam is the fact that it is peaceful! That's BS... Some of the people may be, but ISlam itself is ****ed!

Just like we see the true Satanism everytime we turn on the tv, and see some acid junkey who just killed 30 people blaming it on Satan? Or when we see "Dark Metal" bands singing about killing babies and killing small animals on stage in the name of Satan? Or any of the numerous other things most people would consider Satanistic?

Now I know that bullshit isn't what true satanism is about, and so do you. BUt the simple fact of the matter is that there are a VERY select few people in this country, or the world for that matter, who know what true Satanism is.

Maybe you shouldn't believe everything you see on tv, maybe you should dig beneath the surface and learn about their religion for yourself, instead of submitting yourself to "generic anti-muslim opinion #12324234"
phreakwars said:
The Gerbils, should learn how to steer clear of the trap. But then, Gerbils are what, $5 at the pet store ??:rolleyes:

Gerbils went up in price? Damn, no wonder only celebrities are able to use them regularly these days.
fullauto said:
Lies! LIES! We are not being fed anything you ****ing brain washed retard! Damn, you are frustrating!


You are a big lie! Islam is peaceful... what a ****ing bucket load of ****! If Islam is so peaceful explain all the civilian deaths in america and england... You can't possibly claim that you were defending yourselves from the infidels IN OUR OWN ****ING COUNTRY! Bombings in Iraq, I can let slide because, let's face it, it's your land... BUT ENGLAND!?!? What did the ****ing subway travellers ever do to ISLAM?

We know the true Islam... We see it every day when we watch the news... You're lies and half-truths are an affront to intelligence... YOU need to realize the true Islam... We are the unwitting victims of it every ****ing day...

Lord help me... if I were in charge... I would ****ing drop a daisey-cutter on the haj this year... then you can know about the true USA!

The only lies we are told about islam is the fact that it is peaceful! That's BS... Some of the people may be, but ISlam itself is ****ed!


WOW,you sack of Bull ****!! The explanation for the civilian deaths in USA and ENGLAND is some blood thristy bastards,gripping at any excuse to use to commit their crimes(Islam in this case).Fullo,you said the truth about Islam is in the news,WTF???
Tell me,how come when a gang of christian criminals kill someone, they are just called murderers.To be fair,they should be dubbed CHRISTIAN MURDERERS!!
I keep sayin' this to you people,take your eyes off the Telly and go and learn about Islam.Meet the muslims you've all called Terrorists.You're the frustrating one,tellin' me I'm brain washed,yet the only thing you've told us about your non-existing belief is ,''ALL HAIL ENKI''.And ''WE'' are not the one's wakin' you up,you just found something to finally drop your load of hate and bullshit on!!And you blindly believe everything,YES,YOU ARE ****IN' FED!!
fullauto said:
Lies! LIES! We are not being fed anything you ****ing brain washed retard! Damn, you are frustrating!


You are a big lie! Islam is peaceful... what a ****ing bucket load of ****! If Islam is so peaceful explain all the civilian deaths in america and england... You can't possibly claim that you were defending yourselves from the infidels IN OUR OWN ****ING COUNTRY! Bombings in Iraq, I can let slide because, let's face it, it's your land... BUT ENGLAND!?!? What did the ****ing subway travellers ever do to ISLAM?

We know the true Islam... We see it every day when we watch the news... You're lies and half-truths are an affront to intelligence... YOU need to realize the true Islam... We are the unwitting victims of it every ****ing day...

Lord help me... if I were in charge... I would ****ing drop a daisey-cutter on the haj this year... then you can know about the true USA!

The only lies we are told about islam is the fact that it is peaceful! That's BS... Some of the people may be, but ISlam itself is ****ed!

Explain to me why America and England had to dump the Jews in Arabia because they didn't want them, then aided them with weapons and WMD's to subgigate our people.
Then you could say our attacks were meaningless and barbaric.

What happened to America when Britian subgigated them and attacked them and taxed them?
They attacked the people bringing imports in. Were they guilty? No.
They discarded their taxed resources and burnt their ships. Were they guilty? No.

You aren't an example to the world. You were the little guy, and through virtually the same acts of attacking innocents and making stands like this, you got power.

Now, tell me the logic behind this: you can do it and be a great nation of justice. We do it and we're a bunch of **** eating terrorizing bastards that don't give a **** about anyone?

Drop your claim to being just, you're just as bad as the rest of us.

Btw, it wasSilverDragon87. I don't even know who he is >_<
oops,my bad,sorry vorty.That's a suprise I thought it would be him to be offended by it. ;)

I may get offended by ignorance..but i do hold off on my negative rep trigger finger quite well...I prefer to lash out as hard as i can with words before i use the scales negatively. If they have a hint of a brain and offended me in some way id rather idiot box them first before giving negative rep. If they are a mindless moron that cant seem to put together a sentence that can be read easily then neg. all the way!

And i appreciate that you thought it was me, ill make a mental note of that in the future....
My.oh..My,you like takin' notes... :rolleyes:

Of course you should see my note im doodling a cute fuzzy little pit bull foaming at the mouth....the beady eyes are adorable...they scream pet me!
WOW,you sack of Bull ****!!
La burra hablando de orejas!

The explanation for the civilian deaths in USA and ENGLAND is some blood thristy bastards,

gripping at any excuse to use to commit their crimes(Islam in this case).
Yes, I already said it, islam.

Fullo,you said the truth about Islam is in the news,WTF???
So they aren't really muslims, then?

Tell me,how come when a gang of christian criminals kill someone, they are just called murderers.
1) There are no gangs of Christian murderer's.
2) There are no gangs of anyone committing terrorist acts with websites dedicating the carnage to Jesus.
3) There are no organizations of any kind that claim to be Christian that exonerate, contribute or condone acts of violence.
4) There are no teachings of Jesus to kill, mame or destroy... NONE!
There are more, but common sense should actually tell you why... Oh yeah, your muslim, you sacrificed common sense when you joined that infernal "religion"!

To be fair,they should be dubbed CHRISTIAN MURDERERS!!
Which ones exactly?

I keep sayin' this to you people,
Yeah, we know, you sound like a broken islamic propoganda record!

take your eyes off the Telly and go and learn about Islam.
We did, and what we learned STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN!

Meet the muslims you've all called Terrorists.
Oh that's rich, you want us to just suicide ourselves! might as well go pet a 15' crocodile!

You're the frustrating one,tellin' me I'm brain washed,yet the only thing you've told us about your non-existing belief is ,''ALL HAIL ENKI''
No one's killed anybody (yet) in the name of "Enki".

And ''WE'' are not the one's wakin' you up,you just found something to finally drop your load of hate and bullshit on!!And you blindly believe everything,YES,YOU ARE ****IN' FED!!
Now this is what frustrates me most, the amount of useless and meaningless words that say nothing!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
1) There are no gangs of Christian murderer's.
2) There are no gangs of anyone committing terrorist acts with websites dedicating the carnage to Jesus.
3) There are no organizations of any kind that claim to be Christian that exonerate, contribute or condone acts of violence.
4) There are no teachings of Jesus to kill, mame or destroy... NONE!
There are more, but common sense should actually tell you why... Oh yeah, your muslim, you sacrificed common sense when you joined that infernal "religion"!

1. The KKK, Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations, and any other Christian Identity groups.
2. See 1.
3. See 1.
4. There are plenty of biblical passages that could EASILY be interpreted into teachings of violence and the like.
Crazywumbat said:
1. The KKK, Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations, and any other Christian Identity groups.
2. See 1.
3. See 1.
4. There are plenty of biblical passages that could EASILY be interpreted into teachings of violence and the like.

You say "The" KKK like there is only one when in fact there are thousands of independant Klans... some good, some bad, some just plain weird, some claim to be Christian others claim no religious affiliation at all... it's impossible to use "The Klan" as a basis for any argument.

The Church of Jesus Christ-Christian is part of the Aryan Nations. check out their website... notice at the top they have something written in arabic. and I quote this little tid-bit of islamic filth that is part of the aryan nations...

"...The Tabernacles of the Phinehas Priesthood will remain the Biblically based foundation of the Aryan Nations, however, membership of the Aryan Nations will continue to welcome Islamists and adherents to other moral religions into our ranks. There is nothing new being done within the Aryan Nations, all of our brothers and sisters were always welcome to join our ranks, and as it was in the past, the Biblical views of the Aryan Nations conception will remain the basis of our structure. There is one differentiation that the Islamic Believer must accept that is not necessarily Islamic, and this is our modus operandi regarding Jihad. Islamic Jihad is the cleansing of Islamic controlled lands, once the land is decontaminated; the Jihad is over, on the other hand, our Jihad is more specific, and it is strictly and primarily for the extermination of the satanic
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Is that a POLL I smell ??

First person with 10 votes gets put in for a week.
To keep the voting fair, voters names are shown.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
You say "The" KKK like there is only one when in fact there are thousands of independant Klans... some good, some bad, some just plain weird, some claim to be Christian others claim no religious affiliation at all... it's impossible to use "The Klan" as a basis for any argument

See this is what I don't get,You say,''Some claim to be christian'',you can't use this one coz I've tried to say,''The terrorists claim to be muslim'',but you still say they are muslim.So since this''some'' claim to be christian and do bad things,then all christians are violent ****ers right?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
You say "The" KKK like there is only one when in fact there are thousands of independant Klans... some good, some bad, some just plain weird, some claim to be Christian others claim no religious affiliation at all... it's impossible to use "The Klan" as a basis for any argument.

The Church of Jesus Christ-Christian is part of the Aryan Nations. check out their website... notice at the top they have something written in arabic. and I quote this little tid-bit of islamic filth that is part of the aryan nations...

"...The Tabernacles of the Phinehas Priesthood will remain the Biblically based foundation of the Aryan Nations, however, membership of the Aryan Nations will continue to welcome Islamists and adherents to other moral religions into our ranks. There is nothing new being done within the Aryan Nations, all of our brothers and sisters were always welcome to join our ranks, and as it was in the past, the Biblical views of the Aryan Nations conception will remain the basis of our structure. There is one differentiation that the Islamic Believer must accept that is not necessarily Islamic, and this is our modus operandi regarding Jihad. Islamic Jihad is the cleansing of Islamic controlled lands, once the land is decontaminated; the Jihad is over, on the other hand, our Jihad is more specific, and it is strictly and primarily for the extermination of the satanic
Crazywumbat said:
Uhhh you yourself put it in bold you stupid ****.
Absolutely... to show you just how non-Christian these people are (they are non-islamic as well... they are just anti jew) DUHHHHH!!!!

How very Christian of them, why stop with the lands they control? They have the whole world in mind, wipe them off the face of the earth instead of the face of the middle-east.
How very Muslim of them, why stop with the lands they control? They have the whole world in mind, wipe them off the face of the earth instead of the face of the middle-east.

Hey Stupidwumbat, anybody can make a stupid blanket statement....

Secondly, this is the words of a Christian group,
Did you read the bold print? It says theye are on a "Jihad", they welcome Islamists... They are by their own admission non-Christian.

it has absolutely NOTHING to do with Islam, other than saying they welcome Muslims into their ranks.
And jihad on jews.

You CONSTANTLY ignore the evils in your own religion and focus on Islam, even tying it into things it has no cause in being in.

The Aryan nations are so non-Christian it's not even funny... refer to the same quote you just slapped up here. Your assumption that Arayan Nations is main-stream Christian is so far fetched, if any reader is stupid enough to believe that then God help them!

Loving group of Christians, no?
Absolutely not!

From the KKK homepage:
... Which KKK home page? there are thousands.... What ever they do, or say, doesn't mean a thing... They are not Mainstream Christianity. I know MANY hispanic Christians who have nothing to do with the KKK.... They do not give to the KKK, Aryan Nations, or any other white supreamicist group, are they any less Christian?

AIG on the other hand claims that Al-Queda is the same thing for islam. Several HUGE differences.

1) Al-Queda is well funded by islamic mosques and groups all over the world. The Aryan Nations is not.

2) Al-Queda does not specifically target any group of there own religion. The Aryan Nations will target any non-white Christian. If they target Christians as part of their hate, how can they be Christian? It makes no sense at all.

3) Al-Queda has millions of members, The Aryan Nations has a few thousand.

Common sense should also prevail here. The Aryan Nations is simply non-Christian. The KKK (Though there is no such single entity is and has been for the past 30 years) a benign and non-violent group. They were at one time very violent, attacking Christian Blacks, Christian Hispanics, Catholics were on there list of Hate as well... If Islam would follow in the same steps as the them (becoming more peaceful) I would have no problem with themn either.

Not to mention, there is enough Christian Identity hategroups ALONE to keep you busy into the next Millenia without looking at other types of Christian hate groups.
There are? You have failed to mention any. Since the KKK is not a single entity it doesn't count. The Aryan Nations are non-Christian. So where are all of the Christian hate groups? They don't exist and I will tell you why... One the foremost tenets of Christianity is to "love thy neighbor" Jesus' teachings were all about love, forgiveness, tolerence and peace....

Again, you will never find one teaching of Christ were Jesus commands his followers to hate, despise, kill, or wage war on any person or bodies of people.
Absolutely... to show you just how non-Christian these people are (they are non-islamic as well... they are just anti jew) DUHHHHH!!!!

You ****in' hypocrite!So by their actions,they are automatically not christians?Even though they ''claim'' to be.So when we say that Islam does not condone violence,and these terrorists(al-qaeda) are not muslim due to their actions,you're quick to say Islam teaches them to do these crimes.Why are you such a damn hypocrite?You can't tell us not to generalize christians coz of this group,when you generalize muslims coz of the actions carried out by Al-Qaeda!

How very Muslim of them, why stop with the lands they control? They have the whole world in mind, wipe them off the face of the earth instead of the face of the middle-east.

WOW,can you people believe this dickhead?!!Why are you bringing muslims in this argument.We are speakin' of a christian group.Well done for tryin' to shove the blame on muslims even though these actions are carried out by christians.

Hey Stupidwumbat, anybody can make a stupid blanket statement....

Round of applause,You did just that!

Did you read the bold print? It says theye are on a "Jihad", they welcome Islamists... They are by their own admission non-Christian.

And jihad on jews.

What admission?They said they are christians.God!you're dumb.They probably used the word Jihad coz they also think the meaning is holy war.So they,as christians,are waging a holy war on the jews.I don't see a sentence where they welcome ''Islamists''.

The Aryan nations are so non-Christian it's not even funny...

They say they are christian,what else should we believe?

AIG on the other hand claims that Al-Queda is the same thing for islam. Several HUGE differences.

1) Al-Queda is well funded by islamic mosques and groups all over the world. The Aryan Nations is not.

Please give me a list of these mosques.You ****in' liar.You ain't a christian,coz you're a lying,hating mother****er!!

2) Al-Queda does not specifically target any group of there own religion. The Aryan Nations will target any non-white Christian. If they target Christians as part of their hate, how can they be Christian? It makes no sense at all.

OH my God! I'll give you an example:Al-Qaeda bombed the London trains,which carry over 3,000,000 passengers each day.And muslims were killed too.So this is the most stupid reason you've given yet.The Aryan Nations are christians,that's enough for me to know.MRIH,you can't call someone non-christian at the drop of the hat,when you,yourself act non-christian!!

3) Al-Queda has millions of members, The Aryan Nations has a few thousand.

What difference does a figure make?And i'd like to know where you got the al-qaeda figure from.And if they had millions of members,then why are they in hiding?They can easily kill more people than they have.Stop bullshitting MRIH.
Come up with something that has more substance.Coz this,''christians don't do this but muslims do'' theory is gettin' ****in' boringgggg!!

Again, you will never find one teaching of Christ were Jesus commands his followers to hate, despise, kill, or wage war on any person or bodies of people.

Honey,the commands and words of Jesus are not in any of your bibles.So,yeah I guess it would be hard to find anything productive!!

Come on,you worship him as God,yet there is nowhere that it says Jesus said,''I'm God,worship me''.All you gave me is the ''IAM'' bullshit.God is not the same as IAM!!

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