Give me quotes or give me death!


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"Politicians never accuse you of 'greed' for wanting other people's money --- only for wanting to keep your own money."

- Joseph Sobran



New member
Man is so made that when anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish. ~ Jean De La Fontaine





New member
There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. For the reformer has enemies in all those who profit by the old order, and only lukewarm defenders in all those who would profit by the new order, this lukewarmness arising partly from fear of their adversaries … and partly from the incredulity of mankind, who do not truly believe in anything new until they have had actual experience of it.

- Niccolo Machiavelli



New member
"As I was skidding backwards along the highway veering towards the ditch, I would like to say I said something dignified and Carrie Underwoodesque like 'Jesus, take the wheel', but alas that is not the case.

Instead, in those seconds that felt like hours, my mind reflected on the people I love, lists/tasks left incomplete and hopes and dreams unrealized. As I felt the back end hit the ditch, I realized my last thought was going to be...'Huh. I'm going to go flipping through a field. Fukk.'"

- Ali after sliding across the ice yesterday and winding up stuck backwards, in the opposing ditch, and in a slough.



New member
"As I was skidding backwards along the highway veering towards the ditch, I would like to say I said something dignified and Carrie Underwoodesque like 'Jesus, take the wheel', but alas that is not the case.
Instead, in those seconds that felt like hours, my mind reflected on the people I love, lists/tasks left incomplete and hopes and dreams unrealized. As I felt the back end hit the ditch, I realized my last thought was going to be...'Huh. I'm going to go flipping through a field. Fukk.'"

- Ali after sliding across the ice yesterday and winding up stuck backwards, in the opposing ditch, and in a slough.


Glad you are ok!!!!

-me, after reading about Ali's adventures.



New member
"As I was skidding backwards along the highway veering towards the ditch, I would like to say I said something dignified and Carrie Underwoodesque like 'Jesus, take the wheel', but alas that is not the case.
Instead, in those seconds that felt like hours, my mind reflected on the people I love, lists/tasks left incomplete and hopes and dreams unrealized. As I felt the back end hit the ditch, I realized my last thought was going to be...'Huh. I'm going to go flipping through a field. Fukk.'"

- Ali after sliding across the ice yesterday and winding up stuck backwards, in the opposing ditch, and in a slough.
Far out! I've done that man!


Old Salt

New member
I did that once a lot of years ago with a semi. :eek: It's a strange feeling when you can stick your hand out the driver's window and touch the side of the trailer.

I'm glad you're OK.



New member
In all my years of driving on bad roads, it's the first time that's ever happened to me. If the slough hadn't slowed me down, I would have hit the other side of the ditch and flipped over.

Some friends drove out and towed me out. On the ride home there were others who had skidded off the road, too. Thankfully everyone was getting help and no one looked hurt.



New member
I flipped over in a ditch filled with water once. I woke up looking out the back window as water was filling in. I crawled to the drivers side and kicked out the window.


New member
"As I was skidding backwards along the highway veering towards the ditch, I would like to say I said something dignified and Carrie Underwoodesque like 'Jesus, take the wheel', but alas that is not the case.
Instead, in those seconds that felt like hours, my mind reflected on the people I love, lists/tasks left incomplete and hopes and dreams unrealized. As I felt the back end hit the ditch, I realized my last thought was going to be...'Huh. I'm going to go flipping through a field. Fukk.'"

- Ali after sliding across the ice yesterday and winding up stuck backwards, in the opposing ditch, and in a slough.
Holy **** Lady! Glad you're okay!

I did that...but rolled the truck...took out a telephone pole and totalled the truck. Then spent the ambulance ride rubbing green paint off my neck. Apparently the telephone pole ripped through the truck and dragged against the roll bar showering my neck with green paint. I like to think I didn't die because there is an other worldly plan for me that has yet to be decided. When I realized it was inevitable, I felt really calm...but too fast to do much thinking.

Scarey though huh?

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