Heart LP´s Journal


New member
Hey Sammi!!!!How´s life???The BBB thingy sounds funny XD,btw I love your sigy it´s 2 cutey!^__^.

Arrgg!!I´m really sleepy,so I guess I´m gonna go now,and I´ll talk to u l8rz.

Sorry that I didn´t post that much:(.

Take care*hugs*




New member
Fri- yeah that's why we added a "passionable" in it :p

well our band's name is Passionable hatred so yeaah.... Kinda weird but we all wanted a weird name *shrugs*

Vero- hey honey, life's......it's....boring..yeah *nods*

thanx ^^ CHI! lol

lol yeah well I did say that we were "tired" XP

It's ok.

Glad you dropped by ;)

thanx, you too

*hugs back*

Well I'm not gonna update today either. I just wanted to post this lill convo mi, Louice and alex had on msn. It's quit funny XP

Miss Independent- Me

Miss never let a man help me off my throne - Louice (no offence, she's a feminist)

Miss nobody- alex

[ Miss Nobody]- I call for help säger:

i wanna smoke

[Miss Independent] I'm young and I'm hopeless. _¤B B¤_ säger:

aaah me tooo

ms Never Let A Man Help Me Off My Throne säger:

me to!

[Miss Independent] I'm young and I'm hopeless. _¤B B¤_ säger:

me three

ms Never Let A Man Help Me Off My Throne säger:

ja me three!

[Miss Independent] I'm young and I'm hopeless. _¤B B¤_ säger:

me four

ms Never Let A Man Help Me Off My Throne säger:


[ Miss Nobody]- I call for help säger:

me five

[Miss Independent] I'm young and I'm hopeless. _¤B B¤_ säger:

me six

ms Never Let A Man Help Me Off My Throne säger:

me seven

[Miss Independent] I'm young and I'm hopeless. _¤B B¤_ säger:

me eight

ms Never Let A Man Help Me Off My Throne säger:

me nine

[Miss Independent] I'm young and I'm hopeless. _¤B B¤_ säger:

em ten

[Miss Independent] I'm young and I'm hopeless. _¤B B¤_ säger:


ms Never Let A Man Help Me Off My Throne säger:

har nån nåt då? (Does anyone have any?)

[Miss Independent] I'm young and I'm hopeless. _¤B B¤_ säger:


[Miss Independent] I'm young and I'm hopeless. _¤B B¤_ säger:

faaan =_= (Daaaamn)
lmao we are such big losers XD

yeah so...today is Friday! and I've got nothing to do =_=

I miss ppl!! I miss Sis Heathy, Sis Hybi, Tsoi, Shahfire, Matt and Becky!!

I wish they could all come back again :(

thanx for reading...



New member
May 19th:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::today I woke up and didn´t go to school cause yesterday I asked my mom if I could not go to school today and she said ok. well the reason is that I´m not feeling very good from yesterday...it´s an emotional thing. It feels like I´m losing the ones I love....it´s hard to explain so I wont.

well anyways I stayed home and woke up when my bro pressed my nose lol I cant explain well he did so that I couldn´t breathe and then started to laugh *sigh* well I woke punching him in the stomach cause I got scared *chuckles* that was fun! :D lmao

anywaayzz...he wanted to use the compy for his "homework" yeah right *sarcasm* since when did he started studying :rolleyes: ooh btw I also got loads of presents from Iran. I always say that if you dont ask for anything and are satisfied with the things yuo get, you´ll get even more. ;)

so I woke up and it started to hail. Was pretty cool. I wanted to go out for a walk but mom didn´t allow me..why? cause I could a cold...*sigh* mom...

so I just stood in the balcony. meeh I ate breakfast and starting talking to Dad about what had happened this month and when I start talking...oh boy lol

keep going on! well ofcourse when I have a subject to talk about.^^

so I was babling and mom told me that he didn´t get any of it so I asked him if he did and he told me no :rolleyes: he does that very often but he just keeps on listening with this interest and when I ask him why he does that, he always goves only one answer "because I love you"...*sigh* dad...

*double sigh* parents.... :p

well I helped mom alill with cleaning and helped bro a lil with computer stuff and then when I was done, one thing in his laptop stopped working so he blamed it all on me. I think the key is just locked and as usually I have to fix it.=_=

later on I got tired and just took a really long shower and ate lunch. I always eat late. I hate like 16:00 or something. o.o meeh anyways.. I watched AFV aka america´s funniest homevideos or something like that. lol I love that show :p and now here i am..online, tired, a lill depressed about something Idk :rolleyes: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

later on I´ll just study a lill Swedish and prolly draw something.

Thanx for reading


Poor your brother lol:p,but well he deserved it,right? ;) ,thanx *** I don´t have brothers or sisters,I like been only child better.I hope any1 don´t get mad at me for saying it lol

Other than your fight with your bro,it looks like u had a nice day:).

Good luck with Sweedish^^.

Awww why are u depressed?*hugs*

Hope u feel better by l8rz,ttyl Sammi.

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New member
Sammi smoking is not good!:(The other day I was bugging Matt(Stenners)about that bcuz he smokes 2:(.

Yeah it´s really sad that some ppl are not back in here :( ,I haven´t talk to Shahfire in a long time and the same with other ppl:(

Where is Hybi btw??I haven´t talked in ages with her!!! :( .

Well cya l8rz Sammi:)



New member
I´m not depressed anymore :D

now I´m happy ^^

well anyways..yeah this day was pretty ok and dont worry I dont think anyone will get mad cause you said that. I think everyone will think 2wow, that must feel so great" or something similiar :thumbsup:

oh btw I watched this video that my father recorded from Iran and my cousin sis is there and she is sooo cute! she is only 4 and have talked to me once. she said in persian that she wanted to see me and wants to be like me. awwww lol that was so...so....so...touching :p

And she is so cute! she talk like an adult and did I mention she is cute? ;) :D

I´m gonna save that video :p



New member
matt smokes...wait sammi smokes...bad you *snaps your ciggy up*

i hope your ok there sweetie, havent got on comp for ages and ages and ages and...you get the picture lol...<3 u

and btw where is hybi???????? >.< and becks????????? >.<

*hugs u* hope your ok!!!



New member
I do! she is really cute :D

meeh I´m not sire about that..I´m not the kinda person you can look upto :p

yeah I saw my uncles and aunts. My cousins and well I saw Iran lol



New member
Yeah I know smoking is not good but sometimes I just do smoke shrugs*

Nothing worng with just "sometimes".

btw Vero, I think Hybi's Computer is all ****** again that's why she cant come so often.

and yeah miss Shahfire!

lol Keza! yeah I get the picture XP

well hope you can catch up soon :thumbsup: :D

Idk about Becks but I think that Hybi's copmy is all ******, I'm not sure tho.

Fri, yeah I nkow but meeehhh. "sometimes" it's ok.

October 8th

I have'nt done much today. Took new pics which I actually like o.o

I never like my pics =_=

um..anyways I'll just skip to when I went at Maria's place and I am going to sing / play drums in the church next sunday. So yeah, fun! ooh I'm gonna be in a drama too. um..so yeah we're gona sing "oh happy days" and "joyfull joyfull" It's gonna mucho mucho fun! ^^

Later on we just practiced and well I came home with Linn and there were some bullies outside the door throwing stuff at us so I'm like stop it and all then well we both had to go so I'm like "I've got to go guys, sry I could'nt be here longer, but we can meet soon *wink* *flying kiss* bu byeeee"

and they are like "uh...heh...eh....byeee"

***** it was so funny! XDD

so now I'm home alone, drinking cold beer with snickers :p


thanx for reading

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New member
awww wow sounds like fun, there were bullies throwing stuff at you...oh thats crappy, nice you stood up to them, im a coward id probably of run away or done something gay like cried...wooot im cool lol

well hope youre ok, and stop smoking!!!

<3 u *kisses and hugs*



New member
hm...well atleast I dont want her to do the stupid things that I´ve done...

so that´s the main reason.

meeh she will end up being a great person which she is. I love her lol

She is so lill and she tella poetries o.o

smart kid.

hmm anyways yeah it was.

I hope to visit Iran someday.

Dad brought pics of me when I was baby *lol* from Iran. I was just laughing my *** off when I saw them :p



New member
lmao I loev your ava!

yeaah well I'm used to it. when I was new here in Sweden, I would run away but nowwe well I've learned that they neeed some love to :p

lol yeah youre cool! XD lol seriuoslyu

meeh I just do it sometimes!!><

bot a big deal!

heart yiu too!

I feel dizzt!



New member
awww how cute!!!!!I would like to see pics from u when u were a lil baby:p.

Your cousin´s siser seems very smart and cute(lol i know u already said it lol)for what u said about her.

Good luck for her in the future:thumbsup:

I´m out 4 now so ttyl.



New member
Yeah I know smoking is not good but sometimes I just do smoke shrugs*Nothing worng with just "sometimes".

btw Vero, I think Hybi's Computer is all ****** again that's why she cant come so often.

and yeah miss Shahfire!

lol Keza! yeah I get the picture XP

well hope you can catch up soon :thumbsup: :D

Idk about Becks but I think that Hybi's copmy is all ******, I'm not sure tho.

Fri, yeah I nkow but meeehhh. "sometimes" it's ok.

October 8th

I have'nt done much today. Took new pics which I actually like o.o

I never like my pics =_=

um..anyways I'll just skip to when I went at Maria's place and I am going to sing / play drums in the church next sunday. So yeah, fun! ooh I'm gonna be in a drama too. um..so yeah we're gona sing "oh happy days" and "joyfull joyfull" It's gonna mucho mucho fun! ^^

Later on we just practiced and well I came home with Linn and there were some bullies outside the door throwing stuff at us so I'm like stop it and all then well we both had to go so I'm like "I've got to go guys, sry I could'nt be here longer, but we can meet soon *wink* *flying kiss* bu byeeee"

and they are like "uh...heh...eh....byeee"

***** it was so funny! XDD

so now I'm home alone, drinking cold beer with snickers :p


thanx for reading

Asta la vista
Yeah those were nice pics, I liked them :)

cold beer with snickers? o.0



New member
yeah lol cause usually you eat peanuts or something will beer but I did'nt find any so snickers does have peanutbutter thing in it so yeaah..o__O

why thank you!

omg I'm in love with happy days!! It's so awsome. I just love gospel :D



New member
haha well they are kinda embaressing to show so I´m not sure if I shall upload them on the computer :p

lmao yeah, thanx

and ttyl




New member
Sammi! Lol,you can really get addicted to pepsi?!?

****! I think im a pepsiholic.lol

I wanna see a picture of you when you were a baby!! :D



New member
lmao I agree.

Well actually I was supposed to eat sweets but then my mom had hidden them ><

so I had a beer instead o.o

weird replacement o_O



New member
yeah you do :eek: I think it´s so weird!

meeh pepsiholic is all goood :p

iiiiii dont knooow if I wanna post it here...as I said..it´s too embaressing. I would prolly have to hide forever if I post it in here....

*hides* :p



New member
lmao yeah!! XD

Revenge...??? o_O

well they are not just any sweets but my fav sweets which is Indian!!

It's Ramazan so asian sweets are available at some places.



New member
yeah you dont know what Ramazan is?

well it's a muslim religious festival thing.

we're not muslim, we just buy sweets :p


omg everythnig I say just comes out really weirdly XD



New member
Oh yeah where they fast? I thought that was called Ramadan though o.0

and lol yeah I figured :p

maybe so...are you tired or something? XD



New member
Sammi--That is such a cute way to wake up :D lol! awww I like that description of your dad, sounds very cute :) I like AFV too, but sometimes I think the people who get those money don’t exactly have the funniest videos *shrugs*

Lol you people have funny songs stuck in your head, I get that too sometimes, but not so much anymore, I’m usually plugged into my mp3, actually, I think I’m going deaf o__O

*agrees with Sammi* Yah everyone feels rude sometimes, I do too. But I love this place, makes you feel so much more at home :D

Hope you’re feeling better! *hugs* Byez :D



New member
yeah well english ppl call it Ramadan and Asian ppl call it Ramazan.

I think...or something like that....I think :p

lmao no, not really.

after I drank the beer I was feelnig a lill dizzy but I saw my parents and everything is back to normal XD



New member
Sammi! Lol,you can really get addicted to pepsi?!?****! I think im a pepsiholic.lol

I wanna see a picture of you when you were a baby!! :D
I´m a chocoholic lol:p,talking of posting pics,Ozzy when are u gonna have the guts to post a pic of u? :p ,u really should.

And Sammi,I would like to see pics of u baby^^.

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