Girl (monthley) Stuff complaint...


New member
Aww, that sucks Roxy and twi.*gives you advil*

I finished mine last week.

I think I ate too much Tylenol during that week.lmao



New member
Aw *Hugs girls and hands out waterbottles and chocolate*. I heard they work lol. Especially the chocolate ^.^ That time of month sure does suck. Though mine isn't even half as bad as what you guys go through lol =P I don't really get cramps and get emotional so I guess I'm a lucky one. I've still got ages to go yet. Hm.


New member
CHOCOLATE!! mmm haven't had that in teh longest time!

ehh >.> I don't usually get cramps either...I guess every time varries.. sometimes I can get really bitchy >_<



New member
Once mine came a bit late, which is okay because I'm at the the time (puberty) where it's all wacky, and I got cramps for a day, couldn't go to school, and when the cramps went away, My visitor (monthly) came while i was at school...XP....
Im on my last day :) I hate it, i get all emotional and have major mood swings and i normally take it out on my brother who then throws a tantrum which makes my mum pissy which makes me pissier and it goes round in a huge cycle. I know what you mean jomama, i cried the other day because i couldnt open a banana lol (bananas are good for period pains) :thumbsup:


New member
mines just finished. woot. i can always tell when mines comming cause the day before i eat every ******* thing in the house and i have really bad cramps. but when im actually on it, nothing like that happens. every since i started its lasted 4 days exactly. everytime, lol i just think thats weird.


New member
Im finished !!! Thank *** !

Destroy: Its normal for periods to be irregular when your young. and i also eat every ******* thing in the house before i get mine. i thought it was just me.

Hybrid: I know what you mean about the crying thing. I broke down in tears while at work because it was so busy and customers started yelling atme because we were out of like 5 foods. Like it was MY fault. Normally i can take the abuse and the name calling. But when im on my period ill break down in tears.

I am emotional when im NOT on my period, though it minley anger that i let show, but while on my period the whole other side full of tears, sadness and oddley enough attractiveness shows. I get REAL attracted to my bf (and other guys hahah)



New member
it does, LP91393.

I started getting mine at the end of the fifth grade. And you get mood swings, I once started crying because I got an A- in computers when I had my period. that was actually sortta funny now that I think about it.

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