God Hates Fags

wow now we come back to this old topic once again. I will state my opinon again as i have the last 3 times "If you want to be gay that's fine by me just don't try any of it with me"
_Wow said:
Seriously, are you condoning mass murder because of a disagreement over morality?


Your point being? :rolleyes:

Honestly, _Wow, you need to realize that the world doesn't revolve around you - which is why you shouldn't be offended or disgusted by something that doesn't involve you. If I were to be with a girl in the privacy of my own room, why would you care? Gay people don't infring upon your rights as a human. Idiots do, but not gay people. You seem likely to confuse the two.

Just remember that if you're only human, you don't have the right to judge. I mean, I am atheist, but if I were a God-fearer, I'd be disgusted by the fact that you think you can judge others, and that you think you are an all-knowing being as to how people will be punished/condemned/judged.
captainfrenchfry said:
wow now we come back to this old topic once again. I will state my opinon again as i have the last 3 times "If you want to be gay that's fine by me just don't try any of it with me"

you know my standard response to that phrase is always "its okay, i like more masculine men anyhow"


god i love saying that to straight people who think because they have a penis it means i want them....

its not totaly directed to you capm'....i just have to say that every time i hear it!
It isn't gay guys that bother me. It is guys who ACT like they are gay that piss me off. They do it to be ****ing funny and it isn't. It is annoying and it actually pisses off actual gay guys. (from what I have seen anyways)
Vortex said:
you know my standard response to that phrase is always "its okay, i like more masculine men anyhow"


god i love saying that to straight people who think because they have a penis it means i want them....

its not totaly directed to you capm'....i just have to say that every time i hear it!

LOL, I have a gay friend who told me that its funny how homophobic men seem to think gay men are out to convert them to being gay. Like your going to sneak up behind them and slip it too them before they can stop you...lolol. Given the fact that all my gay friends (myself included) believe you are born gay, thats pretty funny. My friends also know how traumatizing it is to be at odds and a few lived life as heterosexuals until they were able to deal with being gay. They are sensitive about even men that they think are gay but have not fully learned how to deal with it.
Outlaw2747 said:
It isn't gay guys that bother me. It is guys who ACT like they are gay that piss me off. They do it to be ****ing funny and it isn't. It is annoying and it actually pisses off actual gay guys. (from what I have seen anyways)

Its funny when you are gay tho.......

and i can be gayer than the rest....but some nelly poof that acts that way and is actually funny..is hilarious!

but what i dont understand is the attraction some gay men have to these types....after all we are gay...we want men...

not little shaved boys who act like girls......

but thats just me!
That does make some sort of sense, I have never felt that God and I are on the same page as far as life is concerned. If God hates fags, that would explain why I enjoy their company so much.
Much of what is said to be "Godly" is of no interest to me.
If this supposed god is made in the image of man, can
he also engage in filthy sodomy with his own rear end?

This theological conundrum begs an answer!!!


I think this thread, "Religion" and "More Religion" could use your "Psycho" shower scene thread killer also.
Even though I'm a Moderator, I lack the abilities of the Admin. He has turned off image posting on this this forum.

Which I can understand. ****in' bandwidth.
Curt Sibling said:
That was pathetic.

When you can come up with a good insult, try again.


And your god still has AIDs.
If GOD did exist we would have to abolish him ! ! ! ! ! ! :p
Curt Sibling said:
That was pathetic.

When you can come up with a good insult, try again.


And your god still has AIDs.

and your god became a ***** when he had a son........

but who is keeping score?