Girl (monthley) Stuff complaint...

Solid Snake

New member
ur rite.. boys who dont cry' date=' not normal, gees they dont have to mocho all the time :rolleyes: . can i have a brownie? lol[/quote']
It's not a mocho thing.....We just don't. I had over 200lbs of sheetrock droped on my hand and I didn't shed a tear, my GF who I loved so dearly left me for some ***** and I didn't even think of crying. It's just in our blood o_0 But don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with crying, as long as there'e good reason to! I've just never had a good enough reason to cry...


New member
It's not a mocho thing.....We just don't. I had over 200lbs of sheetrock droped on my hand and I didn't shed a tear' date=' my GF who I loved so dearly left me for some ***** and I didn't even think of crying. It's just in our blood o_0 But don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with crying, as long as there'e good reason to! I've just never had a good enough reason to cry...[/quote']yeah, that's the thing. nothing wrong with it, but for me, when bad things happen, i just don't feel like crying. i feel sad often, or feel bad for someone but crying is simply not my thing. maybe i'd cry if i were female, i don't know. maybe it has something to do with gender, maybe not.

enough about that, roxy, i hope this gets better soon, it will eventually, let's just hope it'll be soon


New member
It's not a mocho thing.....We just don't. I had over 200lbs of sheetrock droped on my hand and I didn't shed a tear' date=' my GF who I loved so dearly left me for some ***** and I didn't even think of crying. It's just in our blood o_0 But don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with crying, as long as there'e good reason to! I've just never had a good enough reason to cry...[/quote']

If you cant you cant, but im pretty sure you can. crying is a human emotion ...

Lik for instance my brother in law was woke up at 2 am an told his uncle died...

he was in the bathroom for a long time crying.. but when he came out he said he wasnt crying.. he supposedly didnt cry at all.. cuz he "couldnt"

Thats ****. And guys who do that are just fake.

Solid Snake

New member
Maybe so...But it's not fair to stereotype men like that! We share common traits, but we are all different, we have our own views and ways of life...

^I just threw that out there for no good reason^_^

You're right! Crying is a human emotion, but we have control over it. It just becomes harder to do over time...

BTW: Roxy, the reason you have it every few months is beacuse of your estrogen level. Right it's low due to your age and maybe even your body weight. So your body doesn't make as many eggs as say a 18 year old girls body would. Eventually it won't be as painful and everything should even out.



New member
i broke down when i found out my sister had cancer... does it make me a *****?.... NO is make me human. people handle situation in different way's, like i broke down crying over my sister. but when i stacked the trailbike i walk almost 15km's with a cracked pelvis and various other borken bone. i didn't cry then. it all depends on the person's level tolorance for pain.


New member
*cough*drifting off topic*cough*

I have a joke relating to this.

Why is PMS called PMS?




















































because mad cow disease was already taken...



New member
*cough*drifting off topic*cough*I have a joke relating to this.

Why is PMS called PMS?

because mad cow disease was already taken...


except, not.

Meanie !!!

*runs off crying to eat chocolate brownies*

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New member
*cough*drifting off topic*cough*I have a joke relating to this.

Why is PMS called PMS?

because mad cow disease was already taken...

i belive you just made yourself the lowest common denomiator


Solid Snake

New member
........................Good for you o_0 I myself like to fall off things.....But.....Whatever cooks your grits....




New member
well it doesn't really cook my grits. but all the only fat and burnt bits are adding flavor to it tho...


New member
i like falling off things hehe

*falls off chair sideways*

ahh..spike u say that now but one day you will get a mad cow of your own so laugh now while you can

haha funny joke ^^

some guys cry at somethings, some cry at others..... i cry at certain things, at my uncle's funeral, when i was dumped by someone i thought was special... a few things, and most of my mates call me "macho". i cry and if anyones got a problem with it thats they're problem, not mine.

and back onto the original topic.... my sister calls me up whenever she's (scuse the term) "on" and ******* at me.... it's annoying but really funny cos i wind her up and she can't do a thing about it (she lives over 500 miles away) yes yes i am evil!

*makes up for evilness by offering maple syrup cheesecake* (my speciality :p )

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