Girl (monthley) Stuff complaint...

Periods are about the only thing I hate about being a girl. I guess we can't be perfect lol. I feel so sorry for you girls who get it bad. I'm lucky, I don't get cramps, I don't usually get PMS, if I do it's just mild, or I'm just using it as an excuse ;) My friend has to take some days off because it's really that bad. If it's REALLY painful, you can go to the doctors and they can give you the pill or something can't they? To reduce the flow, or to stop it altogether. Hahah I'd love for it to stop. Hot water bottles and hot baths also help I hear! But yum <3 Chocolate!
ACK! I got it eh eh eh stupid! I hate having my period when I have gym it sucks! I dont get bad cramps I just get lower back pain most of the time. I dont go all moody either well sometimes I do but not most of the time.
shahfire said:
i hate having *that* on physical education days. this term is gymnastics and "it" makes matters worse.
i rekon i hate getting it on the days we have sport and hpe, it pisses me off, but lucky i hardly get any cramps, and no moodswings for me, yay, lol srry.. and i hate sleeping my back too :mad: and im so scared of leaks, but luckly my skool uniform has a grey skirt and black sports pants, but still..
i well never tell my parent when i have "it" it would just be to shameful(u kno wat i mean), i just buy everything i need with my own money.. hmm..
mine last about 3-4 day, once it was 6 :( , and about every 3 weeks sometimes 4(hardly ever tho) and once omg i was so pissed off i go at 2 weeks, this is the only thing that i hate be a girl for and a part for being call a slut, ho, bitch for no reson.. good men are such ****wits sometime(sorry to those who are nice) meh.. almost every boy in my grade is a ****wit.. *sigh* but hey.. its only skool :D :D

p.s. chocolate waffle for every1 *hands them out*
Yeap, having your period sucks big time. I've been having mine for 22 years ( fun if you are getting older ) and I have very severe cramps, heavy bloodloss and a ****ed up mood. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to use any birthcontrol pill to make it all feel less because I had 2 bloodcloths in both of my lungs a few years ago and the doctor told me to never ever use a pill again. So when that time of the month hits again I'm a spycho bitch with hell of a pain. Thank god for being a woman ( NOT ).

xxxx The Tester.
woah Anja...well it´s best that you dont use one pill then...
I hope you get better...

I´m having mine and it sux big time!
I have major mood swing ad get hurt by everything ppl say or "seem" to behave =_=
I get os sensitive :(
meeh..yesterday I passed out cause of that! O.O
im glad have havnt had mine yet, if i did id have to see a doctor, cuz something is seriously ****ed up.
actually contraceptives work great when your taking them, or you could be infertal which is a nother plus then you and you bf dont have to worry about getting pregnant.
i hate my period it drives me nuts. i have to be seriously drugged to be able to finction durring a school day. half the time im so high i cant feel the pain or pay attention to anything. its funny when im drugged lol
bleh, i'm pmsing, that means i'm gunna have my period soon >.< joy! <-sarcasm, yeah,

idk i consider myself lucky, i only go for three days, and i always start at night never at school ^_^
Eh I'm lucky mine just passed like 2 days ago...I feel so liberated cause maybe later I'll go into my pool and then tomara I'll most likely go to a water park and a few crazy ass rides...Best of luck to those of you who are pmsing. Oh yea and I also get mine for 3 days. *POSSESED FACE* LONGEST THREE DAYS OF A GIRLS MONTH.... :mad:

<3 Cristina.
Heart_LP said:
I hate it when I´m pmsing cause I get all emo and and annoyed at everything!><

LMFAO Emo... haha excellent way to explain it. I also get very annoyed at everything..My dad obviously doesnt know about it so say hes talking to me and I like lash out with an attitude then i walk away and im like " oh ****...I probley shouldn't have done that...STUPID PERIOD." Lol.
lol the same thing happened today. Mtv movie award was coming and I see it every year anyways he told me the volume was too high so I got all bitchy and started arguing :rolleyes: