GAZA WITHDRAWAL-your thoughts

Crispy Critter said:
Actually in 1947 the UN identified Israel and Palestine as nations under a UN resolution. Israel is a UN Indian reservation and when the UN set it up they should have managed it.

The problem is Europe has backed the Palestinian's because like we have Mexican's they have Arabs... Right AIG? These European toliet cleaners can decide elections so Europe normally roots for the Palestinain's.

The UN is a worthless piece of **** so it is up to America to sort the mess out. I think Europe will defeat any good will America and Israel comes up with and therefore the withdraw was a waste of time since the Arabs will view it as a victory and want the rest of Israel...

Yes this is my contention also. It was a waste, but I think Israel had to make the first move to prove that it won't work. This will not bring peace. Only more suicide bombings. And with the short memory the world has, giving up the land will not help one bit.
This is a victory to the terrorists. This shows that blowing up innocent people can get you land.

I hope the world doesn't forget this when the next bombing accrues. Then the pacifists wake up and we let Israel go and kick some ass!
I know the Muslims study both the old testament and new testament...but discredit them....but without these books...the Qu'ran would have no basis and fall flat on its face.

No actually.We wouldn't have discredited them if they were not changed by men or have so many contradictions.
The Qu'ran is the last testament from God.The Torah and Gospel were also from God,therefore I believe God would be able to tell the difference between His words and those of men.
I think people envy the Qu'ran cos it has absolutely no flaws and it doesn't contradict itself.So they just make up lies against it.MRIH being the greenest person I know of.

I personally think Mohammed try to rewrite history as well out of revenge of what happened to Hagar and Ismael and try to champion Arabs into the when you're running to zam zam on haj think about that.

This must be the dumbest thing I've ever heard anyone say about the Prophet(pbuh).
WHAT???? I'm abit confused,what revenge do you speak of? And who is the Prophet taking revenge on? Cos wasn't it God that commanded Abraham(Ibrahim (as) to take his wife and child into the desert.Then Hagar saw a mirage,thinking it was water,she started running between two mountains(safa & marwa).Then God made water gush forth from beneath Ishmael's feet.
That's the story.What the **** is the revenge you speak of? Did the Prophet taking revenge on God? Explain this to me.

Some people just speak without having knowledge.We don't run to Zam Zam,we retrace the steps of Hagar when she ran between the two mountains.It is part of Hajj.
I know the Muslims study both the old testament and new testament...but discredit them....but without these books...the Qu'ran would have no basis and fall flat on its face.

No actually.We wouldn't have discredited them if they were not changed by men or have so many contradictions.
The Qu'ran is the last testament from God.The Torah and Gospel were also from God,therefore I believe God would be able to tell the difference between His words and those of men.
I think people envy the Qu'ran cos it has absolutely no flaws and it doesn't contradict itself.So they just make up lies against it.MRIH being the greenest person I know of.

I personally think Mohammed try to rewrite history as well out of revenge of what happened to Hagar and Ismael and try to champion Arabs into the when you're running to zam zam on haj think about that.

This must be the dumbest thing I've ever heard anyone say about the Prophet(pbuh).
WHAT???? I'm abit confused,what revenge do you speak of? And who is the Prophet taking revenge on? Cos wasn't it God that commanded Abraham(Ibrahim (as) to take his wife and child into the desert.Then Hagar saw a mirage,thinking it was water,she started running between two mountains(safa & marwa).Then God made water gush forth from beneath Ishmael's feet.
That's the story.What the **** is the revenge you speak of? Did the Prophet taking revenge on God? Explain this to me.

Some people just speak without having knowledge.We don't run to Zam Zam,we retrace the steps of Hagar when she ran between the two mountains.It is part of Hajj.

Hahahaha a prophet out of the line of Ismael?...are'nt egyptian arabs?.Sure Hagar was promised kingdoms to her son Ismael...but the bible ends it there.No prophets were mentioned coming from "that line" of Abraham,but Mohammed regurgitates the story and adds honourable mention..I wonder why?

Like to elaborate to folk what the kabaa is about?
The several points I was trying to make is, Ishmael is insignificant in Gods scheme of things...but oh no..mohammed and co..bring him back to life as if Ismael was can see it in the rituals in haj and the supposed altar that was Abraham and Ismael's.

Why is Ishmael so important?

Why is Mecca the first holy place in Islam?

What is mohammeds fixation with the dude?

have fun with that one honey