Heart LP´s Journal


New member
lmao thank you! :D dot worry, my dad doesn´t always do that but I jsut run away from my mom to my dad lol so it´s kinda rescuing :p

*hugs back*


yeah that´s it! touches them! and me and Louice were one of them :mad:

**** him!! and he is soo jerk!

He talks about his sexlife with us :eek: wtf are we supposed to think?

all we can do is talk to principle, nothing else
ewww that's sick! :mad: Someone should teach him a lesson and kick hiss ***

Yeah that's the right thing to do. Surely he must get fired, the school's got a problem if he won't get fired.



New member
very close! lol you mix a lill bit of Norwegian :p Icke is an awsome word but not Swedish.
IG- Inte Godkänd (samething as ***)

G- Godkänd

VG- Väl Godkänd

MVG- Mycet Väl Godkänd

Gjort would be correct too but Godkänd is more proffesional.

I usually say icke instead of inte cause I think it's much more fun *shrugs* XD

Well, orlando is orlando! :p
icke's not? lol what is it then?

yay I was close! lol

feel kinda good I got event that close :D haha

that's true, icke souinds more fun XD



New member
nope we cant do anything. *sigh* as I said only talk to the principle.

Luckily fidde is doing everything he can.

and one thing really bugs me is that when I asked him about my grade in french he stared me and told me "I dont give grades after looks"

wtf does that mean? o_O I told him the same thing and he started to laugh o_O

he is freakin sick *******



New member
Kezi- why thank you! ^.^

omg thanx again. You know how much that means to me?!? ALOT!

*hugs tightly*

yep, they're quiet weird and actually preety stupid cause even if you deserve a hugher grade, you dont get it cause they say "you're almost there" so it would be better having + or - s.

Take care

love you too =*

*hugs and smooches*

Fi- Hiiiiiiiyaa! :D

well, some do and some dont :p

*dances with ya*

Sis- yep, dreams like that makes you so happy.

lmao I dont even know what linguist means XD

*hugs and smooches*

love ya

Fribby- it's inte! :p

lol good for you! :D

yep it sure does. My swedish teacher tells me it's wrong all the time but I still continue saying it anyways *shrug*

Jan 10

I went to school, late >< luckily I had english so my teacher didn't say anything. It kinda sucks having english cause the education level is preety low and I dont wanna waste my time on that. I could use it for something else. I told my teacher about this but I still get eng homework so I've gotta go to the principal. anyways, gym was boring. We had to run like all the time, it sucked. Later on I had Tema and I got my sceince assigments and exam back. It sucked! I'm getting G in every freakin assigment. why? cause of my bad swedish, I cant express that I do understand the project in swedish.meeh, I went to Conny (careers guidance officer) and he told me that if I dont pass in Swedish, I wont be able to go to collage! this sucks. I'll have to figure something out for this.

Well, later I had Art and I had to tell about a artist and his life and stuff. yeaa, it went preety good and that artist is from Jönköping! ^^ (where I live)

After coming home, I did the pilates and my **** really hurts :p

Thanx for reading

Take care and dont get lost!




New member
ewww that's sick! :mad: Someone should teach him a lesson and kick hiss ***
Yeah that's the right thing to do. Surely he must get fired, the school's got a problem if he won't get fired.
I hope he does but the school doesn´t have any other french teacher so we kinda dont have a choice if we dont find one.

and the ****** thing is that if Josefine, my art teacher doesn´t get the job next year then he will be the mentor for whole class and no other mentor will be there.

He is already my mentor but still I talk to Joesfine about stuff when I need to



New member
lol after reading that, I think it would be a good idea to skip that English and do more Swedish instead..at least if you think you're excellent at english (which you are :) ) and not good enough at swedish (which I would obviously not know lol)


New member
whats a pilates???

anyway...sounds really good and if we're late at school it really sucks because i can get my ema money stopped and u have to sit and copy out the bulletin..i think i spelt that word right, ive been sitting here ages trying to spell it...ahh well^^

awww...anyway love u and hope ur ok and goodluck with everything

<3<3*ice cream cone love all the way* hehe

*hugs and kisses*



New member
I know, I dont know lol that sounds weird

but I mean I dont know what he means..I dont what to think either...meeeh I´m sure me and Louice will get him fired. we are like 90% sure about it :thumbsup:



New member
Fribby- No I'm not! :p but yep, I talked to the teachers about it and I'll get to know next week! so that's good..yep yep

anyways ttyl

Kezi- Pilates is a work out thing to loose weight, you know, I'm trying to lost annd all that...yea..

lol yea, the spelling was right ^^ great job! :D

well that's a shame, if I get late and I get it listed in a wekk list that we get every friday to show our parents (which I dont) so I preety much dont care :rolleyes:

lmao! **** yea \m/

love ya too

take care and dont get lost :p

I wont update today cause I went to school, felt ill came home, piano, library work, study, icecream (whaaat?! I have o mention that!), LPF, sleep.

Boring boring! now, you dotn wanna read about that! do you? exactly!


um...thanx for reading? o_O

bu byeee



New member
I dont think that would work cause no one cares here.

They just say "live with it"

and I´m so sure that if it was some guy issue and the guys would go, they would seriuos actions! I´m so sure about that.

In sweden, this **** is usuall.

The last thing we can do is gather up parents. Nothing else.



New member
i like reading about your days...they usually put mine to shame and make me lk like a hermit but whos caring^^


hope u feel better*huggles*

<3 u and i'll try not and get lost, if i do you can come and help me k? ^^ lol



New member
lol yeah but well soemthing has to be done and it will be done.

yeaah..I dont care actually. I honestly cause I dont wanna spend my whole weekend thinking about him. Innstead I´ll just do what is supposed to be done on Monday.

and all the girls in the school are with us and I´m sure about that.



New member
wow, I feel so loved :p

thank you everyone. I was gonna update but I'm too bumed out to update right now.

I lost my watch, it was so awsome! and I only like 2 things, earings and watches!

but that's not the only thing. These last days I've been noticing that I'm so lost. Like, I dont know what's real and what's not. Like deja vu moments al the time!

for example, our phone was lost and I had no idea where it was but I had a feeling that was in my room. I felt like yesterday my mom told me she found it under my bed and today she tells me the samething the same way and I was alrdeady bumed because my watch and everything so I told her to not to repeat all the tmie and she was like "you're crazy! what repeating? I just found it, right now!" this happened a couple of times and I wasn't even aware of it! I'm not even sure if this a dream or not cause evrything is so confusing ><

samething happened at school, this week I did extra homework and when I gave it to my teacher she was like "wth is this? I did not give no homework o_O" and I was so sure that she did!

screw this, I just hope I find my watch soon :(

Thanx for reading

Take care




New member
aww sweetie hope u find it!!

and wow ur becoming like an amazing psychic person 0_o *is in awe* maybe you have a gift...lol

well good luck with the watch, just came back so say heya ^^ <3



New member
Thanks hon, I hope so too.

lol I dont think I have a gift but it's weird cause I feel that I felt this before. o_O and then I keep on having weird dreams everynight. It's either about my past (which I dont remember any of it as in the dream) or the future.

Thanx ^^




New member
woah sorry about your watch and **** that sounds so confusing

maybe it's a conspiracy...they're all against us! To the Batcave!



New member
yea, just not the right time to loose the watch when already other stuff is happening, you know..

lmao batcave? like bats? O.O'

*runs away as far as possible*



New member
ooh I have only one more exam left *phew* I hope so...o.o

yeaaa I wont be able to sleep in the plane. I never do that tho.

I just cant!

I´m too nervous. What is the plane crashes when I´m sleeping? or what if something happens?

ooh.....taht reminds me of a dream I had!

I was going to India and the plane crashed, the next thing I know , I was next to Charlie form Lost :D awsome dream lmao



New member
Good luck with your exam. Guh.. that just reminded me that I have exams in just less than a month.. Sigh. lol

Take care :)



New member
wow, I have days like that too, where I can't tell what's real and what's not.

Like, especially concerning dreams. Like, something happened in a dream and I really think it happened in real life because it was so real. Or vise versa -_-;;

well I hope your days get better for you <3

Love Twi



New member
that's one sick french teacher! ><' :mad:

they have to fire him!

you all end school so quick.. i still have to go to school toll the 1st of July T_T

well good luck on you exam ;)



New member
well you must start later right? I start school in august..like 18th august or something.

and oh thanx

yeah we´ll try our best, he is sick for sure :mad:

Good luck with your exams Matt and thanx :)

Fribby, lol yeah but since when did my dreams get normal? o_O :thumbsup:



New member
Sis- yea me too! but sometimes things are just like Deja vu.

thanx hon

love ya =*

Sarah- lol batman doesn't freak me out but just bats do. Bad experience with bats :rolleyes:

Small update [yesteday]

School was mostly boring. I saw this guy in gym (we had sports day yesterday so whole 9th is togather and has tournament in Volley boll, my class came 2nd), and he was exactly like Billie Joe, like a young Billie :p

later I went for some shopping with mom. When I was off LPF, me and my mom's relationship got stronger so we dont fight as much, or well at all. Dad has got much better too. meeh, I bought awsome clothes with awsome earings! :D

oooooh!!!! btw I found my watch!! well dad did and omg I found my love. It was under my bed :rolleyes: I'm never gonna take it off again, ever! :p

nothing more happened.


well I saw this advertisement that Simple Plan were coming to Stockholm this 25th and I reaaaaly wanna go. It's not thaaat expensive aka screw the oney >< I wanna see SP!

but the problem is idk anyone esle who wants to go and my parents wont allow me to go alone. I do one one person who lives there so I can live at her place but it may get late and it would be ..well kinda rude to ask her to pick up at late night after the concert. (after midnight-ish)

I just hope something works out.

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