Heart LP´s Journal


New member

I'm reading this book to find out how things were by his perspectives, Idk, that guy just is interesting.

I mean actually he did good for his own country, otherwise Germany would still be poor paying off the war damages to France and Britain but the jew hate was wrong ofcourse.

OoOh call me a nerd, but I'm loving this! :p



New member
um well he fixed the economy basicly by getting people jobs making weapons...if my memory doesn't fail me on this

but yeah this is definately some interesting stuff



New member
haha Hej lolo!!

Jag var här när du skrev detta :p

du står exakt bakom mig ^^ det gör Carro med :p

nej jag vet icke vad fan jag ska skriva så så...

puss puss på dej med min söta lila tjej XD that's you indeed!

haha syns typ nu...o_O



New member
woot great to know someone else loves to talk :D

so I guess you are from Scottland?

That´s cool lol I love the dialect there, lmao Scottish ppl are awsome :p

lol I´m frustrated or stressed I do that sometimes cause I dont care what others think :p
lol...yeah love to talk...usually to people, but it really doesnt bother me if no ones there...dogs are good because they cant tell you to shut up...

anyway, scotlands ok, and the dialect is irratating...for me anyway...

well hope alls well...luv me!!


New member
sammi!!! hope the pains go away soon so u can spend quality time with your friends. oh man, sappy moments. anyway, hope the ticket stuff clears up.whoa, yr mom cursed in hindi?? heheh. cool mom you've got. cyaz!


New member
lmao! well Louice wanted to write soemthing so I told her to write it in Swedish but then I didn't think anyone would "bother" to read it lol

Sis, lol it's just blaaah..

anyways well, it wasn't as good as I thought it would be but I'm gonna the **** thing ><

I'm sure there are copies of it in libraries.

love ya too hon

aah..I thought I had updates today o_O

hm...anyways today was fun so I'll update!

Jan 27

Temp- +4¤

Mood - :D

Music - Dont bother -Shakira

Woke up really early (lol before I wrote early, I wrote ugly XD)o_O not funny *cough*

anyways me, Bhavik and Lena went to Per Brahe and it was huuuuge! like amazing! the first class was physcology and the students were really nice, they helped us get some info some IB and the classes and I also got to know that if I choose physcology, I wont be able to choose Philosophi(I have no **** idea how to spell it) yea, so that's a bummer but if I get enough students for philo. class then maybe the teachers can arrange a class. *shrugs* Then we had Maths and it was soooo boring! I was half sleeping looking at my watch tick the time away really slowly :rolleyes: I didn't understand a **** and Lena was like "uh..huh....OoOh yes! a2=r that means x = 5/6" and me and Bhavik are like "o_O, freak" lol XD

we didn't eat lunch and just came home. Then I went to school to pick up Louice and Carro. We watched ******* Åmål which I know someone here has seen *cough* now who can that be? :rolleyes: :p

myeeehhh..it was ok. I've seen beter Swedish movies.

Well, then we just talked, and oh Louice registered here ^^ great, isn't it? (yes it is ><) ^^

well thanx for reading

take care




New member
**** yeah! :D

Per Brahe is the collage that I'm gonna go to, well not really a collage but like further education. Maybe it's called Gymnasium in english?

idk..we call it Gymnasiet.

well, hope you choose it then ^^



New member
haha ok :p

I hope you get to take philosophy, it's a great thing to study, if you ask me

I think I've seen like a bit of ******* Åmål...



New member
I join everyone else who is just dropping in to say hi ^^ Hi!

Btw love I requested a sig on your thread... I hope it is okay but if it's too much work don't worry about it :thumbsup:



New member
sis, but kinda should be in collage according to sweden by now. The first yr lol

are you in 10 th grade?

cool! ^^ so much fun!! :D

Fri, well I think you mentioned that you had seen it and some other movies too.

yes, I agree. Unfortunately, there are not many students here that are interested in it cause well they dont know much about it *shrugs*

it's sad :p



New member
Fri, well I think you mentioned that you had seen it and some other movies too.yes, I agree. Unfortunately, there are not many students here that are interested in it cause well they dont know much about it *shrugs*

it's sad :p
oh ok

maybe I have seen all of it, it's been a long time

yeah too bad, it's so much fun



New member
well that´s alot of hellos! :eek:

HI!!! XD

I´m fine thanx and I hope evryone here are doing great!

I´ll make a fast update and gotta go but will be online later on.

_______________________________June 3rd__________________________

I woke up and was pretty happy cause today was the last day, with school work, home assigments, lecturing and ....school work! I still 1 week left but we only have to clean and have lill fun o_O *cough if that is possible cough*

Anways I had swedish first and was trying to print out my assigment that I had to talk about tin class and it wont work so I asked the teacher to let me in in another computer sal but she wont lemme go in...why? cause she didn´t feel like it o_O *cough ***** cough*

So I missed the half class, looking for a teacher to open the door for me (which I didn´t mind :p ) and later on went back to the class and did the lecturing ****. I had tp pretend to me a swedish author and tell about the author´s life =_= meeeh, it went fine, no critics. I find it pretty easy cause it´s just talking and talking is like my hobby :p

Well anyways we had to watch a program called "knife in the heart" swedish ****....it was ok but I had to leave cause if choir practice and I got to know that I´m gonna sing another solo in school. My immortal and Hela världen för mig :p woot!

I ended 12 but I, Louice, Shriti, Chris (Zin) and Therese stayed to finsih our assigment cause today was the last day to give it to the teacher. It was atcually fun studying togather...

meeh I came home at 2:15 and found out that I missed dentist appiontment...again! I´ve missed it 3 times in a row now =_='

meeh I was just happy cause all the stress has gone and this might sound chessy but meeh wth...I´m freeeeee XP

later on I went to the library and got fine again =_= but I know one of the staff member there so he always covers it for me..and whenever I tell him that I will pay the fine and he just doesn´t take the money :rolleyes: *shrugs* I dont like it but it´s like he doesn´t listen!! *sigh*

I read manga and went home, found guests...alot of ´em but...witha quite baby :D he is only 5 months and I got to babysit him a while ago, he always laughs and has this huge smile on his face...very cute baby! :D __________

Well that´s my day, now I´m gonna make som sigs and read some manga! :D

thanx for reading

Asta la vista baby :p



New member
Ahh yeah, I heard of that... somwhere else... like, England I believe, you go to college like, when you're 16 :p

Yes, I am in tenth grade "sophomore". :p 2 more years until college



New member

thats a quick update, a quick update for me is, hi, g2g bye...wow...lol about the talking is ur hobby..hope all is well

bu bi ***



New member
yea...indeed! ^^ but..I wonder..did you get any h/w in it? I mean isn't it mostly about discussing things?

sis, aaah..yea maybe they do.

haha cool!

but then collage isn't the same thing as university right?



New member
well if you were talking to me about the homework thing, then yeah, sometimes there was a lot of homework. Lot of just question lists. Plus two essays, at least in the course I took.

But of course I wouldn't know how it would be with you in that school

I must say though, it was totally worth all the work



New member
Keza- lol! well that´s a quick update for me. I´ve had longer quick updates :p


Matt-yeah I´m so glad cause dont have any ****** stress anymore...feels goood :thumbsup:


Sis- Hey Twi!! ^^

I know that´s awsome :D ...well no more school almost XP


I´ll tty...now lol

_______________________June 4rth_________________

I woke up and read manga, didn´t feel like getting up from the bed lol

So I got up when my dad "woke" me up, ( I was pretending to sleep so that he would go away lol) they had to go so I was home alone (score!!) watched a tennis match again which was awsome! they had to play 6 sets cause both players had equal points all the time! o.o

anyways....later on I watched Joey which was awsome too! :D but freinds is much better.

hm...later on I took a shower and listened to music and read manga.

Well I practiced the sings I´m gonna sing in school next week but I still cant remember the lyrics ><

I jsut went online later on and made some sigs. and now here I am. Chatinga nd making some sigs :p ________________________________________

that´s my day...woah that´s a boring day lol meeeh better then studying all day :thumbsup:

thanx for reading this ****




New member
I don't watch Joey. Well, I never watched Friends either. Just doesn't appeal to me.. meh, oh well. Glad you enjoy them ;)

Have fun making sigs :) Your sigs are awesome :D

See you later!

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