Heart LP´s Journal


New member
Well, lol I've seen episodes, but not that many. I would like to watch more.
41/50 is great! You know, you're not originally from Sweden, so if I were you I'd consider this good :thumbsup:

I'm sorry you feel so bad. This will pass, believe me, it always does.
well I hope it passes soon but thanx

yeah but I feel like I´m forgetting swedish more and more evryday cause I speak more english. hm...weird but yeaah...meeh right now that´s not a really big deal for me lol

you should watch more...if you mean simpsons lol but yeah it´s awsome. :thumbsup:



New member

sorry that i haven't been here that much..

i was a little.. busy..

well about 10th of may... sorry about your finger.. hope it's better now..

and you made a pizza? 0.o in school? YUMMIE! i love pizza :D

funny dream btw

about today.. i know how you feel.. it's like nothing can go right,,

i hate that kind of days..

well hope you feel better sis.. please do


i g2g now




New member
meeh dont worry about it, the imp thing is if we have talked and we have so....yeah lol

meeh it´s all good..no school work for 2 days...aaah feels good lol

yeah I had home econoics and I do make something I wanted so I made pizza Hawaii :p

yeah well as I siad, I just have t deal with it, nothing is perfect and neither is life..so well gotta deal with it.

I do feel better...much better.

*hugs back*

have fun at the market :thumbsup:

ttyl hon



New member
wow congrats!!!! *hugs you* thats so awesome, you sound really happy, <3 u and hope alls well with the rest of your life!!!


New member
time for another half update:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

After sometime I went to choir practice which went very well :eek: I and Therese (sings really really bad =_=) had to sing diff version of a song, like in more higher notes and one part was really high and I could sing it! I didn´t know about that..hm...anyways because of that I was feeling much better and singing just makes me feel better. I had lunch with Sophia and Therese today which was so much fun! Sophia is from Finland and she teaches me lill finnish, it´s so weird but I like it :p and she comes up with this weird things to say which always makes me laugh. anyways we were discussing about the nordic countries and I said all the names of the nordic countries and Sophia said "Iceland is so far away, it doesn´t seem to be in the nordic countries" and Therese is like " :eek: Iceland belongs in Nordic countries?!" lmao the look on her face made me and Sophia laugh really hard XDD btw Sophia is the guitarist in the band I am in, and Therese is singer but the band has discussed about this and we dont want her to sing so we have to tell her soon, I wonder how she is gonna take this =_='

anyways we ate lunch really slow so that we could miss the next lesson and since we are in choir, this things does not matter! :p so I can just say that I was later becuase of choir practice and well no more to say!

Anyways I had Tema with Fidde, the best and funniest teacher ever! ^^

but I talked to Louice the whole lesson and listened to LP. She gave me her book so that I could pretend to read and Fidde knew this but he doesn´t say anything XP meeh we talked and she made me feel so much better! she is the only one I can like trust and talk about my problems with and it´s the same for her with me and I´m glad that she can trust me. I like it when ppl can trust me, it means alot to me..it has always been like that. well anyways I came home and went for a walk in the woods. it was great! so beautiful. When I came home, I saw that Damini and her mom were there and I hadn´t talked to Damini for ages! so I´m glad I saw her again ^^ we talked, watched tv and went for a walk. yeah I like walking lol

then we came home and well they had to leave so I went online, worked with psp, ate and am online again lol


that´s my day. I dont why I´m really restless today..I´m stressed about something...hm...dont know what it is tho.

anyways thanx for reading all that




New member
Thanx Keza! *hugs you back*

I love the way how you always are so...cheerfull! :D

Today is Mnoe's (Aislin) b'day so well HAPPY B*DAY MNOE!!

I'm not sure if she is gonna see this but meeh ^^

well I was off for a walk cause I was feeling a lill upset and I took a pic of where I always sit. It's really beutiful.

well here's the pic:-


This and then titanic's music...aahhh nothing is better than that.

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New member
Although you're stressed, this sounds like a fairly good day to me. :)

Good job singing the high notes :thumbsup:

And yeah, geologically, Iceland is on the boarder of America and Europe. I went to this place, where the plate boundaries are on land (not sea) and they have this symbolic bridge between America and Europe. Quite interesting.



New member
Sry for the double post but umm I wanna say that I'm leaving LPF.

I've been thinking about this and I think this would be the right choice.

I just dont wanna go thro all **** again

For those who care and wanna chat, I'm on msn otherwise I wont bother you.

I dont know if I may come back or not.

yep, that's all I've got to say.

I'll be missing you all, (even if you wont miss me ;) )

Good luck and take care.




New member
OMG!!!!Nooo Sammy!!:(Why are u leaving??:(I´ll miss ya loads!!! :(

Oh well I can´t do anything to stop you,my best wishes to you and good luck in life!

*big hugs*

I´ll miss ya:(,hope 2 see ya soon in here :)



New member
u have to tell therese sooner or later that she cant sing. its gonna be difficult but u have to do it. good luck with it. hope yr stress vanishes soon.

love ya, shah.



New member
omg no, i dont have your msn!!! *panicks* i'll never see you again, please dont leave

well if you have to please know i'll miss you so so much!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

*hugs u and never lets go* lol missing you already!



New member
too bad that you're stressed about something..

but it's good to know that you had a good day ^^

great that you could nail those high notes :)

well take care sis :)




New member
Hey,Sammi!*big hugs and smooches*

Gosh..havent been here in a while. I miss it.*cries*

Lol. Hows it been going,love?

Edit: WHOA! You're leaving!?!?! No, don't leave. I'll miss you!*cries*

You will always be remembered my love.=(

I'll still chat with you an msn though,so its all good.



New member
Fribby-ooh I didn´t know that cause Therese thought it was in USA and me and Sophia are like o_O lmao are you serious? :p we 3 always make fun of how stupid we are lol :p



Matt- yeah lunch was funny I guess, well I had fun ^^

I do feel better, thank you!


Shahfire- You´re name is Jenn right? I always mix you up with sugarnspice lol

well yeah, we have to talk to her sooner or later and I guess, it´s better sooner than letter.



sis-yeah I was pretty shocked when I could sing those notes lol

meeh the stress has gone...I think....eeeh yeah we´ll say it´s gone ;)


May 21rst::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

I woke up by the sound of phone =_= isn´t that great? waking up at 9 in the morning on saturday... *sarcasm* well it was my uncle from India. I didn´t get to talk cause my voice was all groggy-ish lol meeh I´m gonna meet hime soon^^ anyways I woke up all angry at my parents cause they were talking loud and I´m usually not in a very good mood when I wake up lol

I watched tv and after a looong time, I saw Madonna´s vidoes on tope ten at ten. I used to be a huge fan of her...when? when I was only a kid, like 2 or 3 yrs old lol I´m seriuos! I couldn´t eat without her video on tv so mom had like recorded a casette for me with all Madonna´s videos :p I still like "virgin"..idk it´s just...I like it lol and ooh frozen is awsome!! I love that song!

anyways I took off my bandage cause I dont think I have a fracture. I wanted to play piano and I couldn´t play it with bandage on so well I took it off. The doc told me to have it on atleast 2 weeks...oooh orka! lol that emans um...*looks up in a dictionary* cant cope with it :p so I took my bandage, cut it into 4 small pieces and wrote L, O, S, T on each of them :p yep same as Charlie has on lost with "fate" on it lmao I´m addicted to that show XDD

it looks pretty cool tho ^^

hm...anyways mom and dad went out so I listened to music on high volume XD good times...and then suddenly from nowhere I was lying on my bed thinking of India. my freinds, school. was so much fun..hmm I miss it, alot...

well mom came home and started talking about my cousin in Iran and Dad says that she is like my twin, everything is very similiar with us...hm..that´s cool! ^^ well I ate lunch and watched some more tv an now here I am, online, listening to Rock n Roll and it´s raining outside so I couldn´t go to the fair which was supposed to be here today but now it´s cancelled =_=::::::::::

Later on I´m gonna take a shower and go to Andrea´s place and then watch Eurovision! :D *sings* Sweden is in final, lalalla ^^

thanks for readin




New member
Yeah I PMed her about her birthday :) hope she likes it

I know you talked to me about leaving a couple days ago Sammi, but somehow I just couldn't really believe it.

I guess I somehow did though, I'm not that shocked to hear this. It makes me sad though, cause although we chat quite a lot on MSN, I'm gonna miss you on here :(

I'm gonna miss our 10 page convos on here :confused:

And I know I'm not the only one who wants you to stay, that's for sure.

I'm not going to try to talk you out of this, all I will do is hope you will return someday. Meanwhile I'll reach you on MSN fortunately.

*gives Sammi a long hug*

Farewell from here, I will see you on MSN :)



New member
you woke up by the phone? great :p *sarcasm*

that's like the worst way to get up.. no wait that's with water..

whatever.. then phone gets on second place. =P

yeah frozen is beautiful ^^ *the only song that i like from madonna :p *

too bad you couldn't go to the fair.. fairs rule ^^

too bad our is already over.. mheh can't wait till next year > :p

cool sweden made it to the finals?

Holland is alrady out.. didn't get any points =_='

mheh.. holland sucks as usual.. the only time we won was with a dutch song..

ahh well..

well take care and have fun tonight




New member
yeah lol water is no good either but I think getting up when you cant breathe is also bad...my bro does that to me all the time :rolleyes:

yeah..now the weather is ok-ish but still now it´s cancelled cause of heavy rain =_=

meeeh...I like the rain so w/e *shrugs* ^^

noo Holland´s song did not suck, I saw it! Cant say I liked it much lol cause it was pretty slow but ir definetly did not suck!

Sweden´s song is not that good either but still it made it to the finals hm....

Sweden always does :p woot! lol

thanx, I prolly will :thumbsup:



New member

JUst because i havent been on for a while.

You aare leaving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111





New member
I can't stand waking up from the phone either. No.. wait, I can't stand waking up period. I'm not a morning person either.. in faqct, I just woke up and I'm not in too good of a mood, lmao.

I don't think I've heard to many songs by Madonna.. don't listen to that type of music a whole lot, lol. Interesting story about how you couldn't eat without watching one of her videos though, haha.

Well, see you later :)



New member
Mnoe: surprised aren't you, i knew you would... no i mean thanks that you remembered my b-day.. :D


please don't go! SIS! T___T

i miss you! and when i come back on the forums i want you to be here! *cries*

please stay for a little longer... *puppy eyes*



New member
lmao well good to know that I´m not the only one abuot that :p

I dont listen much to Madonna now iether but I used too as you read....so there´s a proof that I´ve always been addicted to mtv :p



New member

ppl replied :eek:

wow...I feel loved.

well I'm here on a "visit" *wink wink* lol

It's a ´cold freezin day, my parents are annoying me, I've got nothing to do so I thought *huh....what not see what's up on lpf?"

good idea, huh..huh..huh? :p

I've missed you all..

I dont know what to say *shrugs*'

Not that good on expressing myself..sry but well yeaah I've missed ya :p



New member
May 21rst::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I woke up by the sound of phone =_= isn´t that great? waking up at 9 in the morning on saturday... *sarcasm* well it was my uncle from India. I didn´t get to talk cause my voice was all groggy-ish lol meeh I´m gonna meet hime soon^^ anyways I woke up all angry at my parents cause they were talking loud and I´m usually not in a very good mood when I wake up lol

I watched tv and after a looong time, I saw Madonna´s vidoes on tope ten at ten. I used to be a huge fan of her...when? when I was only a kid, like 2 or 3 yrs old lol I´m seriuos! I couldn´t eat without her video on tv so mom had like recorded a casette for me with all Madonna´s videos :p I still like "virgin"..idk it´s just...I like it lol and ooh frozen is awsome!! I love that song!

anyways I took off my bandage cause I dont think I have a fracture. I wanted to play piano and I couldn´t play it with bandage on so well I took it off. The doc told me to have it on atleast 2 weeks...oooh orka! lol that emans um...*looks up in a dictionary* cant cope with it :p so I took my bandage, cut it into 4 small pieces and wrote L, O, S, T on each of them :p yep same as Charlie has on lost with "fate" on it lmao I´m addicted to that show XDD

it looks pretty cool tho ^^

hm...anyways mom and dad went out so I listened to music on high volume XD good times...and then suddenly from nowhere I was lying on my bed thinking of India. my freinds, school. was so much fun..hmm I miss it, alot...

well mom came home and started talking about my cousin in Iran and Dad says that she is like my twin, everything is very similiar with us...hm..that´s cool! ^^ well I ate lunch and watched some more tv an now here I am, online, listening to Rock n Roll and it´s raining outside so I couldn´t go to the fair which was supposed to be here today but now it´s cancelled =_=::::::::::

Later on I´m gonna take a shower and go to Andrea´s place and then watch Eurovision! :D *sings* Sweden is in final, lalalla ^^

thanks for readin

Good start to the day huh? **** that sucks when that happens.

I don't really like Madonna, but frozen is quite good actually. *nobody saw that, right?*



New member
yeah! but actually I prefer the ring sound more then my bro´s voice :rolleyes:

well I just say Eurovision and I cant belive it! Sweden is so dissaopinted on Scandinavia. we were talking about it and the one who hosted for Sweden said it too, I mean they ardly gave us some points and Sweden´s song was pretty good!! *whines* lol

meeh but Swedish person won...the greek singer is actually Swedish and when Sweden gave them 12 points she said "heja Sverige" lol that means "go Sweden" woot! :p

meeh it was fun watching Eurovision! Andrea´s place was fun too and Jennie told me the sweetest thing any person in my life has ever said! :eek: :D

meeh g2g now




New member
Ahh, you left?! Sorry, I haven't quite been brought up to speed about everything that's happened here since I left. Well, hope you stay, or come back or whatever. If not, I'll miss you :) Hope everything is well. Take care.


New member
i haven't watched it..

i didn't think i would have watched it.. cause holland was already out =_=

mheh.. i've seen that greece won..

but i dunno what song they had

mheh take care sis *hugs*



New member
Hiiii you guys!!! :D

omg I'm so happy!

happy happy happy! :D

ok I should stop saying that, maybe I sound like a freak >>

anyways...Fri, lol..yea...I have this funny story...funny...yea...I accidently (sp?) deleted you on my msn..>> yea..isnt that funny?

heh..eh..plz dont kill me T_T I dont remember your msn either so I'll just get in your profile if you have there or just bother to add me if you wanna :p

no...I'm not exactly back, idk after logging out if I dont feel bummed out maybe I'll come here more often ^^

Anyways, I miss talking to you :)

SIS!! :D hi you!!aww I've missed you too *huggles* but hey, ateleast we chat sometime :thumbsup:

I'm just fine thanx, I hope it's the same with you, or actually even better ;)

Hi Matt! long time no talk, how are you?!

yeaah, I kinda left but then I thought that it would be better if I visit sometime...

enough about me, I hope everything is fine with you.

yep, LPF has missed you ;) (that includes me..lol)

you take care too

well, helllllloooo, howdy or w/e


ok-- ttyl :p



New member
Eh I don't like Eurovision much... not my cup of tea so to speak

But w/e

How are you love? I hope you're okay *hugs*




New member
anyways...Fri, lol..yea...I have this funny story...funny...yea...I accidently (sp?) deleted you on my msn..>> yea..isnt that funny?heh..eh..plz dont kill me T_T I dont remember your msn either so I'll just get in your profile if you have there or just bother to add me if you wanna :p

no...I'm not exactly back, idk after logging out if I dont feel bummed out maybe I'll come here more often ^^

Anyways, I miss talking to you :)
lol you did? don't worry, my hands can't reach Sweden!


no lol everyone keeps asking me not to kill them lol...this is the second time in litterally 10 minutes :p

I'll just PM it to you, I think you have to add me again, I think that I can't add you again, since I do still have you...or...lol I'm confused

I'll deal with this ASAP so we can talk again :thumbsup:



New member
Fribby-well iI agree, this year Eurovision was fun at all..Last year was the first time I watched it and that was fun...*shrugs*

Sis-well next year Sweden will have to come into semifinals first cause they didn´t get enough points =_= meeh this year was nothing speciell.

Becky-I´m fine thanx hon, just annoyed on my bro =_=

I hope you fine too!

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::May 22::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

I woke up at 11:30 by my mom´s and Georgia( my bro´s gf) ´s voices =_= they were discussing about house decorations and how pretty pink roses are...great, eh? *sarcasm* so I woke up and remembered that I had to work today, had to help out Jennie with newspapers and I had only 30 mins left. Woke up and got ready and told my mom and George to shut up cause they were laughing or more like cackling really loud so my mom got mad at me and blablabla....anyways I went out and it was freekin hot, I and Jennie worked and got really tired so were really hyper lol meeh both went home, took a shower and then Jennie wanted me to eat at her place so I did. Well we watched some tv first and there was this girl who was 15 yrs old and pregnant o.o hm...hm....anyways we ate spaghetti and one swedish dish called "kötfärssås" Idk what it´s called in english. it was yummy :p

then me and Jennie listened to one cd that I burned for her, We both used to love those songs and listened to them alot when we were in Germany together , our fav one was "hey now" by Hilary Duff lol we both used to love her :rolleyes: meeh w/e just good times...and we ate "kladkaka" it´s one swedish dish too which I looooove!! it´s soo tasty! :D meeh suddenly we heared thunder voices and as we were realy hyper both of just went out and jumped lol it was raining like ****!! and it was warm and nice...not for long tho :p both of us got really soaked and went back at Jennie´s place. I changed and we both started to sing the songs from the cd...I loved it, it reminded both of us of Germany...great times :)

then we saw our old photos from Germany and they were awsome. not of it is normal! lol meeh we talked about weird **** which was really funny and as me and Jennie were really hyped, we laughed at everything :p she made some weird hairstyles on me and took photos hm...great :rolleyes:

Later on I came home and it started to rain again but it´s sunny now tho there are thunder at time...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Today was awsome, I missed being with Jennie like that :p

later on I´m gonna study for my Spanish exam and do some homework...=_=

thanx for reading




New member
lol yep but I've been so busy with Lucia stuff that I didn't have time to access internet.

oh oh oooooh!!! guess who became lucia?!?!

I did ^^ *__* I'm so excited but my grades are getting down so I'm not that excited but I love the new eminem song, it's so..touching!!! he's so awsome.

oh btw for those who doesn't know Lucia is..it's an really old Swedish tradition to celebrate this thing where an italian girl called Lucia was burned cause ppl thought that she was a itch but then she was a saint..yeah..well we celebrate it cause Lucia bring light to us in the dark cold winter...yea...old tradition *nods*

oh oh oooh!! and then on chritmas I'm gonna sing Jingle Bell rock ^^ and dance mean girls style with Louice, Alex and Liina :D

fun fun!

well that's all for now...asta la bye bye

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