
[/QUOTE] I have a CHL in Texas and carry a .380 everywhere I go. I have done so for the past 6 years, and no one is any more danger by my possession of the weapon. Infact I could make a good argument that those unarmed people in my vicinity are actually safer because I'm packing heat. I practise regularly and am an expert marksman.[/QUOTE]

Ok here a little common ground.

I agree that yes, regardless of laws people can access alot (firearms included, and highend melee weaponry) but even though i can quite easily go and get myself a sharpened katana (although for a hefty price mind you) and so could any other fool, you seldom see or hear of people accually doing this ****. The laws are so strict (Katana is basically a handheld guillotine) that it simply not worth the risk to go carrying one around(And if those gang banger punks can carry around concealed shotguns, they can carry a sword)
Instead of getting the much deadlier sword, people just resort to things like baseball bats and knives.

I believe that a similar trend would follow with guns, to if not atleast eliminate them (witch is ofcorse impossible) then decrease the number of guns available and the general nastyness of these guns (Instead of idiots 'spraying' the street with uzis, they'd be using small revolvers on the intended target only etc..)

Now not only would this cut down on how effective the criminals are,but by allowing police to be armed with higher end guns (No more Beretta vs AK-47 incidents) You increase the advanage they have over criminals, thereby making them MORE effective.

As i said before we have a little common ground, you carry around a gun and yes if you're being good about then maybe the people around you are a little safer. Honestly, i carry around a set of Nunchucks and being trained as i am and with no DESIRE to use them then I feel safer and the folks around are as well (Although i believe in confroting only if there is No other possible option)

And as for the comment about outlawing martial arts, the thing about them is that most instructors won't teach soembody who is going to misuse what they learn and it also take a long time to become a real weapon (Personally i'ld be more worried about boxers; good quick learn to make you suffciently ass kicking) Plus in america you have laws that force people like myself to be registered as deadly weapons. Put on file, and treated much more severly by the courts is foul play is thought to be the case. (EG: A knife is pulled on me; With my skill, did i HAVE to kill the guy etc...)

The Martial arts are not projectiles and therefore no where near as deadly as guns, if i gun was put to my head, even though i've been 'trained' to deal with that i would still do whatever the **** they wanted. (Thats if they're too dumb to know what a kill range is)
i could really care less about your martial arts training, i went through karate after wrestling and i quit after hurting the instructor, he may have been an idiot, but martial arts is just useless against grappling tactics, and your not in the movies, you cant dodge a bullet or take out a sniper with nunchuks, when i get my permit i will proudly carry a sidearm and it will indeed make my town safer, why? because i shoot straight, i only shoot when i need to, and know who to shoot when i do, seeing a guy with two bits of wood linked with some steel just makes me laugh, seeing a man, boy, or even woman with a gun at there hip makes me think twice and hold my tongue
One; the fact that you say that Martial Arts are useless against grappling shows how little you know about them. (EG: there are entire styles dedicated to it) Find yourself a decent instructor and you'll have your ass wipped (Let me guess, he was TKD.. I was a wrestler too and i kick the **** out of the competition with the skills i got form my martial arts training.) And i never claimed to be able to take out a sniper with Nunchucks, THAT IS OBVIOUSLY ABSURD! Nor did i claim to be able to dodge bullets and that is percisly my point; Guns are ****ing dangerious, more so then MANY other weapons that are outlawed (like Nunchucks). Therefore by the rational that seems to work of outlawing weapons like chucks the number of people carrying them would decrease and violance related to them in turn.

Think a bit before you post, You've said nothing to denouce my arguments, only supported them (You're 'Your stupidity is my weapon' quote is very relevant here') . If this is what you consider to be 'one of the smartest people on GF' then you are soorly mistaken. Being a gun-nut/ ignorent "right-winger" (Note ignorent) may get you rep or praise from the other drones but when you start in with some accual reason or atleast some copy/paste facts then I'll start listening. MRIH, please show him how to be a proper gun-crazed republican.

PS: No nunchucks can't take out a sniper, but at sniper range i doubt your little side-arm would either... (And i don't flash around ****ing nunchucks or any other weapon.)
nun chucks are illegal, butterfly knives are illegal, so are many weapons, what you fail to see is that making a weapon illegal will do absolutely nothing to drop the amount or crimes, let me ask you this, lets say your a criminal with an illegal gun (any kind) and you go up to a house to rob it, you get inside and start looking for whatever you came for, suddenly a man comes into the room swinging a bat (he has no gun because there illegal for his protection) what would you as a criminal with an illegal gun in this situation do? (no you cant use your crazy kung fu kicking :D ) and yes i know kung fu is not necessarily a combat art but a development of a skill...blah blah blah (i was being funny ok?)

ok, now your a criminal that walks into a house and the same thing happens, but you have a legal weapon that can be traced back to you and the man appears in the room with a .38 revolver in his hand

do you understand what I'm getting at? criminal actions involving firearms are generally done with illegal weapons anyway, and if the person does something with a legal registered one (the ones that would be outlawed) we can catch them and get them off the streets
I see where M-60 is coming from...

Consider this:
There's a little country in Europe called Switzerland where it's ILLEGAL for any male over 20 to NOT own a gun. There is little to no crime there
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I see where M-60 is coming from...

Consider this:
There's a little country in Europe called Switzerland where it's ILLEGAL for any male over 20 to NOT own a gun. There is little to no crime there

also a town somewhere in the lower 48 had such bad crime that they made carrying guns mandatory, the crime rate dropped to almost nothing in a matter of about a month (would you jack a car if it had 4 adults in it and they all had guns?)
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I see where M-60 is coming from...

Consider this:
There's a little country in Europe called Switzerland where it's ILLEGAL for any male over 20 to NOT own a gun. There is little to no crime there
Me wonders if they even need police then.