GAZA WITHDRAWAL-your thoughts

RegisteredAndEducated said:
Fill those biotches up with something flamable and light em up. Let's make glass out of the whole middle east. That would be another landmark that you can see from space. Turn the whole desert into a big beautiful plate. :rolleyes:

That is exactly the attitude that got you into the mess you're in now.

You like having your planes hijacked and flown into your tall buildings? You like worrying about your offspring when they are OS? You like that most of the developed world hates your guts and wants to infiltrate your culture and destroy it? Keep it up, dude. You're not educated. You might be registered, as a psychotic lude addict, who needs a rubber room to play in.

"Let's make glass out of the whole middle east"? Nice sentiments, dudess. What happens then? They make glass outta the whole american west coast, that's what. If you had half a brain, I would be surprised.
RegisteredAndEducated said:
Fill those biotches up with something flamable and light em up. Let's make glass out of the whole middle east. That would be another landmark that you can see from space. Turn the whole desert into a big beautiful plate. :rolleyes:

This is hilarious.You gave me bad rep and called me a dumb ****?
I'd give you bad rep for this,but even that is too good for insensitive **** holes like you.
Tell me why did this post offend you so much:
''Forget mexican,australian is looking quite delectable at the moment''. :D
Spleefman said:
It's called humor....... :)

You can't just say this whole site is just humour.People say what they really think at times.I won't be suprised if that idiot really hopes and prays that the whole of middle east is blown up.Don't try and sugarcoat it spleef... there is a conciderable amount of truth on this site.
tizz said:
Ya sure real posotive, all the while the wall of jeruslem is going up faster and faster. Can anyone say DISTRACTION?

And what exactly is wrong with putting up that wall?
UUMMM It is against laws agreed upon when it was allowed to become a state and when teh US decided to go in with Israel. But then this crap has never mattered before and the US will do nothing to comabt the BS that comes out of Israel
It's all they know guys. For who knows how long, the only thing they know is FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT and there ain't a damn thing we can do about it except eradicate them all. Eventually they will eliminate themselves especially with the **** we have these days.
Builder- Goosefraba! Goosefraba! Calm down.... I dont think he was serious, and if he was, so what? Its just an opinion. No need boiling your blood over it.

I like Komrades idea mixed with Phreaks.

I dont see this whole "pull out" going very peacefully. I personally dont really care whos standing at the top of the hill when everything is said and done. As long as they dont **** with my soil. So much hate in the world today. I think if the damn woman in the middle east would just show some T & A these terrorists would calm down and realize there are important thing other than religion. Just my theory.
I think it was long overdue.It's a positive step but I doubt the palastinian authorities will be given authority over it.
Israeli armed forces surround gaza,this would make life hard for the palatinians even though they move into the area.
The settlers piss me off.What right do they have to fight when it has never been their land.

...The land belongs to the conquerer....thats the way it always has been with that piece of real estate..God gives it to whom he pleases.

The old testament is full of these examples...when Israel rebels...God teaches them a lesson...If they don't listen to the prophets,then another nation is stirred to subdue them or disperse them.This time the diaspora has come back home.

And they are going to be punished for bending in to the will of the philistines I mean palestinians.
Mr X said:
...The land belongs to the conquerer....thats the way it always has been with that piece of real estate..God gives it to whom he pleases.

The old testament is full of these examples...when Israel rebels...God teaches them a lesson...If they don't listen to the prophets,then another nation is stirred to subdue them or disperse them.This time the diaspora has come back home.

And they are going to be punished for bending in to the will of the philistines I mean palestinians.

Exactly. On a related note, there was and never has been a country called "Palestine". They were refugees from other countries, most notably, Jordan and Syria.
It reminds me of drawing a line in the sand saying don't cross here. And when they cross it they draw another line.
Can't back up forever.
I think it was long overdue.It's a positive step but I doubt the palastinian authorities will be given authority over it.
Israeli armed forces surround gaza,this would make life hard for the palatinians even though they move into the area.
The settlers piss me off.What right do they have to fight when it has never been their land.

Actually, it was never the Palestinian's land. Isreal took it from Egypt in 1967. There were no palestinians then.

The Palestinians should be mad at Egypt, not Isreal.
Kryptonite Man said:
Exactly. On a related note, there was and never has been a country called "Palestine". They were refugees from other countries, most notably, Jordan and Syria.

I never liked the idea of pulling out of Gaza beacuse it may been seen by terrorists as an example of how terrorism actually works.
builder said:
That is exactly the attitude that got you into the mess you're in now.

You like having your planes hijacked and flown into your tall buildings? You like worrying about your offspring when they are OS? You like that most of the developed world hates your guts and wants to infiltrate your culture and destroy it? Keep it up, dude. You're not educated. You might be registered, as a psychotic lude addict, who needs a rubber room to play in.

"Let's make glass out of the whole middle east"? Nice sentiments, dudess. What happens then? They make glass outta the whole american west coast, that's what. If you had half a brain, I would be surprised.

I would like it if you would shut the **** up, builder, you terrorist-loving ****sucker.

God forbid it shows the world how keeping a promise might actually be a step towards peace! Did you ever think that people might just be sick of thefighting and finally be willing to compromise or keep a promise made for the sake of being able to get on a bus without fear?
LOL! That's absolutely true.There is a hidden agenda.Maybe yours is correct,they are trying to make themselves look good to appease the rest of the world and distract them from their ''activities''.

Did either of you ever stop to consider the fact that they wouldn't need a wall if the Palestinian authority would grow some balls and go arrest the miltants in thier country?

The Israelies aren't bulding that wall because they WANT TO BUILD IT, but rather because THEY HAVE TO BUILD IT to keep Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the various other terrorist out of Israelie territory.

Also... the palistinians are not willing to share spaces at the religious landmarks around Jerusalem. As a result, the Israelies have to build walls to keep the arabs out. If they do not, they will get attacked just because they are there.

I realize Paleistine doesn't like the wall and I feel bad for them, but they are going to have to live with it. Until the Palistinain Authority goes out and hunts down the militants the wall is a necessary tool of safety.

Actually, it was never the Palestinian's land. Isreal took it from Egypt in 1967. There were no palestinians then.

The Palestinians should be mad at Egypt, not Isreal.
Actually in 1947 the UN identified Israel and Palestine as nations under a UN resolution. Israel is a UN Indian reservation and when the UN set it up they should have managed it.

The problem is Europe has backed the Palestinian's because like we have Mexican's they have Arabs... Right AIG? These European toliet cleaners can decide elections so Europe normally roots for the Palestinain's.

The UN is a worthless piece of **** so it is up to America to sort the mess out. I think Europe will defeat any good will America and Israel comes up with and therefore the withdraw was a waste of time since the Arabs will view it as a victory and want the rest of Israel...
Crispy Critter said:
Actually in 1947 the UN identified Israel and Palestine as nations under a UN resolution. Israel is a UN Indian reservation and when the UN set it up they should have managed it.

The problem is Europe has backed the Palestinian's because like we have Mexican's they have Arabs... Right AIG? These European toliet cleaners can decide elections so Europe normally roots for the Palestinain's.

The UN is a worthless piece of **** so it is up to America to sort the mess out. I think Europe will defeat any good will America and Israel comes up with and therefore the withdraw was a waste of time since the Arabs will view it as a victory and want the rest of Israel...

That may be true, but the Israelies did not occupy that land until the end of the 1967 war with Egypt (which Egypt started).

The Palestinians came along after that and started claiming everything was theirs.

I think it was long overdue.It's a positive step but I doubt the palastinian authorities will be given authority over it.
Israeli armed forces surround gaza,this would make life hard for the palatinians even though they move into the area.
The settlers piss me off.What right do they have to fight when it has never been their land.

Israel has Jerusalem...a holy place with a Hebrew/jewish name, Bethlehem and Gallilee..and so on, ancient jewish names..and not to mention the various places like masada.Proof that they were there way back when.They were conquerers as sanctioned by Jehovah.

Right now Israel is Gods flavour of the century(s)

I know the Muslims study both the old testament and new testament...but discredit them....but without these books...the Qu'ran would have no basis and fall flat on its face.

I personally think Mohammed try to rewrite history as well out of revenge of what happened to Hagar and Ismael and try to champion Arabs into the when you're running to zam zam on haj think about that.