God Hates Fags

TheJenn88 said:
Props to that. Let's devise a plan :cool:
What would you really do with these people?

Would you kill them?

Would you lock them away?

Would you send them to political rehabilitation camps so that they all think and act like you?

Seriously, are you condoning mass murder because of a disagreement over morality?
Outlaw2747 said:
No one wants to hear about them moaning and pissing about the existance of gays, they are not hurting anyone.
This is where I must point out some pertinent facts about the gays who "aren't hurting anyone".

The Scientific Evidence

Three kinds of scientific evidence point to the proportion of homosexual molestation: 1) survey reports of molestation in the general population, 2) surveys of those caught and convicted of molestation, and 3) what homosexuals themselves have reported. These three lines of evidence suggest that the 1%-to-3% of adults who practice homosexuality (3) account for between a fifth and a third of all child molestation.

Reports of Molestation by the General Population

In 1983, a probability survey of the sexual experiences of 4,340 adults in 5 U.S. cities found that about 3% of men and 7% of women reported sexual involvement with a man before the age of 134 (i.e., 30% was homosexual).

In 1983- (4), a random survey of 3,132 adults in Los Angeles found that 3.8% of men and 6.8% of women said that they had been sexually assaulted in childhood. Since 93% of the assailants were male, and only 1% of girls had been assaulted by females, about 35% of the assaults were homosexual. (5)

The Los Angeles Times (6) surveyed 2,628 adults across the U.S. in 1985. 27% of the women and 16% of the men claimed to have been sexually molested. Since 7% of the molestations of girls and 93% of the molestations of boys were by adults of the same sex, about 4 of every 10 molestations in this survey were homosexual.

In a random survey of British 15-to-19 yr olds, 35% of the boys and 9% of the girls claimed to have been approached for sex by adult homosexuals and 2% of the boys and 1% of the girls admitted to succumbing. (7)

In science, a review of the professional literature published in a refereed scientific journal is considered to be an accurate summary of the current state of knowledge. The latest such review was published in 1985. (8) It concluded that homosexual acts were involved in 25% to 40% of the cases of child molestation recorded in the scientific and forensic literature

What this write-up essentially says is that queers are responsible for 25 to 40 percent of all child molestation cases. This figure is HUGELY DISPROPORTIONAL to the actual percentage of queers who live in the U.S. (approximately 5-7 percent). Yet this group of people are constantly made out to be a "love thy neigbhor" pacifistic group who would go ten miles out of their way in order to spare the life of a fly. This is not the case! There is an extremely dark and ugly underbelly to the homosexual "way of life".
Explain these women to me?

Andrea Yates, Susan Smith, Darlie Routier, Diane Downs, Beverly Allitt, Mary Bell, Lisa Montgomery, Deanna Laney, Marie Noe, Amy Grossberg, Sheryl Hardy, Melissa Drexler, Marilyn Lemak, and Christina Marie Fiske.

Every single person either killed their own children, some newbornes (prom killer is in there), other peoples newbornes, and others who killed other mothers. I used all women to prove a point. Women are supposed to be the nurterer caretakers of our race (or at least have that innate ability). Now from all those women listed above murdered innocents, oh and straight, so if you want to bring up dark underbellys i will flip you over and lift your shirt if you like. Feel free to google them...some of those women were nasty! I for one will look twice at sweet innocent soccer moms again. After all look at their lifestyle!

Ive said it once, twice, and now again.

A ****ed up molester is a ****ed up molester...they have something wrong with them period....

talk statistics all you like. I have never met a child molester (that i know of of course) and I am not one. Infact when i look at children i feel nothing, other than irritation. I equate them to a bug that i cant seem to get to leave me alone. So lets not go there with the molestation thing...
I'm sorry, but what I'm about to say is not my opinion but that of the psychiatric community...Peadophiles who prefer boys are not considered Gay.
A gay man prefers a sexual, love relationship on equal footing with another man. This is not what goes on between a peadophile and a child. That type of sex if exploititive and about violence, not love and equal give and take.
The psychiatric community is quick to point out that Peadophiles often have relationships with woman, marriage and children, while also preying on children.
PLEASE, don't take my words for it, read what the legitemate psychiatric community says about it. Make sure your source is not some whacked out vouryistic religious nut trying to draw parallels where none exist.
In fact one of my Male Heterosexual psych professors told me that children would be alot safer with gay men because of what I was saying above.
Vortex said:
Explain these women to me?

Andrea Yates, Susan Smith, Darlie Routier, Diane Downs, Beverly Allitt, Mary Bell, Lisa Montgomery, Deanna Laney, Marie Noe, Amy Grossberg, Sheryl Hardy, Melissa Drexler, Marilyn Lemak, and Christina Marie Fiske.
These people have what to do with the information that I presented?
Every single person either killed their own children, some newbornes (prom killer is in there), other peoples newbornes, and others who killed other mothers. I used all women to prove a point. Women are supposed to be the nurterer caretakers of our race (or at least have that innate ability). Now from all those women listed above murdered innocents, oh and straight, so if you want to bring up dark underbellys i will flip you over and lift your shirt if you like. Feel free to google them...some of those women were nasty! I for one will look twice at sweet innocent soccer moms again. After all look at their lifestyle!
You will be hard pressed to find anyone who will agree with the actions of these women, however, there are great number of people (hetrosexuals) who will blindly advocate your type of lifestyle without knowing the potential ramifications.
Ive said it once, twice, and now again.

A ****ed up molester is a ****ed up molester...they have something wrong with them period....
Indeed. But the numbers don't lie.
talk statistics all you like. I have never met a child molester (that i know of of course) and I am not one. Infact when i look at children i feel nothing, other than irritation. I equate them to a bug that i cant seem to get to leave me alone. So lets not go there with the molestation thing...
And herein lies the problem. We are unwilling to look at the ugly truth because it doesn't fit into the egalitarian political correctness that our society is fraught with. If I present to you the idea that homo's are exponentally more likely to be child molestors, (regardless of the evidence presented) the whole board just might turn on me. We are unwilling to accept the fact that homosexuality is a deviancy and produces an incredible number of seriously deviant predators. Why is this? Why are we so helplessly caught up in the egalitarian dogma?
Lethalfind said:
In fact one of my Male Heterosexual psych professors told me that children would be alot safer with gay men because of what I was saying above.
I would love to hear about the punishment of your male hetrosexual psych teacher if he didn't parrot that which has been deemed non-offensive and politically kosher. ;)
These so call churches are seen for what they are. Bigots and hypocrites. You know only God can judge. How can a human know who God loves and hates. I HATE religious fanatics telling me what God thinks. Them fanatics need to be roasted. but tha'ts my opion.

I might be homophobic when it comes to letting a gay person watch over kids. I
_Wow said:
These people have what to do with the information that I presented?
They were proving my point that you cannot lump a group of people into all stereotypes because of a few messed up individuals....

_Wow said:
You will be hard pressed to find anyone who will agree with the actions of these women, however, there are great number of people (hetrosexuals) who will blindly advocate your type of lifestyle without knowing the potential ramifications.
Right because saying its okay to be gay is all we are waiting for to start a child raping spree......what ramifications are you referring to?

_Wow said:
Indeed. But the numbers don't lie.
we have already went this route in another thread...And fine...so there are some seriously ****ed up gay people in the world....this brings me back to the women i listed earlier...there are seriously ****ed up soccer moms out there. With your numbers not lying who then should be allowed to have rights. No one? After all studies show that straight men tend to rape a larger percentege of women then gay men do....(im pretty sure its even up to about 99% or higher)

_Wow said:
And herein lies the problem. We are unwilling to look at the ugly truth because it doesn't fit into the egalitarian political correctness that our society is fraught with. If I present to you the idea that homo's are exponentally more likely to be child molestors, (regardless of the evidence presented) the whole board just might turn on me. We are unwilling to accept the fact that homosexuality is a deviancy and produces an incredible number of seriously deviant predators. Why is this? Why are we so helplessly caught up in the egalitarian dogma?

Ok...but we are, as you said, 1-3% of the population...then lets just say 1 percent of that percent have the possibility of being a deviant predetor. That number isnt very high at all. Personally kids shouldnt have to deal with that and i for one would love to burn them at the stake or have a town hanging myself....but to lump ALL gay people into the molestation category is stupid...hell republican if you will, and there are far more "statistics" out there of the evils of straight people than gay people.

where exactly are we drawing the line?
snafu said:
These so call churches are seen for what they are. Bigots and hypocrites. You know only God can judge. How can a human know who God loves and hates. I HATE religious fanatics telling me what God thinks. Them fanatics need to be roasted. but tha'ts my opion.
I don't have any real interest in turning this thread into a religious debate, however, I would like to make one point. God expects His followers to judge. If He didn't, how would we know right from wrong?
I shouldn
snafu said:
These so call churches are seen for what they are. Bigots and hypocrites. You know only God can judge. How can a human know who God loves and hates. I HATE religious fanatics telling me what God thinks. Them fanatics need to be roasted. but tha'ts my opion.

I might be homophobic when it comes to letting a gay person watch over kids. I
_Wow said:
I don't have any real interest in turning this thread into a religious debate, however, I would like to make one point. God expects His followers to judge. If He didn't, how would we know right from wrong?

since you dont want to turn it to religion i wont respond to that

_Wow said:
Yes, of course. However, they might just be donating to NAMBLA without announcing it to the world. ;)

I would donate money to shut them down...
Vortex said:
They were proving my point that you cannot lump a group of people into all stereotypes because of a few messed up individuals....
Twenty five to forty percent is more than a "few" messed up individuals.

I shudder to think what the outcome of 25 percent of the soccer mom's being child murderers.

Nonetheless, the fact that you threw out a few names to counter the info. that I provided is a classical logical fallacy. It's called Changing the Subject and it's definition can be found here: http://www.datanation.com/fallacies/subject.htm

Plus, this list of names still doesn't negate the charges.
Right because saying its okay to be gay is all we are waiting for to start a child raping spree......what ramifications are you referring to?
It is more than reasonable to believe, based on the information provided, that with the spread of homosexuality will come the spread of paedophilia. This is the dark underbelly to which I refer.
With your numbers not lying who then should be allowed to have rights. No one?
The rights afforded in the Bill of Rights apply to both you and I...regardless of sexual preference.
After all studies show that straight men tend to rape a larger percentege of women then gay men do....(im pretty sure its even up to about 99% or higher)
Why wouldn't they? If a straight man raped a man, he wouldn't be straight. How much interest in a woman would a gay have anyway?

Once again, this still doesn't negate the charges.
Ok...but we are, as you said, 1-3% of the population...then lets just say 1 percent of that percent have the possibility of being a deviant predetor. That number isnt very high at all. Personally kids shouldnt have to deal with that and i for one would love to burn them at the stake or have a town hanging myself....but to lump ALL gay people into the molestation category is stupid...
You seem to be missing the point. My point is to bring forward information that isn't "PC" and would otherwise be dismissed in order to protect the feelings of a government protected minority. I see an overwhelming trend on this board that is pro-homo. Even TA, a Catholic, isn't willing to step up and debate this topic. I believe that this is because of lack of information regarding the dark underbelly of the homosexual movement.
...hell republican if you will,
and there are far more "statistics" out there of the evils of straight people than gay people.

where exactly are we drawing the line?
It is we, the straight people, who are having to listen to the ongoing complaints from the homosexual comunity about "equal rights". Right after Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI, I heard a little snip on the news about the "ongoing controversy" over gay marriage. Tell me, just how great a controversy would this be if the news media completely ignored it? Very little, if any at all. The media determines what is or isn't controversy worthy and I, for one, am completely sick of it.
It is we, the straight majority, who must suffer for the feeling of a small minority.

For instance, I will point you to recent legislation that could be the death toll for our First Amendment rights.

Read, in particular, what I have bolded out.
In a surprising move, the House of Representatives on September 14, 2005 approved "The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005," HR2662, as an amendment to the Children'S Safety Act, HR3132. It was approved 223-199.

The Senate is expected to also approve a similar amendment within a month.

This federal legislation, orchestrated by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith will lead to creation of a vast anti-hate bureaucracy in America, similar to what now exists in Canada. In Canada it is a "hate crime" to publicly criticize such federally protected groups as homosexuals and Jews. In Canada free speech talk radio no longer exists. It is even illegal now in some areas to evangelize or "proselytize" in public.

HR2662, S1145, while ostensibly punishing only violent hate crimes, nevertheless creates an anti-hate bureaucracy through several means:

1. It breaks down all barriers between federal and states, rights in law enforcement. It allows federal "thought police" to meddle, upon the flimsiest of pretexts, in states, enforcement of civil rights laws.

2. It requires all states to pass and enforce ADL-style anti-hate laws.

3. It enforces nationwide the working ADL definition of "hate" as being "bias" against federally protected groups, such as homosexuals. Such automatically makes the Bible into "hate literature" and preaching from it into "hate speech." Result: Bible-believing Christians become potential hate criminals.

The nation was aghast last October 10th when the ADL'S national executive board member, Lynne Abraham, D.A. of Philadelphia, arrested 11 Christians as hate criminals. Her charge: Their preaching was "biased" against homosexuals. They were "hate criminals" because they used an "instrument of crime" (a megaphone) to express "hate speech," (Bible verses) against homosexuals.

If this "big brother legislation" becomes law, the ADL and federal government will, through enabling legislation and judicial precedents, be exponentially empowered to indict Christians. Pastors, talk show hosts, publishers, critics of Israel, etc. will be liable to arrest just like the Philadelphia Eleven.
Is this what we really want? Is this what is necessary in order to protect the feelings of a small minority? Will the majority of the nation stand back and let this happen? Will we allow the tyrannical government to usurp our Constitutionally guaranteed rights in order spare feelings? What in the hell is wrong with this picture?
_Wow said:
Twenty five to forty percent is more than a "few" messed up individuals.

I shudder to think what the outcome of 25 percent of the soccer mom's being child murderers.

Nonetheless, the fact that you threw out a few names to counter the info. that I provided is a classical logical fallacy. It's called Changing the Subject and it's definition can be found here: http://www.datanation.com/fallacies/subject.htm

Plus, this list of names still doesn't negate the charges.
Pardon me for giving a counter point against dark stereotypes...I stand by my point that individuals are screwd up and shouldnt ruin it for the whole. Call it what you like......But we are not on trial or running for president here...

_Wow said:
It is more than reasonable to believe, based on the information provided, that with the spread of homosexuality will come the spread of paedophilia. This is the dark underbelly to which I refer.
Spread of homosexuality? Now its catchy? Hmm i dont remember catching it. I had a cold when i was a kid...but the doctor called it the flu.

Making homosexuality accepted doesnt mean pediophillia will be accepted. Child molestation is a crime for a reason and isnt going to be anymore accepted if people drop their homophobia....

_Wow said:
The rights afforded in the Bill of Rights apply to both you and I...regardless of sexual preference.
Sure they do. With the exception of marriage. Yea i can bone a chick, get her pregnent, then marry her. But why? Im not attracted to them...id rather sit around drinking tea with a woman then diving into her "muff". So yea i could marry a woman just like anyone else...but i cannot marry a man, legally, so no they dont EXACTLY give us the same rights...You can marry the one you love...i can have a commitment ceremony....not exactly the same.

_Wow said:
Why wouldn't they? If a straight man raped a man, he wouldn't be straight. How much interest in a woman would a gay have anyway?
Explain prison rape then? Are honey men who are locked up for life raping another man now gay? No they just want the feeling of "making love" (lol) to a woman but have no way to do so. When/if they get out they dont go around looking for men, they look for a woman.

So then it comes to reason why would a gay man who is attracted to men, not children, want to molest a child?

_Wow said:
Once again, this still doesn't negate the charges.
Charges, i love how you use that term. I feel like im talking to a prosecuting lawer on the witness stand...

_Wow said:
You seem to be missing the point. My point is to bring forward information that isn't "PC" and would otherwise be dismissed in order to protect the feelings of a government protected minority. I see an overwhelming trend on this board that is pro-homo. Even TA, a Catholic, isn't willing to step up and debate this topic. I believe that this is because of lack of information regarding the dark underbelly of the homosexual movement.
Why? This is a debate board....It is your right to spew out hatred just as it is my right to spew it right back.

Pro-Homo...thats cute. i should get that on a bumper sticker.

What information do you want. I am gay, hang out with gay people, work in a gay establishment....what would you like to know? Id be happy to tell you everything.

_Wow said:
It is we, the straight people, who are having to listen to the ongoing complaints from the homosexual comunity about "equal rights". Right after Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI, I heard a little snip on the news about the "ongoing controversy" over gay marriage. Tell me, just how great a controversy would this be if the news media completely ignored it? Very little, if any at all. The media determines what is or isn't controversy worthy and I, for one, am completely sick of it.

So am i...but i guess im not going to get that bitter taste out of my mouth untill i can walk down the street holding the man i love (if i ever found such a thing, groan) without getting stared at, or the fear of getting my ass beat or even deciding to settle down with one person and get a house and a marriage...

So i guess you are going to have to deal with being sick of it...
_Wow said:
It is we, the straight majority, who must suffer for the feeling of a small minority.

For instance, I will point you to recent legislation that could be the death toll for our First Amendment rights.

Read, in particular, what I have bolded out.

Is this what we really want? Is this what is necessary in order to protect the feelings of a small minority? Will the majority of the nation stand back and let this happen? Will we allow the tyrannical government to usurp our Constitutionally guaranteed rights in order spare feelings? What in the hell is wrong with this picture?

I think its mean to protect the SAFETY not feelings of it....but i dont make the laws....

i have morals...
Vortex said:
Pardon me for giving a counter point against dark stereotypes...
The usefulness of stereotypes belongs in another thread. This thread concerns gays.
Spread of homosexuality? Now its catchy? Hmm i dont remember catching it. I had a cold when i was a kid...but the doctor called it the flu.
The spread of homosexuality is just that:
Gay Twins: Bailey & Pillard reported that 52% of identical twins of homosexuals were also homosexual. But after the media finished hyping Bailey & Pillard's results, King & McDonald(8) published a new 'sexual orientation of twins' study, which found concordance rates for homosexuality of 25% in identical twins. That's half the 52% reported by Bailey & Pillard. Drs. Byne & Parsons noted the large proportions of identical twins in both studies "who were discordant for homosexuality despite sharing not only their genes but also their prenatal and familial environments... [which] underscores our ignorance of the factors that are involved, and the manner in which they interact, in the emergence of sexual orientation."

The evidence supporting the "born that way" claim of Isay and other gay activists is tenuous. It has been uncritically accepted and hyped by the media and some less-than-careful researchers. But it hasn't been replicated by others and is riddled with technical problems.

On the other side is a body of scientific evidence that suggests that homosexuality is adopted by people who are confused, sexually adventurous and/or rebellious. This evidence suggests that sexual orientation is flexible, not immutable. And the evidence comes from the largest studies on the subject, conducted by researchers on both sides of the gay rights debate.

Making homosexuality accepted doesnt mean pediophillia will be accepted. Child molestation is a crime for a reason and isnt going to be anymore accepted if people drop their homophobia....
If people drop their homophobia? That's called an ad hominen attack.

In the future, we may not be allowed to speak up against organizations like NAMBLA for fear of being imprisioned on hate charges. So, we must do what we can to inform the general public before this group erradicates statutory rape laws.
Sure they do. With the exception of marriage. Yea i can bone a chick, get her pregnent, then marry her. But why? Im not attracted to them...id rather sit around drinking tea with a woman then diving into her "muff". So yea i could marry a woman just like anyone else...but i cannot marry a man, legally, so no they dont EXACTLY give us the same rights...You can marry the one you love...i can have a commitment ceremony....not exactly the same.
Rights are equal across the board. What you are referring to is a special right that you and a small number like you wish to have.
Explain prison rape then? Are honey men who are locked up for life raping another man now gay? No they just want the feeling of "making love" (lol) to a woman but have no way to do so. When/if they get out they dont go around looking for men, they look for a woman.
Uh...??? Prison rape? Are you saying that straight men become homo's when there are no women present? I thought that you couldn't "catch it". I thought it was purely biological, at least that's what you asserted to begin with. Now you are saying that straight men can become gay. Interesting.
Pro-Homo...thats cute.
No, it's not. It's the truth.
What information do you want. I am gay, hang out with gay people, work in a gay establishment....what would you like to know? Id be happy to tell you everything.
I want you to stay in the closet. I don't want to have to fight to preserve the nation as it was originally built. I don't want to have to fight to conserve decency and moral absolutes. I don't want to see this nation get sucked into an amoral vortex. ;)
So i guess you are going to have to deal with being sick of it...
I have to deal with being sick of it? It is you and your camp who is dredging this nastiness up. The more you push, the worse it will get for you. You will experience more opposition.
_Wow said:
I would love to hear about the punishment of your male hetrosexual psych teacher if he didn't parrot that which has been deemed non-offensive and politically kosher. ;)

Ya know what _wow, I recognize the STINCH of your rhetoric, its boring, offensive and unoriginal. You really should find some new material.

I think you have the distinction of being the first person I put on ignore. Your bullshit is even more offensive then people who are racist for me anyway.
Vortie has my complete support on this one...
_Wow said:
The usefulness of stereotypes belongs in another thread. This thread concerns gays.
No you are bringing up statistics left and right to prove your minds stereotype that gay people are nothing but child molesters....So why shouldnt i bring it up?

_Wow said:
The spread of homosexuality is just that:
So now im rebellious? Against what? My only confusion is right around puberty i couldnt figure out why i didnt find girls attractive and i found guys attractive. My confusion was i was told it was wrong...by multiple areas. My "confusion" was why am i this way and why is it wrong. I knew zero gay people nor did i understand why i was that way deep down. So from my own experience i guess i was a natural one and not created that way. SO you can see my frustration by that argument...personally

_Wow said:
If people drop their homophobia? That's called an ad hominen attack.
OK your in a debate class we get it.....you get an A for your paper today

_Wow said:
In the future, we may not be allowed to speak up against organizations like NAMBLA for fear of being imprisioned on hate charges. So, we must do what we can to inform the general public before this group erradicates statutory rape laws.
Now your just being paranoid. I will stand next to you about them trying to erradicate the statutory rape laws...i think those laws have a purpose and stand by them...

_Wow said:
Rights are equal across the board. What you are referring to is a special right that you and a small number like you wish to have.
Funny, i didnt realize that marrying the one you love (an adult mind you) was a special right. I always believed it was a right. But alas, others like you, dont think so.

_Wow said:
Uh...??? Prison rape? Are you saying that straight men become homo's when there are no women present? I thought that you couldn't "catch it". I thought it was purely biological, at least that's what you asserted to begin with. Now you are saying that straight men can become gay. Interesting.
I was answering your question of why would a gay person sleep with a woman and why would a straight man sleep with another man...or rape them. You had stated that if a man raped another man he was gay. basically i was pointing out that statement wasnt entirely accurate...

_Wow said:
No, it's not. It's the truth.
[sarcasm]Then im sorry, truely[/sarcasm]

_Wow said:
I want you to stay in the closet.
Too late...sorry not going back in....so guess well check that one off
_Wow said:
I don't want to have to fight to preserve the nation as it was originally built.
equality? Ok now i understand....You wish to feel superior...no problem...your superior..but im still not shutting up on here..
_Wow said:
I don't want to have to fight to conserve decency and moral absolutes. I don't want to see this nation get sucked into an amoral vortex. ;)
Morality? Then start with your own peoples morals before you try to fix mine. I have some of the same issues with others morals (gay or straight)...so lets not throw that one at me..

_Wow said:
I have to deal with being sick of it? It is you and your camp who is dredging this nastiness up. The more you push, the worse it will get for you. You will experience more opposition.

My entire camp huh? Im not out picketing anything, i am no member of these groups, i am an individual on a debate board....nothing more. So i guess my tent is by itself .

And if you notice i didnt start this thread, nor did i ask you to post in it...i simply responded because i am gay...nothing more nothing less...
Number one wow, consider your source. DUH! Stats can e skewed any way you want them to be. This was already discussed here (and everywhere) so give up.

Second DUH In the Christian and jewish faiths God does not demand that you judge others, but rather only to judge yourself and lead others by example. PLain and simple. (of course I am speaking of the pure beliefs of the religions not the ones skewed by churches looking to squeeze bucks through fear)

As for WBC..... Persoanlly I would love to see it burned to the ground and the followers used for two things. Research on the effects of DU on the human body, and research into aids treatments.

They are the most dangerous kind of shitbags on the planet
Yawn I stopped reading your posts quite some time ago, Wow. But I got the gist of the garbage you were spewing. So we are back to the homosexuality/pedophilia association? I know it's in here somewhere...let me see...A HA! Here it is!
http://Off Topic Forum.com/showthread.php?p=380481#post380481
A few highlights...
One study involved 175 male adults who had been convicted in Massachusetts of child sexual assault. They found that none of them were homosexuals; all of them would fit the description of a fixated child molester. They were sexually attracted only to children and not to other adults. 2 Another researcher studied sexually abused children seen in a hospital. Only 2 perpetrators (less than 1% of the total) were homosexuals (i.e. were attracted to same-sex adults).
For example, he cited the Groth and Birnbaum (1978) study mentioned previously as evidencing a 3:2 ratio of "heterosexual" (i.e., female victim) to "homosexual" (i.e., male victim) molestations, and he noted that "54% of all the molestations in this study were performed by bisexual or homosexual practitioners" (p. 1231). However, Groth and Birnbaum reported that none of the men in their sample had an exclusively homosexual adult sexual orientation, and that none of the 22 bisexual men were more attracted to adult males than to adult females. The "54%" statistic reported by Cameron doesn't appear anywhere in the Groth and Birnbaum (1978) article, nor does Cameron explain its derivation.

It also is noteworthy that, although Cameron assumed that the perpetrators of male-male molestations were all homosexual, he assumed that not all male-female molestations were committed by heterosexuals. He incorporated a "bisexual correction" into his data manipulations to increase further his estimate of the risk posed to children by homosexual/bisexual men.

Now, do us all a favor and read through...while you're at it, why don't you enjoy a nice, tall glass of SHUT THE **** UP.