Girl (monthley) Stuff complaint...


New member
i know its so cute that guys posted haha

my boyfriend is a *** n would just go oooookkkkkkaaaayyyyy then hes mean =(




New member
ur rite.. boys who dont cry, not normal, gees they dont have to mocho all the time :rolleyes: . can i have a brownie? lol


New member
Why ? Guys are allowed to write in here.
personally i think guys who dont talk about this are fake and just acting like it bothers them just cuz "theyre supposed to. "

Just like when they say guys arent sposed to cry. <~~ If you dont and ur a guy i think your not normal..

Anyways i made brownies..

Brownie anyone ?

Walks in with chocolate cake..... Oh **** the only time i cook and i get beaten to it :"(



New member
my sis used to use a hot water bottle for the cramps... not to sure if this works but just thought that you's might be intrested in trying it


New member
Walks in with chocolate cake..... Oh **** the only time i cook and i get beaten to it :"(

We can share, you can have some of mine if i can have some of yours. there can never be too much chocolate when your craving it.

Yes they do !!! You said it man...



New member
We can share, you can have some of mine if i can have some of yours. there can never be too much chocolate when your craving it.

Yes they do !!! You said it man...
haha indeed indeed



New member
We can share, you can have some of mine if i can have some of yours. there can never be too much chocolate when your craving it.
*cuts cake in half* that's your peice cause you were nice enuf to want to try my cake :D



New member
hehe o oki thanks ^^
can i please have some of ur cake enigma?
Give's stupidsoul1 the other half of the cake..... *walks back in to kitchen* be back with an other cake soon



New member
oh wells it worked for my sis thought it might for you's

Your as sweet as your wonderful cake.

Thanks for trying to help. Just remember what works for some might not work for others.

i know some girls who dont even get cramps.

I know some who carry one of those thermacare heat patches to use at work to help ease the ones they get

every woman is different.

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New member
Give's stupidsoul1 the other half of the cake..... *walks back in to kitchen* be back with an other cake soon

awwwww haha thanks now i feel bad =(

*gives u lots of glowstick flavoured pancakes* they glow in the dark :thumbsup:



New member
awwwww haha thanks now i feel bad =(
*gives u lots of glowstick flavoured pancakes* they glow in the dark :thumbsup:
owwww *homer simpson style*

i'll make you a whole one if you want :D

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