well that´s alot of hellos!
HI!!! XD
I´m fine thanx and I hope evryone here are doing great!
I´ll make a fast update and gotta go but will be online later on.
_______________________________June 3rd__________________________
I woke up and was pretty happy cause today was the last day, with school work, home assigments, lecturing and ....school work! I still 1 week left but we only have to clean and have lill fun
*cough if that is possible cough*
Anways I had swedish first and was trying to print out my assigment that I had to talk about tin class and it wont work so I asked the teacher to let me in in another computer sal but she wont lemme go in...why? cause she didn´t feel like it
*cough ***** cough*
So I missed the half class, looking for a teacher to open the door for me (which I didn´t mind
) and later on went back to the class and did the lecturing ****. I had tp pretend to me a swedish author and tell about the author´s life =_= meeeh, it went fine, no critics. I find it pretty easy cause it´s just talking and talking is like my hobby
Well anyways we had to watch a program called "knife in the heart" swedish ****....it was ok but I had to leave cause if choir practice and I got to know that I´m gonna sing another solo in school. My immortal and Hela världen för mig
I ended 12 but I, Louice, Shriti, Chris (Zin) and Therese stayed to finsih our assigment cause today was the last day to give it to the teacher. It was atcually fun studying togather...
meeh I came home at 2:15 and found out that I missed dentist appiontment...again! I´ve missed it 3 times in a row now =_='
meeh I was just happy cause all the stress has gone and this might sound chessy but meeh wth...I´m freeeeee XP
later on I went to the library and got fine again =_= but I know one of the staff member there so he always covers it for me..and whenever I tell him that I will pay the fine and he just doesn´t take the money
*shrugs* I dont like it but it´s like he doesn´t listen!! *sigh*
I read manga and went home, found guests...alot of ´em but...witha quite baby
he is only 5 months and I got to babysit him a while ago, he always laughs and has this huge smile on his face...very cute baby!
Well that´s my day, now I´m gonna make som sigs and read some manga!
thanx for reading
Asta la vista baby