

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
ok, lets talk about my favorite subject FIREARMS the beautiful things that make us the top of the food chain, the USA the head of the world, and makes me just feel good :D
so, what do you think about the public owning:

1) those huge ass handguns (i mean the ridiculously big wrist breakers such as the 454 casull) not that i wouldn't mind owning one ;)

2) .50 CAL rifles (semi-bolt-all kinds) BOOM!! no more target

3) assault rifles (not machine guns, assault rifles are not always full auto)

4) high power shotguns and all kinds of 'scatter guns' (IE anything thats bigger than 12GA)

5) machine guns (need a definition? look at my name) :cool:

i think any semi or pump, bolt action, etc guns should be legal to own, just not burst or full auto, and i guess a gun could get too big, but unless some idiot wants a 40mm hand cannon i say if you can make it, and shoot it safely, you should be able to buy it.

just look at the price for ammo first (some of the guns can be as much as $5 a round :eek: )
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Where the ****'s the rocket launcher, anti-tank rifle and flamethrower options?

that would be under all of them (an i am going for small arms not including highly explosive stuff like RPG's) and (correct me if I'm wrong) you can pack an HEAT round into a .50 cant you?
I like guns. Alot. Don't own one, but I would like to. One of these days I'm gonna drag my sorry ass to Carabeta's and take the Permit Class. I think if it's safe it should be legal. Good stress relief IMO. Especially if you go out in the woods, find some old dead tree stumps, fill water bottles with gasoline about 1/2way, attach exploding targets to em', put them on top of the tree stumps, take a rifle....Not that I would know ;)
angie said:
I like guns. Alot. Don't own one, but I would like to. One of these days I'm gonna drag my sorry ass to Carabeta's and take the Permit Class. I think if it's safe it should be legal. Good stress relief IMO. Especially if you go out in the woods, find some old dead tree stumps, fill water bottles with gasoline about 1/2way, attach exploding targets to em', put them on top of the tree stumps, take a rifle....Not that I would know ;)

lol, hell yes, but I'm just as happy with a target that wont light the place on fire (its the gun and the shooting i enjoy, not the huge explosion of the target) and besides, a .50 will do wonders to damn near any target :D (knowing ex-marines has its up sides)
Msixty said:
lol, hell yes, but I'm just as happy with a target that wont light the place on fire (its the gun and the shooting i enjoy, not the huge explosion of the target) and besides, a .50 will do wonders to damn near any target :D

Ohh, but it was only a bunch of dead tree stumps next to the quarries.

(knowing ex-marines has its up sides)
Who do you think taught me that trick?
I would have to say anything of reasonable size and practicle use (hunting, protection) or that would be deemed DEFENSIVE as opposed to OFFENSIVE. I also think gun makers should automatically make a gunlock on every weapon created for teh consumer market. In areas where gun use is high either for hunting tartget or whatever, gun safety should be a mandatory class in school (even if you don't have one but it is likely your friends might) and if you are purchasing a gun you should have to say if there are children in your home and if so you should be required to pass a test on basic gun safety and be required to purchase a gun lock before getting your weapon.
I couldn't vote because I have feelings for both sides. Guns rock but at the same time there are too many ****ing MORONS in this world that will screw **** up with power like that.

Despite that being said, I would like to own a M1A2 Abrams complete with the .50 cal and the co-axial 7.62 and loader's 7.62 please. :) Oh, and free maintenance on it too, those things are a pain in the ass to fix.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
When I was a kid I wanted my first "car" to be a tank. And I wasn't joking around either.

i want a Chevy or a Humvee (wtf do you need a tank for?)
Outlaw2747 said:
I couldn't vote because I have feelings for both sides. Guns rock but at the same time there are too many ****ing MORONS in this world that will screw **** up with power like that.

i completely agree, and I'm for gun safety education all the way (not to mention just not letting those idiots get guns)
With an Abrams, who would **** with you on the road? ;) Then again its weight would not support most bridges so I guess I'll have to stick with the uparmored and heavily armed humvee when going through Philadelphia streets. :D
tizz said:
I would have to say anything of reasonable size and practicle use (hunting, protection) or that would be deemed DEFENSIVE as opposed to OFFENSIVE. I also think gun makers should automatically make a gunlock on every weapon created for teh consumer market. In areas where gun use is high either for hunting tartget or whatever, gun safety should be a mandatory class in school (even if you don't have one but it is likely your friends might) and if you are purchasing a gun you should have to say if there are children in your home and if so you should be required to pass a test on basic gun safety and be required to purchase a gun lock before getting your weapon.

if its for your home, locking it up 27 different ways render it obsolete and useless for defense (cant get to it in time) what you need is a safety, leave the clip next to it and loaded, and to have it in a quick un-lock pistol safe. and you need to pass a mandatory gun safety coarse to own one
angie said:
Ohh, but it was only a bunch of dead tree stumps next to the quarries.

Who do you think taught me that trick?

fun fun :D i thought you meant in a wooded area :p
Personally I don't even have one working lock on my house. Guns are not a need in my area unless you are a hunter, but I do understand we are definately not the rule.
Outlaw2747 said:
With an Abrams, who would **** with you on the road? ;) Then again its weight would not support most bridges so I guess I'll have to stick with the uparmored and heavily armed humvee when going through Philadelphia streets. :D

a military Humvee and a semi auto .223 AR15 rifle sitting in a gun rack, then an M1911A1 at your hip is all you need to command respect
tizz said:
Personally I don't even have one working lock on my house. .

then your an idiot, or homeless

tizz said:
Guns are not a need in my area unless you are a hunter, but I do understand we are definately not the rule.

its always good to be safe
Not really, in my neighborhood we don't even knock very often. The only people that lock their doors at night are not from around here. The house has stood for more than 70 years and never had a problem. I don't know of anyone that has (except one person and teh theif was my neighbor) I can honestly say that except for hunting rifles I don't know anyone with a gun around here
hey, why no more votes for .50 cal's and assault rifles? what about handguns like the Magnum Research Desert Eagle .50AE? or the 454 Casull? whats wrong with recreation shooting?
tizz said:
Not really, in my neighborhood we don't even knock very often. The only people that lock their doors at night are not from around here. The house has stood for more than 70 years and never had a problem. I don't know of anyone that has (except one person and teh theif was my neighbor) I can honestly say that except for hunting rifles I don't know anyone with a gun around here

open door policy town huh?