
Pretty much. Even if teh front door is locked there is always a door open for friends. We often take care of each other's dogs in teh winter when it is too cold to leave them out or bring in eachother's mail when it is raining.
tizz said:
Pretty much. Even if teh front door is locked there is always a door open for friends. We often take care of each other's dogs in teh winter when it is too cold to leave them out or bring in eachother's mail when it is raining.

sounds like a 500 population town lol
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I don't know what I needed a tank for. I Was a pre-teen boy with a head full of moronic macho bullshit at the time.

And things have changed how exactly? :p
Msixty said:
a military Humvee and a semi auto .223 AR15 rifle sitting in a gun rack, then an M1911A1 at your hip is all you need to command respect

I had a friend who was in the Army who had one of those Military Humvees. It was sweet. I hate those new yuppie-ized ones.
angie said:
I had a friend who was in the Army who had one of those Military Humvees. It was sweet. I hate those new yuppie-ized ones.
Angie, I'd take one of those yuppie-ized Humvees and turn it into an armored car/superweapon. Also, I'd like to get the Smith and Wesson Model 29-E .44 Magnum, the .44 Magnum Automag, an M-60, and a mini turret gun. :D :D
Personally I LOVE the desert eagle .50 AE. That is one beautiful piece of work that makes peoples heads split like a watermelon.
I personally dont like blast or machine guns.....i HONESTLY dont think civilians should be able to purchase these cause there are some SICK ****s in this world and they should be able to buy anything that deadly. I know Guns dont kill people, People kill People but if you hand them the right ****, thats just what they will do with it!
But hey....what can we do?
Gray~Gal said:
I personally dont like blast or machine guns.....i HONESTLY dont think civilians should be able to purchase these cause there are some SICK ****s in this world and they should be able to buy anything that deadly. I know Guns dont kill people, People kill People but if you hand them the right ****, thats just what they will do with it!
But hey....what can we do?
Gray~Gal, the idea that violent people are only violent when in posession of a special weapon, and all other times they are docile little kitty-cats is absolutely absurd! Barring them weapons is NOT going to make the world safer, or the sick ****s any less sick -OR- any less lethal!
MRIH has a good point, taking a gun wont work, they will use a knife, taking the knife wont work, they will use a blunt object, cant take that away, and even if you could, they would use there hands, but we all as civilians don't need machine guns

.50's and shotguns, un-godly huge handguns and non automatic/burst assault rifles are no big deal though
8_BALL said:
Personally I LOVE the desert eagle .50 AE. That is one beautiful piece of work that makes peoples heads split like a watermelon.

or a 454 that will vaporise them entirely :D

my friend has one, ****er is enormous :eek:
Kryptonite Man said:
Angie, I'd take one of those yuppie-ized Humvees and turn it into an armored car/superweapon. Also, I'd like to get the Smith and Wesson Model 29-E .44 Magnum, the .44 Magnum Automag, an M-60, and a mini turret gun. :D :D

you cant work over the H2 to work like a Humvee (they're too much of a street car) and they just wont preform the way a Humvee will
tizz said:
And things have changed how exactly? :p

Perhaps any of these?

1. I grew more liberal with age

2. I decieded I didn't want to sound like some war wacky redneck

3. I moved out of that shitty small town I grew up in

4. I realized that I simply WASN'T a macho shithead
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Gray~Gal, the idea that violent people are only violent when in posession of a special weapon, and all other times they are docile little kitty-cats is absolutely absurd! Barring them weapons is NOT going to make the world safer, or the sick ****s any less sick -OR- any less lethal!
They may be no less sick or carzy but if they had no access to firearms then they WOULD be less lethel. Guns are powerful killing tools and although a knife leaves you just as dead, its no so bad as a gun in the hands of a nutcase especialy since many wouldn't know how to use it well enough to cause real havoc. I believe Chris Rock does a standup routine about this sort of thing, makes some good points.

I personally don't understand why gun nuts get bent out of shape about gun control. I am a martial artist and i love swinging around a set of chucks or a katana, now these are both illegal weapons but the cops don't mind so long as they stay INSIDE the dojo. Theres good reason for this: These weapons of melee are the top of their class and have no REAL use outside of hurting people. Being so deadly, it would be BS to let them on the streets and even though I love them and know that they're fine if properly used, i reconize that if any idiot could just go walking around with a set of chucks (and knowing how to use them) in his jacket he could easily take out a room full of people.

Guns are even more deadly then nunchucks now aren't they? So why the hell would people think its any safer to let people walk aorund with guns then say a Si, or throwing stars? If you're a fan of guns then start a club and keep them there, but weapons don't belong on the street.
eisanbt said:
They may be no less sick or carzy but if they had no access to firearms then they WOULD be less lethel.
By the rest of this post, I am assuming this is a typo and you meant to say that people with a propensity for violence would be more lethal with access to firearms. (Don't worry, we all make gazillions of typos). While this is true, I don't believe that outlawing firearms are going to deny these people access to the firearms. Take crack cocaine as an example. It is illegal, but if I wanted some I could find it within 8 hours somewhere in nearby. Same with firearms.

Guns are powerful killing tools and although a knife leaves you just as dead, its no so bad as a gun in the hands of a nutcase especialy since many wouldn't know how to use it well enough to cause real havoc.
again making firearms illegal would not keep those firearms out of the hands of the nutcases. In fact, outlawing firearms would only serve to disarm those people inclined to obey the law. Those people who are not inclined to obey the law sure wouldn't care!

I believe Chris Rock does a standup routine about this sort of thing, makes some good points.
Well it might be funny, but outlawing firearms would only serve to increase the nutcases' lethalness.

I personally don't understand why gun nuts get bent out of shape about gun control.
It's human nature, if I am not interrested in it, then I don't care about it. Kinda like the taliban outlawing kite flying, The afghanis that didn't own kites, probably didn't care if there was a law against it or not.

I am a martial artist and i love swinging around a set of chucks or a katana, now these are both illegal weapons but the cops don't mind so long as they stay INSIDE the dojo.
Now here is a good example, Do you think that learning martial arts should be illegal? After All some nut-case could learn how to kill someone very efficiently and use his knowledge for some dastardly purpose, no? I would hope that you'd be outraged at the possibility of such legislation.

Theres good reason for this: These weapons of melee are the top of their class and have no REAL use outside of hurting people. Being so deadly, it would be BS to let them on the streets and even though I love them and know that they're fine if properly used, i reconize that if any idiot could just go walking around with a set of chucks (and knowing how to use them) in his jacket he could easily take out a room full of people.
suer, but why should the rest of be penalised because of what some "nut" may or may not do?

Guns are even more deadly then nunchucks now aren't they?
I don't know, but I do know that guns are less lethal than most people think (though they are extreamly lethal) many myths float about firearms. A projectile from a firearm that penetrates the hull of a passanger aircraft will cause the plane to explode is one. Being shot is not neccessarily a death sentence, infact only a heart, head, or lung shot would be immediately critical, so to weild a firearm correctly (lethally) one must have some amount of training.

So why the hell would people think its any safer to let people walk aorund with guns then say a Si, or throwing stars? If you're a fan of guns then start a club and keep them there, but weapons don't belong on the street.
I have a CHL in Texas and carry a .380 everywhere I go. I have done so for the past 6 years, and no one is any more danger by my possession of the weapon. Infact I could make a good argument that those unarmed people in my vicinity are actually safer because I'm packing heat. I practise regularly and am an expert marksman.
carrying a gun has one important purpose for me PROTECTION!

you think that a nut job or criminal needs a legal gun to go kill with? THERE ARE GUNS THAT ARE ILLEGALLY OWNED, they do just as much damage

after england outlawed firearms there murder and crime rate went through the roof (see a connection?)