Gov't insurance would allow coverage for abortion


New member
You know what's gonna happen here don't ya, the Democrats are planning on, and are gonna use reconciliation to pass the health care plan. Personally, I think the plan stinks and should be rewritten in alot of places. Sure Obama is for single payer, single payer using another **** insurance provider, but single payer is NOT what Democrat constituents want, they, along with myself, want UNIVERSAL coverage. Obama is trying to pass off single payer as an alternative to get some of these blue dogs on board. But, no matter, like I said, they are gonna use reconciliation and say fukk the Republicans and the blue dog traitors who get paid by the health industry like Ben Nelson...Same shiit Bush pulled off to get those useless tax cuts that screwed up the economy, then what are ya gonna do? ;)
CHECK MATE, that's what happens when the opposition keeps up the rhetoric and unwillingness to give a bi-partisan effort. And then we WILL have government funded abortions. I suspect reconciliation might ALSO be the reason for a government funded abortion provision, along with a huge number of merciless budget cuts to programs in red states and districts, mostly Republican porkbarrel porgrams,. Time to step it up and play hard ball with the fear and paranoia crowd.



HAHAHAHA Red states propping up the blue states? Good one!! The red states get more government subsidies then any of the states, quit deluding yourself. Of course I know what a blue dog is and what single payer are. Again, the Democrats want full universal coverage, this single payer **** is one step down from that. The HOPE was that the blue dogs would buy into it, but of course, they don't, those campaign payments from insurance companies and pharma prevent that.
I know I'll be laughing my a$$ off after they use reconciliation to get around the same GOP jerks who opposed social security and medicare for our citizens, and as punishment and as a way to comply with reconciliation rules, kill a bunch of GOP pork projects and toss in all those secular progressive agenda things (like say abortions) you wanna whine about. And the best part, I will be overjoyed with the notion that REAL progress and change has been made, no thanks to the freepers. Kiss 2012 goodbye.


OK ... definition first. We have to be clear on the definition of the term "single payer." This means that there's one entity that writes the checks for all health care services. Prescription drugs, doctor visits, hospital stays ... one person writes the checks. Now of course that one person will be the government. Now I suppose you could have a situation where that one person would be one insurance company ... but it would be an insurance company selected by the government and, of course, controlled by the government. Hopefully you can see if the "single payer" is the government, then the government decides what gets paid for and what does not. This means the government gets to determine the extent of your access to health care, prescription drugs, etc. "Single payer" sounds innocuous enough, but it is merely a euphemism for "government."

Now the current debate is whether or not Obama and the looters are taking us to a single payer plan .. a plan where government makes all the decisions as to who gets paid how much for what medical-related service. The language is pretty clear. There's no "taking out of context" stuff here. Listen to the clip and see for yourself. Remember .. if all payments for health care come from the government ... the single payer ... where are the private health insurance companies? Gone! That's where.

So .. the people don't like what they're hearing, and the White House reacts. They pull out ABC retread Linda Douglass ... now in charge of White House propaganda for health care ... to do a little three-minute video trying to convince us that Barack Obama is not for a single payer plan. He's actually in favor of health insurance reform! You can watch Linda Douglass' White House video here She plays a couple of clips - recent clips - from Obama where he promises that you can keep your health insurance if you like it. Nowhere does she address Obama's previous dedication to a single payer plan. Nowhere does she mention that once there is any change, no matter how minute, in your private plan you must drop that plan and head to the government plan.

This is a lady who has sold her soul to the cause of socialized medicine. Pretty much what you would expect from a network news hack.



New member
Actually, people DO like what they are hearing, but unfortunately, you have groups like free republic out there who are trying to distort the REAL polls on this


The poll BEFORE being freeped, according to free republics own admission.

HEALTH CARE POLL TO FREEP10Connects Tampa, FL ^ | 8/6/09 | none

Posted on Thursday, August 06, 2009 7:46:53 PM by jokyfo

Do you support the plan for health care reform?

No 32.5%

Yes 60.0%

Not Sure

All the way down, on the right.
Don't like a FAIR poll, then LIE, clear your cookies and distort the REAL vote.
Typical FREEPERS at work. Very childish, they pulled that shiit all through the election to make it look like support for McCain was higher then it actually was, and look what REALLY happened.

Distorting the facts by freeping polls WON'T win any elections and it WON'T prevent the health care plan from passing either.





New member
Just can't let this go. It's funny, really, that the Democrats are so scared. They're shell-shocked. How DARE these people show up to protest the Democrat's biggest power grab since FDR? The ungrateful scumbags! The looters know they have to come up with a story, and the best they can do is to demonize the protestors. They insist on pinning any opposition to healthcare reform as a "mob." They want to convince the American public that the only people who are opposing their plans for reform are those infamous "right-wing extremists!" (Weren't they supposed to insert "bigoted" and "mean-spirited" in there somewhere? Remember those people? Those are the people whom Janet Napolitano warned us about many months ago. The commercial says, "Desperate Republicans and their well-funded allies are organizing angry mobs just like they did during the election. Their goal? Destroy President Obama and stop the change Americans voted for overwhelmingly in November."
I wonder when they're going to get around to calling the opponents "terrorists."
It's the same old playbook, right out of Obama's mentor, Saul Alinsky's playbook that he used when he was organizing communities and during the campaign...

Always remember the first rule of power tactics (pps.127-134): 1. "Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have."

2. "Never go outside the expertise of your people. When an action or tactic is outside the experience of the people, the result is confusion, fear and retreat.... [and] the collapse of communication.

3. "Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. (This happens all the time. Watch how many organizations under attack are blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address.)

4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."

5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."

6. "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."

7. "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. Man can sustain militant interest in any issue for only a limited time...."

8. "Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose."

9. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."

10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign."

11. "If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside... every positive has its negative."

12. "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."

13. Pick the target, freeze it, ersonalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...
Textbook example from the book and just like what all the drones in the MSM, Obama Administration and MSLSD get in their 8 A.M. email/phone call on what to say every day, through the Center for American Progress and John Podesta.


New member
You can only freep an online poll...
View attachment 2462

Yeah, your right... from that SAME link you got this image from Summing Up The New Health Care Polls (and a New Chart)

2) Reactions to detailed descriptions - Three organizations have provided longer descriptions of the key elements of the sort of plan that Obama and the Democrats support and asked samples of adults for their reactions.

Oh look, a poll question for people who are ACTUALLY INFORMED about the plan.

View attachment 2463







New member
Yeah, your right... from that SAME link you got this image from Summing Up The New Health Care Polls (and a New Chart)

2) Reactions to detailed descriptions - Three organizations have provided longer descriptions of the key elements of the sort of plan that Obama and the Democrats support and asked samples of adults for their reactions.

Oh look, a poll question for people who are ACTUALLY INFORMED about the plan.

View attachment 2464


...and you left out the part showing that as people actually get more informed of what is in the reform, the less they like it...

Also note that the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has asked the same question three times since April. The find a level of support that has remained consistent, but gradually increasing opposition (from 33% to 38% since April).
Bad time for a month long recess so people can actually see how much fedzilla wants to screw them.

No wonder Obama wanted it done before Congress went on break and the people could get informed.




New member
Yeah and your ASSUMING they asked the exact same people the question... nice try.

Just keep believing that the 365 electorals that voted for him on the premise of offering public health are against the plan.

Maybe you can go join the freepers as they skew some more online polls to convince themselves things aren't as they seem.

Which brings me to ANOTHER point, you are ALSO assuming the polls from those images were NOT taken by online survey.





New member
Yeah and your ASSUMING they asked the exact same people the question... nice try.
Just keep believing that the 365 electorals that voted for him on the premise of offering public health are against the plan.

Maybe you can go join the freepers as they skew some more online polls to convince themselves things aren't as they seem.

Which brings me to ANOTHER point, you are ALSO assuming the polls from those images were NOT taken by online survey.


Same questions on the poll. Shouldn't matter in a statistical sample.

As for the electoral votes, you yourself admitted he lied to get the votes and is far more radically left than he lied about to the voters who were too stupid to see between the lines.

The difference between Obama and Ron Paul. Ron Paul had the honor and integrity to be who he is. Whereas, Obama is a typical leftist/stateist without integrity or moral turpitude and a radical that is willing to lie, cheat, deceive, whatever it takes to get his way.

Never freeped anything in my life. Won't even vote on the local paper board's poll more than once.

No, I didn't assume anything.

If any of this made any kind of political or economic sense, I would reply further.



Active Members
**** I keep asking Bender what "change" Obama has brought to the office of President and he has never answered the question.

Obama was elected based on his promise of "change". In general, most average people hate the tone of Washington so Obama promising to change how things are done in Washington was what got him elected, not any one policy.

Obama is dropping fast in the polls because more and more people are seeing the real Obama who is 100% partisan, 100% exactly like every other Washington politician who has ever held the job of President.

Sad really, the dream Obama sold people to get elected was actually a very good thing, "real" change in attitudes is needed, not more blind partisan politics.



New member
He did bring change. We no longer have "BLIND PARTISAN POLITICS".

Considering the congressmen, lobbyist, and insurance companies who are spewing propaganda lies to their constituents, I'd say the partisan politics are pretty *** **** obvious.





New member
He's not going to get away with this one. Come **** or high water conservitives will fight this one.


New member
He's not going to get away with this one. Come **** or high water conservitives will fight this one.
Getting back on the topic of abortion, thank you,... like I said before, it's a bargaining chip. And an obvious one at that.. A sneaky, underhanded bargaining chip, but still a bargaining chip. At least it would be... IF... brace yourself...... It wasn't YET ANOTHER propaganda lie fed to the media and to the masses. Yes, rest easy snafu, because you are being LIED to yet again by Republicans. Sorry to have to break that news. YET ANOTHER scare tactic... oddly enough, this horse LIE was even picked up by JustBS's very own (right wing) BOT. Sure had even ME convinced there for a bit.
Ever heard of the Hyde Amendment?

Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And if THAT isn't enough... read these transcripts.

'Hardball with Chris Matthews' for Tuesday, August 4 - Hardball with Chris Matthews-


MATTHEWS: And number two, no abortion...BOXER: What's...MATTHEWS: No abortion's going to be paid for by the health care bill, is that correct? No abortion is going to be subsidized by the health care bill?

BOXER: Yes because the Hyde Amendment is still in play and will continue to be in play. So all of this is a diversion by the people who want to, frankly, hurt President Obama. You've heard the Republican senator Jim DeMint say it, Let's make this Obama's Waterloo. Let's break him.
Ya know, I just gotta say..

TJ and IWS wanna try feeding me this BS about how people are "REALLY FINDING OUT" about the health care plan and that's why it's support is slipping.... OH REALLY?

All indicators show just the opposite.... more and more people are being fed LIES about it and are thus, no longer supporting it...

Exhibit A http://Off Topic

The IRONIC thing here, is these same a$$holes that know NOTHING about what is REALLY in the health care plan, are the same ones screaming at these town hall meetings "read the bill, read the bill" to their congressmen.






Active Members
The IRONIC thing here, is these same a$ that know NOTHING about what is REALLY in the health care plan, are the same ones screaming at these town hall meetings "read the bill, read the bill" to their congressmen.


So that would include every Liberal including Obama because every time a specific question is asked nobody has an answer. Every townhall meeting including the fake one ABC did that was more infomercial has Obama avoiding specifics......

Nobody knows 100% what is in this mess.



New member
Getting back on the topic of abortion, thank you,... like I said before, it's a bargaining chip. And an obvious one at that.. A sneaky, underhanded bargaining chip, but still a bargaining chip. At least it would be... IF... brace yourself...... It wasn't YET ANOTHER propaganda lie fed to the media and to the masses. Yes, rest easy snafu, because you are being LIED to yet again by Republicans. Sorry to have to break that news. YET ANOTHER scare tactic... oddly enough, this horse LIE was even picked up by JustBS's very own (right wing) BOT. Sure had even ME convinced there for a bit.
Ever heard of the Hyde Amendment?



Other than Boxer saying so, how do we know the Hyde Amendment will stay in effect?

I'm just asking. Personally, I think Medicaid should fund abortions.



Active Members
Other than Boxer saying so, how do we know the Hyde Amendment will stay in effect?
I'm just asking. Personally, I think Medicaid should fund abortions.

lol, the Hyde amendment, so why even have the part about abortions if the liberals know that the hyde amendment would stop it? I believe their hiding their true intent behind the hyde amendment, it is smoke and mirrors, as usual from the Obama administration.

Obama is not just partisan, he is so radical and socialist he is even scaring many Democrats.......remember how excited they were when they got "Filibuster-Proof Majority"? Now they are saying they will leave the blue dogs behind with the Republicans and pass this without them as well.

The American people are mostly against this garbage.

The Blue Dogs are mostly against this garbage.

The Republicans are against this garbage.

The independants that got Obama elected are against this garbage.

The only people who actually want this legislation is a tiny minority of voters and the wacko socialists in public office who refuse to listen to the people.



New member
So WHERE IS THIS alleged plan for abortion in the plan then?

Come on.. EVERYBODY CHANT just like the Astro-turfers!!



















New member
lol, the Hyde amendment, so why even have the part about abortions if the liberals know that the hyde amendment would stop it?

What the matter TJ, don't wanna admit your own party is LYING to people to frighten the **** out of them? No wonder you have so many **** people angry at these town halls.

The question you REALLY need to ask, is not how your gonna spin it into YET ANOTHER Obama conspiracy, but who is ACTUALLY benefiting from giving out this propaganda. Who would stand to win by terrifying old people and ******* off Republicans with claims of government funded abortions?

Maybe if you actually figured it out, you'd see how much Republicans are getting fukking PLAYED by the system of corrupt insurance companies and pharma to side with them. It's almost SAD really, getting conned by these SOB's to protest against your own best interests. WHEN ARE REPUBLICANS GONNA WAKE UP?
















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