Heart LP´s Journal


New member
Sammie is back! wohoo :D

sry I just felt like saying that ^_^

yeah cool dream but yet I think it´s weird :p

aaah I cant even type properly, cause I feel weak....,it´s cause I just woke up :p I hate it when that happens.



New member

I'M BACK!!!!!!!!1 omg I missededed you!


that's a fun lil dream... my dreams have been vivid latley.. some awesome, some that made me paranoid, and other, just plain weeeird!

so wassup!? I'm glad I'm back! :D *skips around room*



New member
lmao Basmah! that´s um...diffetrent! :D

yay Twi! I missed you too! I have´nt talked to you for like like like 1 week like!! :p

I hope you come today on LPF!!

That was a happy dream after soo long time! yesterday night I had nightmares again..like someone killed my mom and someone was chasing me and wanted to kidnapp me or something like o_O I woke up screaming 3 times and my mom had to wake me up all those 3 times cause I ekpt screaming! o_O



meeh....that´s not the first time so I´m not worried *shrugs*



New member
lol idk...it just happens sometimes..I dont scared or anything in real but onyl in dreams...it´s just weird o_O


New member
lol thanx!

I´ll drink it before I go to sleep :thumbsup:

It was kinda embarresing cause my bro´s gf stayed over the night so I think you could hear it lol meeehh..who cares..I dont like her anyways! mwuahahaha :p

so what´s up?



New member
lol I think I saw it at Hybi´s journal...hmm *thinks* yeah...maybe...

omg yesterday was like the 1000th time I saw Auton Powers in Gold member again!!!

I know each and every dialogue and move in that movie! lol



New member
muahahahahh :p

sorry wanted to do that

HEeeeeey Sis ^^

didn't talked to you for a Loooong time

so what's up?

nightmares? 0_o".. i hate nightmares.. they're so scary.

hope you get sweet dreams in staid of nightmares *hugs*

ttyl sis




New member
aah I love to watch movies! I can never get tired of them :p

Hey Sis!I know it is really have been long time since we have talked talked lol

aww thanx *hugs back*

dont tell me you are leaving....? :(

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