Heart LP´s Journal


New member
Fiona- yep, Sweden is cold lol and icy/snowy *nods*

aah meeh ...ducks do rock, they somehow make me feel good o_O

Fribby- I saw that in your location thing lol When I was really obsessed with the movies I used to say that too XD (even made a fake Matrix poster o.o) *cough* >>

yea...hm..but still love the movies!

um...yea it did hurt, but it happened really fast so it felt like I had a huge needle in me for few secs. Not the best feeling :p

Kezi- I'm glad that I make you ramble? lol well I'll post my pic later. Just imagine how look untill then :p

Thank you!

**** it must be annoying with stoping it all the time, then it's no fun ><

Dont blame ya for not liking so much anymore XP

*hugs back*

<3 ya 2 =*

Sis- I know! >< lmao I hate being so clumsy, sometimes I understand how Daisuke feels :rolleyes:

Domo Arigato XD

ttyl! *hugs and smooches*

Thanx for the replies everyone!! *hugs everyone*

Jan 8

Woke up, burned some fat XD and I decided that I would go on diet thing so that I can get over with this faster. It's already getting boring. Anyways, me and mom talked about her family and stuff and I found out so much!! It was really cool and then I decided that when I grow up, I would like to start a donation thing (cant come up with the word right now) for the ppl who dedicate their life to Art and cant get enough money for themselves and their family. I've seen such excellent artists in India but poor painters have really bad condition and no seems to care! >< how annoying! so yea, now I have a new goal in life! ^_^

anways, skip to when Jennie came home and we watched School Of Rock that rocked!! I love that movie. Later on the bad stuff happened, mom wanted to take snaps of me and I didn't. It's like I'm the only family member. She never takes anyone elses snaps...blablabla...dad made a big situation out of it blablabla my bro ruined the internet connection blablabla I feel sick and if something happens then I wont be suprised. meeh screw that, I'm tired to feel depressive.

Well, I was drawing last night and I drew Gandalf! it looks preety good to me. My freind ated it 7/10 so yea..it's ok. I'll try to post it :thumbsup:

Tomorrow school starts O.O I feel so scared cause I'll have national exams, Collage approval exams, Final grades, and many more exams. I'm so gonna fail and if I dont get in I.B. then consider that my life is over! *nods*

Thanx for reading

Take Care




New member
lol I wish I could do a poster...but then again even if I could I'd be too lazy to do it lmao

woah good for you :thumbsup: I really admire you for wanting to help artists

and come on, you're smart, you'll pass, and even if you don't, life ain't over ;)



New member
I'm worried sick about this. I try to think positive but really, what if I fail? what will I do? the most imp goal I have is to be successfull and help as much as I can. What if I wont be able to do that?

I rather wish not to wake up to see that day.

I'm sorry..just nvm

Well it wasn't really a poster, like 2 papers attcahed to eachother :p

with matrix codes from it (copied chinese alphabets from packet of nodles and bottle of soya) and Matrix written on it lmao

Thanx! I' like to help. *shrugs*



New member
Just want to. You just need enough will, it's a fact. If you want something enough, it will happen. I do that. And it works :thumbsup:

If you think it to yourself, and say it to yourself, "I will pass", you will pass. You've heard of the placebo effect right?

haha that's very creative :D

I used to do something like that, take like Croatian from a soya milk carton and have it my screenname on msn lol



New member
woah you guys make it sound like I´m leaving lpf or something!!

I´m not leaving, it´s just that I will not be able to come so often as I used to pfft :p

but how cute of you all lol

I´ll prolly be online tomorrow cause well I´ll just be online :p

Alill mini update::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

I have been having same usuall boring days but luckily not so ******.

I´m really stressed with the school work that´s why I´m not coming online so often but school ends in exactly 2 weeks (WOOT!!) :p

um....well I dont have much to say just that I met Rebeccas brother yesterday and he is just so cute lol He is younger then me :p

like in the 2nd grade or something but he is a clone of Rebecca, just a guy.

um....yeah well that´s all.


I´ll make sute to come here more often cause I´m leaving for India in 2 weeks (WOOT!!) :p but then I wont be able to talk to you guys so much :(

so yeaaah....

well take care ppl

Thanx for reading

*hugs everyone*

Miss ya ;)



New member
yep, 'have heard of it. Already prepraing myself for the physocology classes :p

you're right. you're absolutly right. Definatly! XD

Thanks Fri, you really are a peacebear! lmao

lmao! Creativity rocks, doesn't it? :p



New member
do not be so stressed abt school. i know it sucks but think of yr trip to india.hope u have a cool time in india. i know u will coz india is a cool place, at least for me. u will see cows and goats everywhere if u go to the more village-y places. the city places are nice too.


New member
SIS ^^ *hugs*

you're back :)

ehm.. well it's to bad that you can't be online that often.,

your school ends in 2 weeks??? :eek:

T_T i still have to go to school for 4 more weeks T_T

well take care sis ^^

*hugs again*



New member
you mean peacebear? cause it sure is. Let me explain.

Peace...is cause you bring peace to this forums and you seem like a peacefull person, you know, well I know!

Bear...like a teddy bear! You just like a teddy bear! I dont think anyone would say "omg look at the teddy bear, it's horrible" that's impossible!

So peaceteddybear! you just like it XD

If you dont mean Peacebear then I just embarresed myself! tada lmao


Here's the Gandalf pic, he looks fat cause the pic got broad in the camera aaaand it's just a 10 min sketch so nothing seriuos...yep..

Rate it! (totally honest please)

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New member
well, I'm just a nice person, neeeh jk :p (wait! well, I AM a nice person wth!)

yep! like that pic with the teddybear and the white flag :D

Thank you.



New member
SAMMI! sister! I haven't seen u in so long! school has been eating me alive, so has my mother. Its goo to be back tho! only two more days of exams next week and thats IT! ^_^ miss ya, hopefully ill chat with yahtis weekend


New member
wtf?!?! I updated my journal really long as always do lol and I logged out like automatically! :eek: :mad:

maaan.....I´m toooo lazy to write it all again so my days was pretty adventurous and um....boring but adventurous :p

lpp- :eek: lpp? lpp? is it you? lol noooooo how? when? wth? :p

omg it´s great to see you again! :D


btw hi lol

fribby- haha aww how cute lol

Well I cant belive it, I´m gonna pack my bags soon :eek:

Time does tick away very fast *nodes*

sis- lmao yeah I´m back...for a while...kinda...oh wth :p '

well as I said...time ticks away fast so dont think about it and you´ll not even know that school ended...believe me :thumbsup:


thanx hon

shahfire- lmao yeah I miss the cows haha well I´m not going to some village cause I´m going to a city called ahmedabad, there´s the place I come from.

I have lived in India so yeah..it´s great :D



sis Twi- *gasp* Heathyyyyy!!! lol how are you?!?1 yeah I know what you mean. I can feel your pain lol XD

I´m in the same situation here!

I hope we can chat too!

you´re not going anywhere missy! *snaps fingers* XD




New member
meeh wth I´ll just update my journal!


May 27th::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

I woke up not being in a great mood cause had to go to school lol

well I went to school and had Tema with my art teacher, Josefine and she told me my grade in art and I gooooooot......A+ **** right! *dances* art rox! :D man this means so much to me!!

well I worked with Science cause I have science exams next week and I haven´t done anything yet =_='

meeh I had lunch and it was yucky so I went online for a while.

Later on I had Tema with Fidde and talked about our new teachers being really ******. So he told us to have a class meeting and we did. Well we came to a end point and me and Louice8 my classmate and fellow student councelor) are gonna talk about this with the principle and make sure we dont have those teachers next year cause things are so ******! My french teacher is an idiot!! He looks at girls in a disgusting way o.o ooh I´m really gonna make sure that he doesn´t stay.

Well we ended 30 mins later because of the meeting and then I went out shopping with my parents which sucked cause my mom kept on asking me why I didn´t were pink and yellow as the other girls =_= and we ended up in a discussion again but luckily dad came to rescue lol

all I bought is some gifts for my freinds in India and chocolate for me! :D

Good old Gems! love them!

I came home , listened to Under my skin which is awsome! yep I bought it :thumbsup:

and watched Freinds which was awsome too! XD Phoebe and Chandler are the best :p

um...well studied and then went online. I really need to study but I´ve been studying alot and I need a break **** it lol

so I´m on a break. ooh I checked out the fort minor boads, thanx to fribby and Vero. They´re cool but not as good as LPF :thumbsup: ::::::::::::::::::

That´s my day..actually it was just boring but it was fun complaining about the teachers lol

thanx for reading




New member
wow ive never really thought about the poor painters...well i have but not really sat and thought about how hard it must be for them *feels bad*

well if u set one up send a flyer my way, i'll donate some money if i know its going to the right people, which i know it will if ur running it!

*hugs* <3 u hon, ttyl and take care of urself!



New member
aww hon, that picture is good :D he looks very concerned lol I think you have potential, really ^__^ my best friend has an aspirition for art as well, and she's really awesome and I think she has potential

http://milly-fox.deviantart.com/ that is her deviant are *shows off friends work* lol how lame am I? really though, she inspires me a lot, so I hope you follow your dream :D best wishes on all of your success

*love* twi



New member
I know he has even...um...Idk what it´s called in English but in swedih it´s tafsa and he tafsar on girls! :mad:

thanx I´m so glad Louice is with me cause she is awsome when it comes to these kind of things and she is a huuuuuuge feminist lol so she will really make sure that my french teacher gets fired :D



New member
Kezi- yeah, poor ppl have almost no fix place to live and that's just sad. No one cares about them, they do need help.

lol thank you! My idea was kinda like make an auktion and tell the painters to paint their paintings so that ppl can buy them and that money would go to the painter! That way the dude who bought the painting is satisfied and so is the talented painters! I hope that ppl like you would help :thumbsup:

*hugs* thanx hon <3

Sis- Hi love! Thnax, I dont really like it more, it sucks XD

yea my drawings are always like that. Either seriuos looking, depressive or just somehow mysteriuos. they just get like that. Thanks for the link!! you're right, she does! you're awsomely lame XD

awww thank you!!

*hugs and smooches*

Jan 9

omg! I had the best dream of my life! It made my day. Everything was so perfect. Well , I could see myself in the future. I was like 23, 24-ish and was just married with..*giggles* Orlando *blush* ANYWAYS!!!, I lived in the most perfect house and was neighbours with the barones from everybody loves Raymond XD but that's not it, my life in the dream was perfect. I was succesfull and everything that I've always dreamed of was there, in my dream XD aaah it was wonderfull. wonderbar! lmao

yea so..I woke up, went to school with Linn and Jennie. School was actually not bad. Swedish went good, so did maths and french. I've really have to work hard in French to get my MVG back, last term my grade went down to VG =_=' I dont expect you to know the Swedish grades :p

It's like IG is fail. G is pass VG is well passed MVG very well passed. yep that's it. No +s nor -s. Sceince was boring as usuall. Later on I had dance classes and this term we're gonna go into street/reggae more. I've been learning Jazz/Balett from like yrs. It's gonna be tuff cause Jazz/Balett is waaaay more feminin than Street :p but I look forward to it.

Well I came home, ate, watched freinds and joey and here I am after 9 hrs of school! :eek: Golly molly! (I've been watching too much Austin Powers *shakes head*)

Thanx for reading

Take care




New member
whoa! bad teachers! >< good luck in DESTROYING them! lol

Yeah, I wish my dad came to the resueall the time when it coems to my mom...... :(

well, take care! *hugs*



New member
haha golly molly :p

nice dream lol...how come every girl I know likes Orlando? lmao

I'm gonna attempt to crack the Swedish grades code...wish me luck :D

IG = ikke godt/gott (I don't take responsibility for the spelling lol hope you understand)

G = godt

VG = vel gjört??? (not sure about this one)

MVG = mycket + whatever the next one above really is



New member
I know he has even...um...Idk what it´s called in English but in swedih it´s tafsa and he tafsar on girls! :mad: thanx I´m so glad Louice is with me cause she is awsome when it comes to these kind of things and she is a huuuuuuge feminist lol so she will really make sure that my french teacher gets fired :D
Tafsa? hmm *checks Swedish dictionary* aw no, I ain't got a Swedish dictionary. What do you mean, staring, or does he touch girls? ***, I hope not.



New member
very close! lol you mix a lill bit of Norwegian :p Icke is an awsome word but not Swedish.

IG- Inte Godkänd (samething as ***)

G- Godkänd

VG- Väl Godkänd

MVG- Mycet Väl Godkänd

Gjort would be correct too but Godkänd is more proffesional.

I usually say icke instead of inte cause I think it's much more fun *shrugs* XD

Well, orlando is orlando! :p



New member
lol, aww that painting idea sounds really awesome! ^^ go u!!

wow that dreams really cool, im sure when ur older ull be successful in whatever u do, after u tlking about the grades u get i mean thats really good!!! of course ull be amazing

wow complicated system, with the grades, the ones we get now look so simplistic and boring, ahh well thats scotland for you

hope ur well love u...*huggles*



New member
lmao thank you! :D

dot worry, my dad doesn´t always do that but I jsut run away from my mom to my dad lol so it´s kinda rescuing :p

*hugs back*


yeah that´s it! touches them! and me and Louice were one of them :mad:

**** him!! and he is soo jerk!

He talks about his sexlife with us :eek: wtf are we supposed to think?

all we can do is talk to principle, nothing else



New member
Wow, I love dreams like that :D :D:D It sounds like a good omen to me

*sighs* I wish I was as good of a linguist as you *dreamy look* I admire that, you know :)

*hugs'n'kisses* <3Twi

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