Heart LP´s Journal


New member
wow...thanx lol on the forum I think 3 ppl make awsome sigs and you´re one of them :thumbsup:

hm...I like freinds...they just rock...that´s my opinion :p




New member
wow! lmao, I always pretend to sleep! XDD too bad it didn't work this time for you! ^_^;;

yay! I love being home alone! :D btw, what manga did you read?



New member
Keza- lol! well that´s a quick update for me. I´ve had longer quick updates :p ttyl
hehe...lol mine are really short...getting longer, but the thing is u talk about thingsthat make sense while mine is ALL babble...lol



New member
LMAO sorry for the random visit lol but what is a H/W Xd I'm so old yet stupid I have the graceful ness of a insane lunatic and the mind of a thief cause I like to steal stuff can't help it just dio it for the adrelyne or however you spell it just to feel the rush when i get chased XD


New member
Sis- I read Love Hina, hihi it´s so funny. Poor Keitaro :p

Keza- neeh I babble too! babbling is fun :thumbsup:

ooh it´s June 5th here now!I just think it´s cool <_<



New member
haha love you too Blondie :p

Thanx Fi ^^

and wow that was really random Shaun but thanx for visiting ^^

h/w is homework, lol dont worry I didn't know "internet lang" either, I actually learned most of it here :)

your are not stupid :thumbsup:

Idk if I shall update, I mean I haven't done much.

Just the regular job and got scold at :rolleyes:

too boring stuff.



New member
babble is fun...i agree...need to learn how to do it constructivly for my exams..lol..

life would be no fun without babble, why say only 20 words when u can say 342...lol

see im doing it again...hehe :p



New member
lmao I agree!

like ppl say "I´m ok.."

but I say "I´m so happy so you can say that I´m totally fine, thank you."

see the diff? lol



New member
lol, yeah very big difference.. :p and its so much more personal than im ok

its likea know statisic that girls say more than guys though...for eg (this is made up) guys say like 300o words a day while girls say like 7000

and its true..lol if a guy goes to the pub and says NOTHING then all his pals accept that

if that happened with 2 girls the other girl would be in the loo worrying if shed upset her mate somehow...lol



New member
lmao yeah that´s true! :D

like if I dont talk one day my girl freinds (freinds that are girls lol) get really worried and ask what happened lol

but if I dont talk then my guy freinds wont bother *shrugs* :p



New member
Okay i'll try but i'm not so sure I kinda like being stupid and weird as few ppl say I like the rep in schoool i have the Insane ****** that is my rep in schoool and like it XD


New member
lol, very true...

i gues girls worry too much, but...meh

whats annoying is if someone asks u if ur alright then turns away before u answer, or gets annoyed when u tell them...cause ur disturbing their peace...lol

*sigh* :p :D



New member
haha as you wish then! XD

but even if you are weird or stupid, it's definetly in a positive way :thumbsup:

wow that's really a different kind of rep lol



New member
luckily that has happened to me *phew* yep that would be really annoying if that happened but I would just "hello, I´m talking here" lol :p

well I´ve g2g

so ttyl! :D



New member
lol...bu bi!!!

see u in 2 weeks actuallyi wont see u but i'll type to u..lol

im gonna carry on talking..so yeah..lol

hehe...about the thing ud say...it happens with adults alot, and u cant really say...'excuse me!!!!!!!!' cause theyd kinda kick u up the ****...not literally of course.

but yeah..its fustrating..! :D



New member
scolded at huh? what does that mean? XDyeah I just say thanks when they call me that I don't know why but I feel special when thy do XD


New member
aah that must be ****** o.o stupid thoughtless adults *cough* some of them :p

well yeah I´l ttyl then :D

good luck with your exams :thumbsup:





New member
wuff wuff! ^^

yea...dad is like arguing all the time. wtf? he wont except my opinions then well screw him ><

shaun, by scolded at I meant someone scolded me, haha I just kinda translated it from Swedish :p

lmao you really are one of a kind. :D



New member


bu bi, i'll see u when i see u then..!

and thanks for the luck..i'll keep it with me in the exam lol :D



New member
i've never seen joey, but i like friends a lot, very funny :D

i hope you get your lyrics learned hun... i'm sure you will

i love learning new lyrics... its fun

well ttyl!

btw thanks for my awesome sig and avv :thumbsup:



New member
true true.

maybe they do that cause they are just insecure and are having a hard time finding themselves so those kinda ppl are ok but ppl who seek attention are not ok ><



New member
hey sis =)

how's you? long time no talk.. well okay yesterday but w/e

eh.. well good to know you had a good time :p

and you made alot of sigs. i see them all over the forums :p

they're great ;)

well take care *hugs*



New member
LMAO tha is true but I give those ppl a chance I try to change them and it usually works those ppl who act like someone else I change them into buitter ppl and no feelings left


New member



hope you have a great day and awsome follwing yrs! :thumbsup:

*hugs tightly*

Keza - I´m sure you´ll do fine in your exams :thumbsup:

my pleasure

we´ll miss ya so come back soon ;) :D


Becky- yeah it´s fun learning it but when you just cant,....*whispers* it´s annoying :p

my pleasure hon!

you should see Joey, it´s awsome but freinds is better. Joey is more like.....he is so stupid that´s why it´s funny lol :p

ttyl hon


Sis- Hey Hon!! long time no talk indeed! but hey...didn´t we talk like...yesterday? lol didn´t talk much tho *shrugs* ^^

( oh you just said that :p )

thanx but I still think yours are way better...they are just....cool!XD


*hugs back*

ttyl hon

________________________June 5th______________________________

Well I woke up and dont know why but I just felt like sitting on my bed and foing nothing *shrugs* o_O while I was sitting and doing...nothing, my mom came in and laughed at me *shrugs*

meeh I ate breakfast, watched MTV and um....the usuall morning stuff.

well I watched frat party at the pankake festival dvd :D LP rox ! \m/

I helped my mom in the kitchen and I had to hear allot of **** cause I didn´t clean my room yesterday! I have to clean my room every single day! =_= it´s not like ppl come in check out my room for *** sake, it´s my room! and when I tell her this, she tells me it´s her house and I could do whatever I want with my new room when I move out =_='

so I cleaned my room while listening to music...cant say it was fun lol

Afetr that I started packing a lill for next week and my aunt called from India, she is really worried cause it´s so hot in India that ppl are dieing of the heat o.o....O.O d-dieing..! now it´s 40¤ there and in June, July it will get even worse =/ meeeh screw that...I´m still going! kinda worried tho...

Later on, I burned a new cd for mom and now here I am....online, listening to music and getting bored *nodes*

I guess I´ll go out for a walk, the thing is dont wanna see my freinds cause I´m really tired of them, they never tell the truth! and I hate that..only Rebecca does....meeh I´ll see what she´s doing_______________________

yeah so thanx for reading.





New member
Haha. Omg, yesterday i got yelled at for not cleaning my room! Lol,..my mom is so paranoid with cleanliness! *sigh*

Frat Party is awesome!! I only watched parts of it,lol, i haven't watched all of it.

WOWZERS! People are dieing of the heat in India?!?!? Thats crazy dude! *in awe*

lol,i turned 15 today! *happy birthday to me, im one hundred and three* :p

Thanks sammi poo! ;)



New member
I might watch Frat Party this afternoon :D

eeeek people are dieing of the heat? thats bad o.o be careful hun *hugs*

i hate it when friends don't tell the truth...

happy bday FadedBlue :D



New member
Call me dumb but I did not understand what you mean XP

or..I'm just tired..

neeh I think the dumb part sounds more ..sensible :p



New member
lmao 103? hm.....XP

I´ll turn 15 in 11 days from today :D

yeah ppl are dieing :eek:


my mom wants everything to be clean! if on dam,n pillow is not on it´s place or is not how it´s supposed to be, she´ll go fix it and then she´ll yell how much she has to do all by herself =_='

me, my bro and my dad answer the same thing everytime

"Then just leave it and stop being a clean freak!" :p


Becky, yeah they are...freaky, eih?

thanx lol *hugs back*

i dont think I´ll die tho lmao sounds so stupid :p

I hate that too cause then Idk if I really know them or wth do they really want!?!

they are just...fake! I hate when ppl are not themselves >.<



New member
i hate it when people dont accept my opinions because they always look at you as if you are going to change or something.

lmao both of you are so cute.

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