Gunman kills 29 in virginia campus shootings

whatever you may be feeling isn't something you decided to feel anyway, so no one can blame you.
and I'm not saying I disapprove or something lol, I honestly don't feel that much's just so distant, especially if you live in a country like mine...

I feel horrible for those killed and their loved ones, and the students and staff of the school of course, but somehow it isn't much on my mind...

again, it's so far away, and you always think things like these never happen to you or close by
God this really upset me, I cannot believe that person, what a complete *******. I'm glad he shot himself and I hope he burns in hell... I was very moved by the 74 year old Professor who sacrificed himself to save his students, thats one of the most heroic things i've ever heard so god bless that man. I send out my sympathy for the people who lost there lives that day and send my most sincere condolenses to their families. Things like these make me glad I don't live in the USA, considering how easy it is to get ahold of a gun. It's completely outrages and the government needs to act on it now, before something like this happens again :(
It's not just in America, so I don't think banning guns will have much of an effect.
Like a few years ago in Scotland, that man shot a load of little primary school kids and their teacher... even though guns are illegal over here it doesn't stop shootings happening.
you have to admit though that the States have more total gun deaths than any other country on record in the western world (at least)
according to Bowling for Columbine it's 11000+, while in for example Japan it's 39
if you adjust the figures to "per person" instead of just total, it's still way higher
you have to admit though that the States have more total gun deaths than any other country on record in the western world (at least)
according to Bowling for Columbine it's 11000+, while in for example Japan it's 39
if you adjust the figures to "per person" instead of just total, it's still way higher

Yes,but handgun ownership is banned in Japan
Well yes, shootings do and will happen, but implying stricter gun laws should at least reduce the chance of it happening if anything..
But I'm against increasing the gun laws we have now in most states,it's difficult enough to own them now
I guess, guns can be used to protect, but they are also used in things like this... and I doubt a shopkeeper will have an easy time identifying good guys from bad..
I'd be all for it and everything, but I'm actually not sure gun restrictions would solve the problem, I mean look at drugs...
and in europe in places where guns are banned, the bad guys still just hook themselves up with guns

however...restrictions would mean that for school shootings it would be harder to obtain a mass amount of guns and ammo (-> columbine), and kids won't find guns in their homes and bring them to school and shoot other kids (flint)
I'd be all for it and everything, but I'm actually not sure gun restrictions would solve the problem, I mean look at drugs...
and in europe in places where guns are banned, the bad guys still just hook themselves up with guns

however...restrictions would mean that for school shootings it would be harder to obtain a mass amount of guns and ammo (-> columbine), and kids won't find guns in their homes and bring them to school and shoot other kids (flint)

I think mental status just needs to be checked more often,since theres at least 10 guns in my living room,and I'm not shooting up my school
of course

just take canada...about as many guns per person, but practically no gun murders, at least not on a regular basis, if I remember Bowling right
im sure u guys know this kid, the killer, hes mentally disturbed. but i think...i don't hate him. theres more to his story than him just being a crazy ****. i dont think you guys should call him names just yet.