GraDoN's Journal


New member
Aaaahhh, it feels good to be finished with high school...^^:p


Good luck and hold on!:thumbsup:



New member
lol thanks Di and jos

today is ok so far

just came home from school at 4:15 pm due to science tests after school and it wasent that bad



New member

tis was a nice saturday... nothing much happend, played hockey vs one of the best schools in SA and... yip lost :/

then i just chilled home and watched some tv bla bla bla

yesterday me and my friends went to watch simpsons and it was funny, not a brilliant movie but still good and i had a nice laugh.

now im gonne sleep cause its 3:30 am :>



Active Members
Sorry to hear that you lost your hockey game :( ..

Yeah, I am just gunna wait for the Simpsons Movie to come out on DVD.. For me, it doesn't look like it is worth it to go see it at the movies..



New member
Yeah, sorry for the game...hope you had fun anyway... :)

Meh, I never watched Simpsons and I doubt I'm gonna see the movie...but you never know...

I just noticed we're in the same time zone, lol...



New member
thats nice, its winter there by any chance?

well small update:

We went to Cape Town Airport to say goodbye to my older brother who is going to Durban (also in SA) for 5 months. Hes going for a student thingy. Im not gonne miss him that much :>



New member
sorry to hear about the game's summer here :D

oooh...i want my brother would go for some time somewhere else.... :lol: :D



New member
Yeah, we're on the northern hemisphere... ;)

Ha ha, I'd say you're not gonna miss your bro that much...I wouldn't miss my sis at all...:p



Active Members
Really? I would miss my older sister if she left for 5 months.. She was gone for a week and i was bored..But we are only 22 months a part, so we are real close..


New member
Yeah if my younger brother went away for a while I wouldn't be that bothered haha, I'd get the computer to myself for once!


New member
Really? I would miss my older sister if she left for 5 months.. She was gone for a week and i was bored..But we are only 22 months a part, so we are real close..
yeah we are 18 months apart but we are not that close :>

Yeah if my younger brother went away for a while I wouldn't be that bothered haha, I'd get the computer to myself for once!
hooray for having my own PC but **** i know how it feels, mu pc was broken for some time and sharing my moms pc with him and my ather bro was bad to the bone



New member
Yeah, I also have to share MY comp with my sis...ugh...hate it...but only 2 months left of that ****... :D


New member

well yesterday nothing really happend, school was same old boring, today at school will be photoday so its hockey photos for out big clash agains our big rivals in 2 weeks, cant wait for it.

anyway also yesterday a woman talked to us about healthy ating and eating seeds and nuts and fruit... i didnt like it I WANT MCD's

so the i went to gym and play squash. was nice

so im off to school now




Active Members
Ohh, big hockey game!! That should be fun.. Ugh, I always hate photodays.. No matter what I do, I look like ****..

I don't like when people come and talk to you at school.. i never listen. Its just another chance to sit in a big group with my friends and talk..

Anywho.. talk to you later!



New member
so this day had to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i finally fixed my pc after 5 months and im back up and away from my moms pc YAY

this is just great stuff finally i dont need to wat 5 mins for PS to open :D

so this day had to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY

i finally fixed my pc after 5 months and im back up and away from my moms pc YAY

this is just great stuff finally i dont need to wat 5 mins for PS to open :D
w00t! Good.

I just reinstalled windows on mine yesterday. :p

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