Hawthorne Heights

i loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove them!!!
and its very very true that ohio is for lovers cuz guys from ohio are really hawt and i love a guy from ohio lol
haha I never met a guy from Ohio so I don't know. But I wanna buy their CD. There's only one copy at the music store downtown though and my friend wants it really bad.......I'll have to wait.
Currently on my top 5 fav. band list.. They are awsum.. I was goin to go see them last Tuesday.. But I had to babysit :'(

[My 1,000 Post w00p w00p]
*yawn* Thier songs are okay, but all the screaming is a real turn-off for me. Aside from Linkin Park, I really don't like screaming in music.
The only song I've heard by them is Ohio is for Lovers. I love that song soo much though. It's stuck in my head all the time. I wanted to buy their CD to hear their other songs but I haven't gotten around to it.
My moms from Ohio. *sorry, a bit random haha*
they are like a 3year old trying to scream..... they just cant do it they are trying to be more hardcore then they are and ever will be. I dont really rate them atall.
Stenners said:
they are like a 3year old trying to scream..... they just cant do it they are trying to be more hardcore then they are and ever will be. I dont really rate them atall.
i agree, but i still dont think their horrible
Hawthorne Heights are great. "Sandpaper and Silk" actually describe the bands music quite well lol. It's cool with the guys voice all soft and stuff, but then some dude starts screaming and it's like rough and kinda funny ^.^ I really like the band though, I ordered their cd ages ago from amazon with the bonus dvd and the cd was a really worthwhile listen. I have to say that the singer kinda sucks live, but the music is really good. I like them as a whole :) My favourite songs are "Ohio is for lovers", "The Transition", "Blue burns orange" and "Niki FM" xD!