Gay Teens Hanged in Iran ?

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Such a shame...a good John Lennon moment lost between the posts of bitterness and anger.

Personally...I think these two really dig each other! :D
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
again, we find ourselves in agreement, however islam is a huge exception... "convert or die" is not a peaceful religion.

MRIH,this allegation is getting boring.No-one can force anyone to believe.
Where do you get this from? The people in the past accepted Islam coz they saw truth in it.Faith comes from within.What you believe inside is the only thing that matters.So I don't think anyone can force you.

I've already posted this link somewhere.These are christians,atheists and hindus that converted into Islam,and they were not forced.There were non-muslims listening in the audience and one of them gets on the stage and says the Shahada(there is no other God except Allah and Muhammed is His messanger).No-one forced him to get up.So I suggest you watch the videos of the converts and you'll see they are happy and comfortable with Islam.
Spleefman said:
Such a shame...a good John Lennon moment lost between the posts of bitterness and anger.

Personally...I think these two really dig each other! :D

Hey I'm all up for peace,but it's your fellow ''christian'' here that can't seem to stop sputing hate and lies.
And I don't dig him.I hate liars and haters.
You've changed,so I dig you. :D

ps: Come on people,Crazy Wumbat doesn't deserve the Idiot box.Sorry CW,I guess this is what you get for not hating muslims with all your heart.
Let's be clear AIG...I still do not "trust" the practitioners of Islam in whole. I will however not pass out judgements of all who practice Islam. I realize that not all of Islamic followers support terrorism.

Then again I do not trust Baptists either!

I just have changed the way I used to condemn ALL of Islamic followers.

I can understand MRIH's anger and disgust, because I feel that way everytime I hear of suicide bombers blowing up innocent life. Whether it be Americans, Iraqi's, Jews....whatever.

I still have my battles with this. I do however hold any judgement to a whole group of people, due in fact that I am not supposed to do that as a christian, and I don't want that done to me, Not all Christians are dumb in-bred hillbillies that watch Robert Tilton, or ......not all christians are rich Republican, judgemental ****s who think their religion is better than everybody else's.
Damn,you're so lucky,coz I'm not going to insult your religion blindly.
Lucky! I oughta hit the track today! What a conceited moron you are, to think I'm lucky you aren't gonna spew your pig-**** all over your keyboard! Go make yourself useful and suck a dick!

And you keep saying Jesus teaches us to be good and love,well ****in' listen to him and act like a christian.Coz i've never met a ''christian'' like you.
Just exactly what is it your tiny little brain thinks I should do?

You throw out the reasons behind this and all the good parts.
GET IT THREW YOUR THICK SKULL!!!!! If you pig-**** worshippers would ignore the bad parts the rest of us would too!

Listen carefully,If I had lived at that time and those ****ers exiled me from my home and tortured me,I would ****in' get out a machete and kill them.They deserved to die coz they killed.But you seem to close your ears to this.
Of course you would! You're muslim and have been trained to hate and kill... no surprise here!

BTW... who are you to decide who should live and who should die? I thought only God had that right? Of course for the islamist, Allah is too weak, scared or lazy to do his own ethnic cleansing, so ya'll have to do it for him.

No asshole it says when you meet the dis-believers in battle.
No asshole, it says behead them.

Why you makin' an issue of this.
Because I don't want to be beheaded, and I damn sure don't want to convert!

The past was full of religious wars.
So is the present if you count islam!

You still haven't explained your christian brothers raising the crusades and breaking the peace.Was that acceptable?
I don't hjave to, the moors invaded the iberian peninsula in 900AD a full 200 years before the first crusade... The first crusade was called to defend the Christian Byzantines from muslim invaders... Peace was never broken because since islam was **** onto this planet, it has not seen one moment of peace!

Stop putting words in my mouth,you lying piece of ****!!
Did you not say that islam is peaceful... that's all I said you said... I'd rather you tell thge truth anyway, STOP BEING STUPID... or you'll go back to the idiot box along with your buddy Stupidamoeba!

The Qu'ran says that kill only in retaliation to murder.Unlike the bible,the Qu'ran does not contradict itself.The rule is,an eye for an eye.So I don't think this means kill innocent people on their way to work!!!

That is one reason, others are:
Kill the apostates.
Kill the unbelievers.
there are probably more, like kill the homosexuals; kill the adulterers; etc, etc. I don't really care.

Ir regard to the following: "Now I'm no expert on Christianity, but "Pastor" is a Christin title, is it not?" I felt the need to explain some things.

1.) Anybody with a positive bank balance and an address can send away for a certificate declaring them a "Pastor" or "Minister" or whatever.

The fact that a group known for racial hate has a slew of members calling themselves pastors does not mean that much. I could send a picture of my dog to these places, and as long as I remember to enclose a check, a package will come in the mail giving my dog the right to call himself "Pastor" Butch.

Lets not get hung up on titles :)


Ir regard to the following: "Now I'm no expert on Christianity, but "Pastor" is a Christin title, is it not?" I felt the need to explain some things.

1.) Anybody with a positive bank balance and an address can send away for a certificate declaring them a "Pastor" or "Minister" or whatever.

The fact that a group known for racial hate has a slew of members calling themselves pastors does not mean that much. I could send a picture of my dog to these places, and as long as I remember to enclose a check, a package will come in the mail giving my dog the right to call himself "Pastor" Butch.

Lets not get hung up on titles :)

This is why Stupidamoeba deserves the idiot box!

Ir regard to the following: "Now I'm no expert on Christianity, but "Pastor" is a Christin title, is it not?" I felt the need to explain some things.

1.) Anybody with a positive bank balance and an address can send away for a certificate declaring them a "Pastor" or "Minister" or whatever.

The fact that a group known for racial hate has a slew of members calling themselves pastors does not mean that much. I could send a picture of my dog to these places, and as long as I remember to enclose a check, a package will come in the mail giving my dog the right to call himself "Pastor" Butch.

Lets not get hung up on titles :)


That doesn't matter. What does matter is that these people CLAIM they are Christian, they BELIEVE they are Christian, and whether you would like to admit it or not they ARE christian. They are a Christian hate group, plain and ****ing simple, and nothing you, or anyone else, can say will change that FACT.

This is why Stupidamoeba deserves the idiot box!

Ok, if I'm such an idiot, how about responding to my last post instead of resorting to name-calling? With someone of your superior intellect, it obviously won't be hard to disprove what I said, so why havn''t you attempted to yet? Did what I say make too much sense to you?
Lucky! I oughta hit the track today! What a conceited moron you are, to think I'm lucky you aren't gonna spew your pig-**** all over your keyboard! Go make yourself useful and suck a dick!

Yeah only you are allowed to spew your **** on your keyboard.I won't insult christianity because some no good ''christian'' like yourself is advising people to join his hate campaign.
I'll just sit back and not generalize,you're the expert on that.I do have a new respect for Spleef,so I'll respect his religion not yours(whatever it is you follow and learn from).

Just exactly what is it your tiny little brain thinks I should do?

Try to tone down your hatred.It would make a huge difference to your rubbish character!!

GET IT THREW YOUR THICK SKULL!!!!! If you pig-**** worshippers would ignore the bad parts the rest of us would too!

Honey,there are no bad parts! Only the ones you've made up!

Of course you would! You're muslim and have been trained to hate and kill... no surprise here!

Yes MRIH sigh ,I'm trained to kill. :rolleyes: I'm sorry people,I give up with this lost cause!

BTW... who are you to decide who should live and who should die? I thought only God had that right? Of course for the islamist, Allah is too weak, scared or lazy to do his own ethnic cleansing, so ya'll have to do it for him.

Yes,Allah has decided murderers should be murdered.It's called justice asshole!!Are you trying to feed us the bullshit that if you were tortured you would''turn the other cheek''?

No asshole, it says behead them.

No asshole,read the first line,it says when you meet the disbelievers in battle...I can go on with this forever asshole...people can see what the quote says,so stop being a dick!

Because I don't want to be beheaded, and I damn sure don't want to convert!

MRIH!LOOK OUT! A MACHETE IS HEADING RIGHT FOR YOUR NECK.Too late your head's rolling on the floor :rolleyes: what a paranoid bitch!

don't hjave to, the moors invaded the iberian peninsula in 900AD a full 200 years before the first crusade... The first crusade was called to defend the Christian Byzantines from muslim invaders... Peace was never broken because since islam was **** onto this planet, it has not seen one moment of peace!

No liar!! there was peace amongst the 3 religions(Islam,Christianity,Judaism),then your fellow christians raised the crusades!!!

Did you not say that islam is peaceful... that's all I said you said... I'd rather you tell thge truth anyway, STOP BEING STUPID... or you'll go back to the idiot box along with your buddy Stupidamoeba!

Truth! MRIH,truth doesn't come into your vocabulary!! I hope people are smart enough to get knowledge for themselves and not listen to a deluded hater who ''says'' he is a christian!!!

That is one reason, others are:
Kill the apostates.
Kill the unbelievers.
there are probably more, like kill the homosexuals; kill the adulterers; etc, etc. I don't really care.

That's your problem,you follow probability not fact. And we've already quoted what the bible advices on how to deal with adultresses.You know,the grewsome,''rip out their wombs'',Oh here I go again,GIVE ME THE BUCKET!!
I don't hjave to, the moors invaded the iberian peninsula in 900AD a full 200 years before the first crusade... The first crusade was called to defend the Christian Byzantines from muslim invaders... Peace was never broken because since islam was **** onto this planet, it has not seen one moment of peace!

No liar!! there was peace amongst the 3 religions(Islam,Christianity,Judaism),then your fellow christians raised the crusades!!!

AIG needs to go back into the idiot box PERMENANTLY !!!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
AIG needs to go back into the idiot box PERMENANTLY !!!

Later Crusades
The first Crusaders crossed into Anatolia in 1097 and reached Jerusalem by the summer of 1099. The fighting was fierce, but the unsuspecting Muslims were no match for the bloodthirsty Crusaders, who killed not only fighting men, but also women and children. The victorious Crusaders established four colonies along the eastern Mediterranean including one in Jerusalem.

A second Crusade was launched when the Muslims recaptured one of the Christian colonies. This time the Muslims were prepared and defeated the Crusaders.

Saladin and the Muslim Recapture of Jerusalem

The Christians had recaptured the Holy Lands by the end of the second Crusade, but a Muslim general named Saladin launched a jihad that managed to recapture Jerusalem. Jihad is an Arabic word that means "struggle." Saladin was neither an Arab nor a Turk. He was Kurdish. The Kurds live between the Turks and Arabs in the mountainous lands of northern Iraq and eastern Turkey.

Saladin recaptured Jerusalem in 1187, prompting the Christians to launch a Third Crusade led by King Richard
What peace?

The first crusade...

The rise of the Seljukian Turks, however, compromised the safety of pilgrims and even threatened the independence of the Byzantine Empire and of all Christendom. In 1070 Jerusalem was taken, and in 1091 Diogenes, the Greek emperor, was defeated and made captive at Mantzikert. Asia Minor and all of Syria became the prey of the Turks. Antioch succumbed in 1084, and by 1092 not one of the great metropolitan sees of Asia remained in the possession of the Christians. Although separated from the communion of Rome since the schism of Michael C
Crazywumbat said:
Islamic terrorists go against the teachings of Islam as much as groups like the Aryan nation go against the teachings of Christianity. I have no problem with people following Islam or Christianity, but I do have problems with people using their religion to justify violence and murder. Whether you want to admit it or not, people in the Christian Identity hate groups BELIEVE they are Christian. They spread their hateful message IN THE NAME OF THE CHRISTIAN GOD. You claim that Islam is a religion of violence, yet a Muslim can say the same of Christianity with just as much proof, just as much conviction, and can be just as right or wrong depending on your viewpoint.

Actions, actions, actions. Through history, from its founding to modern day, Christianity has commited violent ACTIONS, preached violence, and spread hateful messages. If it looks violent, sounds violent, and acts violent, then it is violent, atleast according to you.

Hate and Christianity mix just as well as hate and any other religion. The crusades, the inquisitions, and hate groups like the Aryan Nation have proved this.

Which is what I've been saying all along about Islam, but you seem to think that only your religion should benefit from the positive aspects of things, while every other religion is subject to the negative. You take Islamic texts out of context, and twist them to mean something violent. I can do the same to Christian texts.

Worse, there are terrorist attacks by these Christian hate groups on THEIR OWN SOIL, against Gays, Jews, Wiccans, and anyone else who doesn't adhere exactly to their beliefs. Ask around, I can garuntee there isn't a single Homosexual out there who hasn't been harrassed, or beaten up, or even threatened by assholes like the Aryan nation. The same goes for Jews, Wiccans, Muslims, and any other minority you can think of.

I've had enough of your "Violence goes against Christian doctrine, but is commited in fulfillment of Islamic doctrine." Violence goes against, and towards Islamic teachings just as much as Christian teachings. Just because you say it doesn't, and maybe even convince yourself to believe it doesn't, doesn't mean it isn't true.

Still waiting for your reply MRIH, anytime now...anytime now...
The Turks and the First Crusade

The modern nation of Turkey is named for its Turkish inhabitants, but the Turks were not originally from Turkey. The Turks were nomadic people from Central Asia. Many Turks remain in that area, in fact, there is a nation in Central Asia known as Turkmenistan (
WOW! I don't claim to know alot about all religions. I was brought up Catholic. All I have to say to all this is that you do not see people in developped countries blowing themselves up! There is always an international link! They came from there, they visited here, they studied there etc., etc., etc.. The idiots blowing themselves and others up are un-educated, brain-washed, pieces of **** that do not belong in the human race. It seems the only way to stop the escalation of terrorism is to stop immigration from countries where it is accepted.

Yes ACCEPTED - you claim to denounce it. But your leaders do not wholeheartedly. Your religion obviously is too studied, too prayed, too analyzed that it leads to TOO much misinterpretation. Face it! This crazy worshipping is the problem. These words were written so many years ago - a different time and place. They do not all pertain to today. You MUST stop all this praying, memorizing the Qu'ran! It is primative. Only the intelligent should read it and preach the good from it that can relate to today's world. WAKE UP!

Stop ALL contact with these countries. The cells that are already in hiding would eventually loose contact and smarten up (no contact - no brainwash) or they would eventually die! At least future generations would not have to deal with the assholes.

Yes - it deprives so many the right to migrate and communicate with their families - but that would be the price of coming to a 'civilized' country! You don't agree - stay home! Go home! Stay home and denounce the stupidity. Perhaps if many suffer at the hands of "a few" as many say, then the pressure would be on to stiffle those "few". If you can't control you're own people - how the hell is anyone else suppose to?

It would take many, many, many, years to open up immigration from these countries again. But that would be the incentive for "all you good folk" to fight your people who are ruining your life. It's your beliefs, its the terrible misinterpretation that these beliefs allow that are causing terrorism. Why the hell should we have to deal with it?

It's not your fault you were born into such a religion - but your God has put you in this situation - or maybe I'm wrong - maybe it is your leaders that are pushing it all - just to damn hard!
It's getting worse and worse - ENOUGH.
But if you must have a reply...

Islamic terrorists go against the teachings of Islam as much as groups like the Aryan nation go against the teachings of Christianity.
No they are fullfilling the command to "strike their necks" and "wage war agains the unbelievers"

I have no problem
Oh yes you do!

Whether you want to admit it or not, people in the Christian Identity hate groups BELIEVE they are Christian.
They are not Christian.

They spread their hateful message IN THE NAME OF THE CHRISTIAN GOD.
No they do not.

You claim that Islam is a religion of violence, yet a Muslim can say the same of Christianity with just as much proof, just as much conviction, and can be just as right or wrong depending on your viewpoint.
Sure, idiots like AIG do, but muslims that know better like MJ, Cheetah of islam, and the others that you discounted. have admitted the violent nature of islam.

Actions, actions, actions. Through history, from its founding to modern day, Christianity has commited violent ACTIONS
From it's founding????? You mean Jesus preached violence? Paul, John, Peter.... What are you smoking, Stupidamoeba? (I hope you enjoy the idiot box!)

preached violence, and spread hateful messages. If it looks violent, sounds violent, and acts violent, then it is violent, atleast according to you.
That is true!

Hate and Christianity mix just as well as hate and any other religion.
No they do not. Hate does not mix with any religion except islam... Hate is at the core of islam.

The crusades, the inquisitions, and hate groups like the Aryan Nation have proved this.
The first two crusades were started by the muslims... the inquisitions aren't very Christian by anyone's account (and didn't last very long) and the Aryan Nations are not Christian at all.

Which is what I've been saying all along about Islam
Yeah, and you say a lot of stupid ****, which is why you are going to the idiot box for a while.

but you seem to think that only your religion should benefit from the positive aspects of things,
No, every religion EXCEPT islam is peaceful... (please stupidamoeba, don't get demoted back to stupidbladeofgrass status)

while every other religion is subject to the negative. You take Islamic texts out of context, and twist them to mean something violent. I can do the same to Christian texts.
It may be able to be done, but you are too stupid to do it!

Worse, there are terrorist attacks by these Christian hate groups on THEIR OWN SOIL, against Gays, Jews, Wiccans, and anyone else who doesn't adhere exactly to their beliefs.
I'm tired of your stupid one-dimensional arguments... same answer read above.

Ask around, I can garuntee there isn't a single Homosexual out there who hasn't been harrassed, or beaten up, or even threatened by assholes like the Aryan nation. The same goes for Jews, Wiccans, Muslims, and any other minority you can think of.
bully for them... they were harrassed by non-Christians... so what?

I've had enough of your "Violence goes against Christian doctrine, but is commited in fulfillment of Islamic doctrine."
Just be tired, I don't care! if the truth bores you, then go live in an exciting fantasy land. It makes little difference to me!

Violence goes against, and towards Islamic teachings just as much as Christian teachings. Just because you say it doesn't, and maybe even convince yourself to believe it doesn't, doesn't mean it isn't true.
Truth!!!! You can't handle the truth!!!! (Jack Nicholson)
Just a quick reminder to anyone who hasn't voted yet. Please get your votes in soon. The first one to reach a 10 member vote, gets tossed in the idiot box for a week.

Remember, all regular members can ask at any time to toss someone in the idiot box, from there we will have a vote. The member requesting the vote will be the only other option, this is why we are now seeing a MRIH .vs Crazywumbat Poll.

First one to get 10 votes, gets the idiot box for a week.
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