GraDoN's Journal


New member
The big update:

ok so i havent updated this dusty place for weeks now and this is just my once-in-a-blue-moon update because i have some important **** to say :>


First off, im going to university, today. Staying in a flat with no internet *cries*. So this means ill only come here on weekends when im home again. Ill be like a post ***** then xD

But in a way this is a goodbye post since i wont be around much anymore, I'll most probably get internet next year so then ill be all good again but this year there aint much of a chance. So see you on weekends (well most weekends) my fellow LPF'ers

much <3

and wish me luck, gonne be a hard year


crazy robster

New member
Good luck Joshy!! *big hugs* Even though I'm not posting much here anymore I'm gonna miss ya honey *tear* *squeeze hugs* Wuv ya <3 Have fun @ Uni!!


New member
omg josh, we'll miss you and your meaningless posts!!

I'm just joking, your posts are meaningful. However, we definitely will feel empty with one of our most active members not around. :[

Good luck in uni!!



New member
thanks everyone, uni is awesome, so many hot chics and fun!

jojo we miss you too *hugs*

*group hugs*



New member
haha ok im going again, leaving till next weekend, yeah taking cam with this time so pics will be up in a week :D

and another thing, came home today and there was a huge *** letter in my room from mw with LPU written on it, i was like 0.o and it was the lpu6 news letter, i was very excited since it has a nice poster on the back for my room. good **** :>

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