Guys are dumb! (help thread)

far out.....i hate the way girls treat nice guys as it is there isnt enough of them...

it is soooooo sad that most of them turn gay or retarded or cut because they are tired of being "the friend" and then most girls complain that guys are complete asses with ribbons and a gift box included

it just makes me sick, i would never treat a guy like that
stupidsoul1 said:
far out.....i hate the way girls treat nice guys as it is there isnt enough of them...

it is soooooo sad that most of them turn gay or retarded or cut because they are tired of being "the friend" and then most girls complain that guys are complete asses with ribbons and a gift box included

it just makes me sick, i would never treat a guy like that

yea i agree, it is mean and unfair.
Here's what i think of that... 1, im ****ing tired of being told "any girl would be lucky to have you..." Bullshit... If u dont like me, just tell me, life goes on, and then u'll realize that u were a douche bag to begin with...
sicforsakenone said:
Here's what i think of that... 1, im ****ing tired of being told "any girl would be lucky to have you..." Bullshit... If u dont like me, just tell me, life goes on, and then u'll realize that u were a douche bag to begin with...

whats your name suppose to mean? said in context forsaken one?
Chainerreturns said:
whats your name suppose to mean? said in context forsaken one?
IT means what it means... take it as u wish.. there is no yes, there isn't a no... there is only what u see... confused yet? I sure as hell are/am whatever
Hybrid Soldier said:
nice guys do finish last, because they dont do ****, and everyone else is a bitch and will pick on them. atleast thats how it is here. and also, girls dont usually get to know a guy how he really is, they get to know a guy how he is around girls, which is totally diff than when a guy is around guys

i wonder what i would qualify as. i am a nice guy.. at heart anyways, but i have a hard ass facade, it's beautiful. all of my closest friends hated me.. until they actually talked to me.

i think that's why i was so into jackie.. she talked to me,a nd gave me a chance, she didn't date me cuz i seemed like a hard ass..

okay, anyways, nuff of the mushy gushy ****.

nice guys don't *always* finish last.. just gotta find the right girl.. not the preppy hoes who treat em like ****.. but the ones that may not be hot, or good looking, or gorgeous, but.. mentally.. *there*
stupidsoul1 said:
i suppose, my best friends now hated me too when they first met me they thought i was a total prep...

i see nice guys that get the girl so its not impossible...

well,i thought you were pretty cool.rock on!
heres a problem,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

wat shud i do abt my shyness??????

i mean i kant talk 2 a guy properly................i talk 2 the point and then the guy thiinks im not interested.......................its difficult 2 overcum the shynessppl hit on me......................they try 2 tok 2 me....................but im not gud..........jus temme
::sigh:: please.. type properly. it hurts my head trying to decipher your posts. chatspeak isn't cool.. why use it?

anyways, let the guy know your interested. if you just talk for too long, he'll think you're not interested, and then you're stuck in the friend zone.
NVme4ever said:
heres a problem,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

wat shud i do abt my shyness??????

i mean i kant talk 2 a guy properly................i talk 2 the point and then the guy thiinks im not interested.......................its difficult 2 overcum the shynessppl hit on me......................they try 2 tok 2 me....................but im not gud..........jus temme

i have been told i am really shy, but if you like him that much you should be able to be yourself or atleast tell him how you feel because you know he likes you.
stupidsoul1 said:
i have been told i am really shy, but if you like him that much you should be able to be yourself or atleast tell him how you feel because you know he likes you.

you are??? i didnt notice...i thought that was just your niceness.