hmm so i just remembered that i have a journal -_-
update i guess
soooo ive had almost 2 weeks off now and in a week i will write my final subject and will be done with school for once and for all YAY.
Whats new? nothing really, i just jumped on the trampolene and the one of the springs that keep them together just snapped cause it jumped to close to it and it my foot, taking some skin with it, It truly did hurt like **** :_( hehe but im fine now :>
And im going bowling friday with some friends which will be cool.
hmm dedicated is on repeat ATM <3 that song
o and lol some people on the LPU are really freaks :O i mean there this one guy that joined like 4 years ago and has like 30000 posts and i was like WOW but then today i saw this newbie that joined 4 MONTHS ago and had 10000 posts, there is just no balance between life and internet there... lol
o well thats it