GraDoN's Journal


New member
sooo about that test -_- ya i didnt write that well

but o well i dont care its the exams that count



New member

Ok so i have a mini vacation till monday yay. Yesyerday we shot some footage for a school vid, ill start a thread about that when its done, its teh second vid in a series of 2. ATM its the only the school talks about since the first one was funny as ****. So we hope we can make this one even better.

Today i have hockey for 2 hours then i will study and chill till tonight when we are gonne watch As it is in heavan. Not really looking foreward to it but yeah who cares :\

thats all for now i guess



New member

ok so havent updated in some time so here goes:

The looong weekend was nice had some good times.

Friday we watched The Bourne Ultimatum and it was awesome, one of the best action movies ive seen in a long time. Special effects was also awesome.

Saturday was cool, chilled out stayed at home and had some good times.

Sunday was pretty much the same

wait today was also the same only today was school which was pretty cool, this week is interschool week so it a build up to this weekend where we will play our biggest rivals : DF Malan.

its gonne be awesome and i cant wait

but also this week were playing hockey vs our teachers infront of the school and i cant wait to hit them with the ball a couple of times :D :D

peace out



New member
well, dont you just love lazy days. hmm, may check out that film! anyways, have fun at tha student vs teacher thing and remember to pain those educational fiends as much as possible!!! muhaha


New member
well, dont you just love lazy days. hmm, may check out that film! anyways, have fun at tha student vs teacher thing and remember to pain those educational fiends as much as possible!!! muhaha
heheheh no problemo i will do all in my power :spiteful:



New member
ok mamoth UPDATE:

**** its hard to keep a journal, its a womans thing i guess -_-

ok ok ok ok so alot happend this past week lemme start with thursday

it was a normal school day. Did some work got an A for my accounting test bla bla bla.

then we had hockey practice and prepared for the big game friday. that night we played a friendly game vs a club lol our couch played for them. then while we were there some random guys smashed the windows of the cars and took what they could.. sigh sux living in SA. this happend EVERYDAY to EVERYONE... i wish the black people from america would live here... we got the bad ones :\ sooo when we were done at teh all so helpfull police station we had a nice party (our hockey team) we had some nice vodka and stuff. No one got drunk ^.^

Friday was the big day. It was the big brag for the weekend's games vs DF malan (out big raval school) we (hockey 1st team) walked in on the 50 cent song "you dont know" and the base was load so it was cool. then i got the second loadest cheer from teh school when the captain said each players name. (lol my friend will always get the loadest cheers being the most popular kid in school -_-)

ok so then the rugby oaks walked in yeah rugby being the no1 sport in SA... ok so then the their captain made a complete *** of himself on stage talking in circles and doing random **** so it was cool :D

then came the moment the school was waiting for, our vid we made (me nad my 3 friends) ill upload it but its gonne take about 2 days cause it 90 meg and uploading an imaga alone take 10 mins :< but ill do it

sooooo then that night was our game vs DF and ALL the hockey team lost before we played :< (df is MUCH better than us cause the rich kids go there so they can buy good players) so we were the major underdogs. AND df had HUGE support from their school kids. SO... it was an awesome game and ended 0-0. I enjoyed it ALOT and they were denied goals MANY times.

so that was awesome

then on saturday it was the rugby and netball games and we won both. was cool. so we won this year. Being my last in school its rather cool.

so the rest of the weekend i just chilled and had some good times

thats all for now i guess :>



New member
oo well done with all your sports winnings!! *masculine smack on the back* you play netball too, i use to play keeper, i thought netball was the women's version of basketball? anyways, cant wait to see that vid!


New member
oo well done with all your sports winnings!! *masculine smack on the back* you play netball too, i use to play keeper, i thought netball was the women's version of basketball? anyways, cant wait to see that vid!
lol no when i say 'we' there i mean the school -_-

yeah netball is teh womans basketball with some more rules and i dont play it lol

yeah im gonne upload the vid through the night :>



New member
wow @ lpu, there your inbox doesent warn you if you have a message so i just saw that i had a pm from a mod saying i have 10 warning points.... i was like WTF

wait here it is:


You are receiving 10 warning points for using a homosexual slur in the "LP photoshop" thread in the Band forum. Members can be banned if they receive a total of 50 points and you currently have 10 points total. Please review the LPUMB rules before posting again and if you have any questions, feel free to PM me.



LPU Moderator"

i was sitting there WTF, sooo turns out i said "chester looks like a gay stalker" in reply to a guy who photoshoped chester to look like a... GAY STALKER..... lpu sux... o well lol too bad -_-



New member
haha, shame you over zelous homophobe :p

hey, waht happened to that video u were going to upload



New member
haha, shame you over zelous homophobe :p
hey, waht happened to that video u were going to upload
ya about that... gives an error when i try uploading and that sux... but ill try with the laptop tonight :)

Hahahha if that happened round here I'd be banned in like a day!
haha so true so true XD

im in the lpu in the chat sometimes but on the boards? nah too many rules i could break xD lol

but yeah you're right lpf is home <3

btw how was your exam?



New member
o ya the exam.. about that lol *dusts off thread*

the exam was ok, nothing special though

but im all good watching cricket and rugby. im a little sick with some coughs and stuff so its a little meh.

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