Girl (monthley) Stuff complaint...


New member
lol the same thing happened today. Mtv movie award was coming and I see it every year anyways he told me the volume was too high so I got all bitchy and started arguing :rolleyes:


New member
I had the worst time last week! *cries*

It hurt soo much. I took like 10 advils that

I had the worst mood swings! I was like, **** YOU *****! One second.

The next second im like..all nice.*sigh*



New member
lol I know, I´m the same!

at one sec I´m crying (which I hate ><) and the next I´m lmao o___O

well glad it´s over for you now..... for a month :p



New member
i know!! i hate when i cry for no reason argggg.... bleh >.< and i can't control it!

lol [LP]GotLinkinPark?, a lot of people online think i'm a guy >.<, haha



New member
I had the worst time last week! *cries*It hurt soo much. I took like 10 advils that

I had the worst mood swings! I was like, **** YOU *****! One second.

The next second im like..all nice.*sigh*
bleh that must have sucked..

I just got mine.. and it's gross



New member
yeah im due in a couple weeks i think. i dont really get cramps that often, only every once in a while lol. and i get really bitchy :p so watch out lol. :) :D


New member
**** I think I am about to start like in a week. *tear* I can tell cause of cramps. I only get them when I work out and stuff and I've had extra hard practices lately so I can feel it coming. :(
Well having mine right now ( again, for a change this month ). And this time it sucks BIG time. The weather here isn't working along, ******* hot all day long. So I feel disgusted of myself all day. Then my mood was already ****** but now even more because of some personal stuff going on. So I have this feeling I'm gonna jump of a building to end the missery.


xxxxx Anja



New member
i feel im gonna start in a few days, hope its less hot then, i hate it when its hot then, hope it wont be a bad one lol. ...hoping,... praying, it just forgets me :p


New member
achhhh first day today....

i get soooo emotional. last time, i couldnt find my pants. so then i just collapsed on the floor, and started to cry. then they were in my closet so i started laughing uncontrollably. then i cried again. then had a candy bar and i was happy.



New member
Im on my last day,thank ***!!!But i've only had mine for like a year...I dont get cramps or pms and i only go for 4 or 5 days.I get mood swings every once in a while though.I feel bad for some of you guys.........


New member
lol i want mine to go away by friday T__________T

im lucky i only had cramps once so far

*hands out the candy bars*



New member
I just got mine. bah. this was a horrible week. I didnt seen my therapist for a month. and i missed my boyfriend. i can only see him on the weekends because he works so much and lives pretty far.

Anywho i wish it was over, and hopefully its over when my mom goes out of town boyfriend can see me.

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