Heart LP´s Journal


New member
lol well kinda did but hey can't word it elsehow...I think

I don't understand what I just said haha


nighty night Sammi, take care

(it's danish but hey I'll give it a try) vi ses



New member
SAMMI!!!! *bug hugs*

ghellow! ^^ glad that i see you again :)

LMAO! that guy thought you were married? rofl!

that must have been freaky..

anf i'm glad to hear that you have a great time in india with your friends ^^

well i g2g now.. i'm going away this weekend..

to belgium =_=

well take care,, and i hope that i talk to you soon :)

but for now have fun ;)

*big hugs*



New member
lmao gotta say, neither did I XD

nighty night! ^^

thanx, you too

Vi ses är rätt! det säger man på svenska också och ja, det gör vi. ^_~



New member
fiona, hehe i love her name too! ^^

sis, ****, i got happyto see that you were online but you have to go now *sad*

i hope you have in belgium!

you have gotta talk some french lol

well miss ya

*hugs tightly*



New member
true lol

haha Fri! you are confusing me again :p

fy fan betyder **** på engelska


haha prolly we should start chating in Swedish then! XD



New member
ok as im here ill make one short update kinda thing cause i need to get this off my chest

*breathes in* ok

guys!! irritating me!! alot!!

they stare and try to talk to me even tho i ignore them so later on they come where i sit and try to talk and then ask for my nr!!! im leaving **** it and no! lmao

like for instance, today, like 10 guys started hitting on me >< seriusly its irritating...maybe i sound like a prep but **** that ><

and no one believes that im indian!! and no one belives that im 15!! ><

i wanna go back to Sweden o_O woaah never thought i would say that but seriuosly i mean it. *sigh*

ive been here for only *counts* 5 days! ><

i just badly wanna see one of my freinds so im gonna leave now

bye +_+



New member
lol I am? :D


well I was able to make a convo in the Swedish thread on FMMB but lol I don't think I can chat much, I don't know enough of it

you could teach me though :eek:



New member
Awwww, guys hitting on you ;) Lol! You must be sooo dammed hot thats why :D Lol! If you want your point heard, just wack them in the head lmao! I'm such a violent woman +_O Well I'm glad you had fun, and meeting famous actresses and getting first class tickets! Wow! Your sooo lucky! i'm really glad you have such great friends, they must be treasuring the time with you :)

Yah...I hate humid weather with lots of people...reminds me of Hong Kong >< I constantly feel dirty o__O

Hope the rest of your days passes by nicely and very memorably!! *hugs*

miss you!



New member

wow really? cool!

you can speak danish there too cause when I was there, many dans used to visit the thread and talk in Danish.

haha sure! it would be fun ^^


edit: I dont wanna post the pic anymore lol



New member
i rkn!! i have actually heard of them too.....so they r like more then famous lol that was great

did u get an autograph?

ah..thats like one of the reasons i dislike india aside from the dust...lol i cant speak hindi and like theses people thought i didnt like them T____T

whoa that sucks so bad

but atleast u speak hindi lol

*hugs and gives u a banana*

take care, have fun and dont let the really weird weirdos get to you ^__^



New member
Tsoi- hey!! lmao i have done that once. A guy in 6th told me that he loved me o_O infront of everyone and i slapped him and continued doing what I was doing lmao good tmes....good times *chuckles*

so youre not the only voilent one :thumbsup:

heheh yeah humid weather sux! >,< but right now im sitting in an air conditioned room. aahhhhhh feels good o_O

hm...anyways i miss you too!


ttyl hon

Fiona- *gladly accepts the banana* weee thankies!! ^^

yeah its the same with me and i know hindi but i try not to talk in hindi otherwise i will get in more trouble and if i talk in english then they laugh o_O

stupid uneducated indians!!>,<

and the guys are really irritating, if i dont give them my nr then they give me their number lmao how retarted :p *shrugs*

thanx hon



________________________June 18th_____________________________

I woke up and had to do the same old indian usuall. Drink lemon jice with honey *yuck!* with dates *yuck!* and then my aunt would apply a face pack on my face o_O and then i would take a shower. now taking a bath is not that easy here. I get 2 buckets of water and one tumler then i have to sit on a mini sit and take a bath. how ****** retarted. its cause there are many water crises in India now a days, ppl kill eachother for that o.o

India has changed and not good changed. very bad changed. I cant wear hot pants or tank tops. ppl stare like ****! and girls get kidnapped and rapped alot here :mad: ******* ****** guys! (no offence to the guys here but you know the sick dudes) so i have to think alot before i choose a outfit.

anyways later on my cusin bro and his wofe came to pick me up. we had to go shopping =_= you guys maybe know that i HATE shopping!! >,< now its worse here. I cant see the clothes on my own. I have to ask some huy to show me stuff according to my ize, so it takes hours for me to choose a freakin denim jeans! finally i got fed up and bought one pair from levis. I got really frustrated and i dont why but im really sensitive these days...since i came to India. I start crying for nothing and usually i like never cry! only when things get bottled up alot or when i feel really helpless. but like I didnt find a pair of jeans i liked and i got tear in my eyes O.O my cusins wife, kavita noiced that i was really frustrated and we got out of there*shrugs* this is really not me, I dont know whats going on with me *shrugs*

so later on we went to my home, lady grace!! aaah my fav fav FAV shop! there are only accesrories available there, specielly thousands of earings!! I call it my home lol so I did shopping for my freinds and my bros girlfreind.

Then I felt better so we went to another shop called Khazana, that means treasure. I bought capris which are awsome! ^^ . After that me and my cusin went for lunch to tomatoes and ate awsome chinese and mexican food. yummy! XP

now me and my cusin are at his wife's house. Kavita is watching tv, my cousin, Vishal is sleeping and Im online!

yeah...later on we all will be going to Beneton ^^ Ive missed beneton. so comfy clothes there! so ill buy some baggy pants and some loose awsome shirt.________________________________

thanx for readin




New member
I posted a pic of me when I was a kid but after some while I realized how embaressing it would be XD

aah well that was long time ago. Like when the boards were new.



New member
:D Glad the day turned out better in the end. Sometimes I feel the way you do, for no reason just want to cry over stuff that seems petty and insignificant. Lol I guess it happens to all of us :p Ahhh and showering with buckets of water..lol funny, I had that experience too! and yah I HATE it, it sucks. o__O Kill people because of water??!? And raping and kidnapping ?!? double o_O

Hope your feeling better :thumbsup:



New member

it can't be that embarrassing, I posted pics of me as a kid once :D

oh yeah

wow can you believe it's been like 9 months since FMMB went up?



New member
*clears throat for shouting* YOU SAW URMILA, REKHA AND SHILPA SHETTY????????

awesomeness man, awesomeness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *end of shouting*

indian guys kinda like to hit on overseas girls. not all indians guys are like that but yeah..some are. and yes, raping is like an everyday thing in india and the policemen do nothing except go around in their stupid horses and scream at everyone.



New member
yes, it's amazing. Unfortunatly they did not get that famous here but it's still awsome.

but you were cute!

not me :p

totally different things here lol



New member
I've never been to India before. Starting to hope that I never have to, from what you're saying, lol. Meh, I dunno. At least you're doing okay :) See you.


New member
lol dang it

i know i cried a bunch when i went to india...coz well i wanted to go home so bad

but now i look like im gonna cry because i want to go there **** bad lmao

sounds fun though atleast there r like shops where u r...and well mexican food?? that is odd

r u like near the city or something?



New member
heeeeeey sis ^^ *hugs*

how are you? so the boys are hitting on you? :p

i told you that you're pretty ;)

are you having a good time in india?,, woah strange way to take a bath,,

sorry i'm used to the simple way

awh you cried? *hugs*.. that's strange.. i mean to cry when you don't know why

well i hope that you're doing well

as far as i know you are, :)

take care *hugs*



New member
mhmm >.>

you do! ><

so sshhh XD

edit: btw Fri, can you plz rename this thread ro heart graphixx?

if it's ok..

or do I have to have a specieal purpose to change a thread's name?



New member
hey peeps! hm..I've never said that b4


Tsoi- yeah that sure does sux, even the batyhing with buckets of water hihih I agree, it IS kinda funny XP

I hate it when that happens, I'm all emo these days...guess gonna get it soon :rollseyes:

ttyl hon


Shahfire- how come you know this much about IndIA? hm...anyways

yeah I saw them!! that so amazing XD

woah go around on horses? i've lived in India b4 for like 8 yrs bnut never even heard of it in my life!



Matt- lol noo, India is great! haha that's true!

but living in India is not that great! its pretty.....not developed about this stuff yet. and the place I live have some water issues that's why its like this, otherwise I had never lived like this when I used to live in India b4.

And believe me, India is great for visiting and it does matter which place you visit! :thumbsup:


Fiona- I live in the city, Im from the city lol not from the village side, no no XP and there are all kinds of Restaurents here except one , Japanese >,< I love Japanese!

anyways I cried bad when I was in Sweden too cause I missed India so much but now it's reverse, Im crying cause I miss Sweden so much lmao


ttyl hon

Sis- hey sis! are you back from BElgium already? woaah

anyways hope the trip was fun ^^

and no Im not pretty! XP

meeh I were Indian clothes now so they dont stare at me that much but the guys still do :(

I hate it!

lol its just there the place I live has some water issues otherwise we in India bath the same usuall way lol

aww *hugs back* yeah ive been pretty emo these days *sigh* well guess gonna get it soon V_V

meeeh ttyl hon

*hugs tightly*

miss ya

well I wont be updating my journal for a while but Ill try this friday.

After 20 mins I will be seeing one Indian program and the lead character is sooooo ****** hot!!! *chuckles* he is like the hottest dude ever! o.o

*cough cough*

Things has been going pretty much the same old same.

On friday I will be going at Anar's place and Tomorrow mIll be going to my old school! ^^ im so excited to see them all again!

woot woot! plus I wanna know why im still popular o_O being popular sucks!

anyways...um....ooh I finally bought Hybrid Theory Edited version! it rox!

yeaah g2g




New member
someone's lookin pretty shady o.0



haha :p

"Heart graphixx"?

that's ok, and no lol, you don't need a special purpose, my journal is a good example of how you don't need a great reason XD



New member
haha why's that?

ooooh, I thought mods could to do that anyways lol

and yep, that's it. That would be great! thank you ^^

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