Hahn206 + Chester_Chaz00 Sig Requests

hey guys.. I haven't posted in awhile as I have been buys.. So I figured since I am goin to be able to post again I need a new sig.. Hahn made me one a while back and I love it..but I don't care which of you make it..

Theme: A scary type of thing goin on if possible
pics:none that I have found
quote: Darkness, Be my friend

I don't want a Linkin Park sig..weird I know..but I don't want it to have LP in it..

hey victim

ill get started on it now and do u want a pic or a vid? and also do u want me to blend one in or do like a paint one like sum1's and rockinfreak and yea which 1 AND PPL WAT DO U THINK OF MY NEW SIG
Ohh i forgot to add that I don't want any animations or vids..I just want a picture..
and for the blend ore paint thing what ever looks best.. I don't care.. thanks so much
hey guys thx by the way and i love mike shinoda 2 ur sig is done im jus uploading to photobucket umm victim and lpluvagurl ill get started as soon as possible
OK Chester_Chaz00. I did let Hahn do this a while ago but Ill do the same with you...

1. First, I want the background to be light blue
2. Then, on the left side, I want a pic of Mike from "Live in Texas" when he sings "P5ng me A*wy"
3. Then, in the middle, I want a vid of when Mike sings "P5ng me A*wy". I want when he starts singing and then the part when he sings "When this I.." and continue til he is done with his little solo.
4. I want the phrase "Even the People who never frown eventually break down"
5. And have my name somewhere on there.

Heres the pic of mike: