Heart LP´s Journal


New member
i'm here i'm here!!!

sorry.. yeah i looks like ages 0_o

but i'm here..

nooo don't go!!

i.. just,, got ...here.. :(

ah well..b

byebye! *hugs*



New member
Lol, sammi poo is a mini ss1!!

aww,lol *hugs*

Ugh, ***, i have homework..damnit..

I hate science.. :p

Anyway,byebye!! *hugs again*



New member
aww hey you guys!

well I really g2g now lol

yeah vero funny convo...a weird one too :D

wohoo I´m the mini ss1, well we both actually ARE half indians lol

I have homework too, isnt that horrible? lol

good luck with yours Basmah! and thanx Vero lol

Sis, you´re gone now1 but hey we could talk on msn ;)

*hugs to all 3*

good night




New member
aww I´m here and now you´re gonna leave =_=

*grabs tyour hand and pulls you away from the dark corner*

come to the bright side...look...light

*looks* ow damnit! my eyes hurt! :p

meeh anyways..

Time to update ma journal!

alors, avril 18.

I woke up by the **** alarm clock and I really did´nt ant to go to school but I guess I ahd to. I had persian first. Learned some more alphabets and wrote some more stuff. Then I had spanish..we had to choose a new course today so I chose the same old course B. Course B is harder then course A and I feel that course is really easy..like repetition of the same old things..Spanish was ok...

Later on I had "loggboks tid" lol, Idk the word for it in English but it´s like um..you get all the info for the week in this class by your class teachers.

In this class we had to vote for a new um..freindsupporter lol idk if there is this "freind supporter" thing in other countries´school but yeah we have it in Sweden. It´s like a one girl from the class that gets chosen by the class and she is the supporter for everyone in the class. it´s a boy and a girl form th class that becomes freind supporter and well the other students can tell them about their problems or any´thing secret they want and´freind supporter cant tell anyone else..woo that was long lol so anyways..I got t be this "freind suppoter" thingie! So´I´m reeaaaaaaaaallly happy about that cause I had no idea that I would be..

so anyways moving on to Francais. It was ok...our french teacher is still wierd.

then we had lunch and then tema again..you know tema lol...tema is tema! :p

so yeah, we talked about what we did last monday on the math lesson..you know we all left cause the teacher was´nt there..and everyone blamed it on me! *insert REALLY ****** face here* cause I was teh one who told the teacher about the rule but I said that it was´nt my fault and toldthem that the teacher was´nt really there for 15 mins which IS true and everyone got quit. Then they say that I was ****** so they come to me after the class and say "yeah I agree with you balbalbla" sooo. freakin chickens! They dont have the gutts to say that in front of the teacher! :mad:

Then we had english and we watched a movie..boring one..

then we had gym and that was the best class of the day! o.o

We had boxing1 wohoo and I love to beat the **** outta someone :p

so my teacher was like "o.o holy ****" lol cause I love boxing but now I´m tired as **** and cant even walk lol my **** hurts too :p

well well

woooaah I think that this is the longest journal entry I have made!

hehe thanx for reading this whole ****! :p


*hugs everyone*




New member
cool ^^

sounds like a really great day :p

Friendsupporter? sounds cool ^^

wish we had something like that..

ow boy i think that the one who is a friend supporter wants to quit the first day because he has to listen to all me problems lol

he would be like: *looking on watch* sjeez are you ready jet?

cool boxing ^^

we had rugby today 0_0'

luckely we didn't had to tackle someone..

ow boy... what if Bojan had tackled me 0_0'

i would be as flat as a pancake lol

well ttyl

msn is crappy right now :(

byebye! *hugs*



New member
Hey sis!

I know your msn is crappy!

I tried to chat with you but I cant :(


lol I love rugby cause you get to tackle ppl :p lmao

lol naaw I dont think that anyone would be tired of you...only I would!

lol jk jk!! haha never! :p

I love to like...idk understand ppl somehow..seems weird but I just love to cheer ppl up *shrugs* meeehh..that´s me..

yesh you would be like a sshmoke ina pancake if bojan tackled you :p



New member
Omg,boxing!! That would be so much fun!!

Haha. I hate my alarm clock! it annoys me so much!! *beep beep beep*

I freakin wake up at 6 oclock every morning..

I hate french too, today we were talking about le Futur Proche..its so gay, we learn le Futur Proche like, every **** year! :p

Anywho, i'll catch ya later, toodlez!




New member
lol we are still in present in french...

I used to love french but now I hate it =_=

Boxing is awsome! poor you, you have to wake up so early! I wake up at 7:15 and I think that´s early lol

April 19th

well today is DRAVEN´S B´DAY!


awww he is 3...how cute

I wish I could hug him :p

well right now I´m at school and having "tema" lol we have a lots of tema in school. No one is working, they are just talking and when the teacher comes and asks what they are doing thye say that they are discussing about stuff...


well, right now the teacher told us that the class is having a break so meeh...I´ll be online here :p

I´ll update the rest of the journal when I gte home....ooh I´be got alot of homework to do =_=

well anyways.....later



New member
yaaay happy b´day to D

happy b´day to D

happy b´day to dear Deeeeeeeeeeeee :p

Happy b´day to D...


ok well on with the update..

I came from school and school was ok but I felt as if I´m having major humour swings lol

Sometimes I´m ****** as **** then I´m depressed then happy and it´s goes on and on..

right now i´m feeling rather depressed.

well, School started off by English..it was boring then after 30 mins I and Simon (the other freindsuppoter from the class) had to go to a freind supporter´s meeting and we did some random stuff that happens in real life and then the councelor was talking about some stupid **** and I just wanted to tell her what it really feels like! She was like "yess..we understand that ppl can have bad times and it´s normal and BLABLABLA!!!" as if she knew everything..well the meeting was crappy

Then I had maths...and it was ok...i found out the results of my maths exams and I got 34/40..I thought I would do better but I got B+...meeh..it´s good I guess...I mostly dont care.

Then I started to get really ****** cause everything went wrong..I mean everything! Teachers were being really bitchy as well as the students..they always have their foolish comments on everything..I talked a lill with my freind, Jennie...and I calmed down a bit and came on LPF and then suddenly I was really happy o_O..

well later on we had luch and as usually we had some ****** food that stinks! so I did not eat and went home tó eat something. That time I was mad too and then I came home and started listening to music, I was happy again o_O

well then when I went back to school, we had to take a walk..we have that every tuesdays so I had my music with me...LP and Hoobastank. The whole way me, Jennie, Sonya and Rebecca were really hyper and laughing and dancing like drunk french retarted ppl lol it was funny..then we had science and Simon was sooo funny! lmoa

There are 2 Simons in my class and both are cousins, well, anytime my science teacher tells us something they comment on that..for instance

Teacher: yes, so you know what cars go on.

Simon:yep Bensin or Petrol

Simon 2: unless it´s not on water

Simon: yep or some ****** carosine

Simon 2..yep yep....


like we were studying about human body parts and well Simon 2 is prevy lol and he saw a pic of a naked woman and he luaghed so much, he was all red and we were like o..m..g!! lol

so somehow we were laughing all the time in science...was fun!

Then I came home and found out that my room was not as I arranged it last sunday...everything was changed...and guess who did that?!?! yep the Evil mom =_=

When she came home, I told her about it and he argued and gave me some ****** explanations like..."your room looked like **** and someone had to change so I thought of helping out" seriuosly I need to change the lock of my room!

Then I watched Tv and I was soo hungry today! I ate lunch 2 times o_O I usually dont eat so much for lunch!

I think maybe my toime of teh month would be coming soon =_=

just great! *sarcasm*

well...I´m on LPF now and will be leaving soon cause I got loads of h/w =_=

Cant wait till Saturday!


*hugs everyone*



New member
sounds like an *cough* usual *cough* day lol


you had lots of fun i can read that

laughing of a pic from a naked woman? omg

*starts wondering how that boy can ever have *** lol*

much h/w?

i already did mine :D

well good luck then lol

ttyl byebye! *hugs*



New member
Hey sis

yeah lol the day is both good and crappy!

yeah I know Simon is really...*shakes head*

he cant even hold any girl´s hand!! He laughes his off and gets really red in the face

*shakes head*

and I thought I was shy about this stuff lol

yeah, I think I´ll get my homework here and study too

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