Heart LP´s Journal


New member
zomg that's so cute! XD

thank you honey I LOVE YA!! *shummgles*

and why does everyone think I'm going?

I'm NOT LEAVING!! (atleast not now)

bad for ya :p


ok I've gotta know this..it's just plain weird..o.o

It's about Linus. I haven't been talking to him or so cause well, it's either him who has class or me. So we dont get that time. Anyways, I've noticed that everytime he goes like..passes me..he kinda ..sniffs o.0 I mean, not like loudly or something but sometime when I get close or something.. :rolleyes:

.... why?! ?_?

he's totally normal, and thankfully not pervy at all like the other guys in my school =_=



New member
lol that about the governor of Småland and that Swedish singer :p

lol that's really neat of you, you're getting good, see, just too bad there's loads of weird letters like " ð " and stuff

I'll ttyl and take care :)



New member
woooshhhh congrats on your job

lmao dont worry at one point i was hearing multiple voices going 0o0ooooo000000000ooooo i love him/her so much, they are soooo sweet why didnt you say they were so sweet


*hugs and gives you a muffin*



New member
Fribs-well ok so the name of småland's governor is realy similar to this really famous old swedish singer in Abba's time. so I always the governor's name and the singer's name :p

hihi I actually cpoied the "ð" from your username :p

thanx but hey, how come you know so much Swedish? Is it because of Danish? cause I've noticed that Swedish and Icel is'nt that similiar.

ttyl! ^^

Fiona- have I said that I love your name?! If not then well I love your name :p Reminds me of princess Fiona from Shrek :D

thanx hon ooh I heart muffins! :D


August 28th

I woke up 10:30 and read HP 6 which was beside me from last night. I got up like 11:00-ish and remembered that VMa was on today so I quickly got ready, made breakfast and saw that VMA was going to be on at 2:00 in the night =_= **** Florida's time! :p

I cant stay up that last cause tomorrow's school so I'll just rec it.

umm....I watched VMA 2004 and saw LP win! :D I actually recorded that too lol meeh I pretty much watched mtv and read HP all day. Later on I got a shower again and felt like putting on something nice so I have punjabi on (An indian dress) and then mom thought I looked pretty so she forced me to out some make up on and took snaps of me. :rolleyes:

I dont wanna like be miss preppy but I really think I look cute :D

I'll try to upload the pics on my compy somehow.

That's pretty much everything I've done today. I have homework to do =/

Thanx for readin




New member
lmao, maybe you're imagining it.


I don't know where that came from



New member
Hey,Love!*hugs and kisses*

I was going to read Harry Potter 5..but Im like "This book is too long..screw it."

Lol,I dont like reading!=p

Oh yeah! The VMAs are on today..I forgot. 2:00 in the night?Lol.Here it comes on at 8:00pm

Im sure you looked gorgeous in that dress.^^

Cant wait to see the pictures.

Hope you are doing well.

Take care.Love you!

I loove the sig.Its so cute.



New member

Fri- um..idk, that's why I asked lol but idk..why? whaaat?

what kind of guy would do that?...am I missing something here? =_='

lots of questiosn..meeh you dont have to answer them..you can just simply ignore them all :D

Sis- yaaay I wuv you o.0

no I'm not!! even today I saw him in the library in the *cough* love room XD that's so cheeseh anyways..and he was like "Hi, *small hug, short sniff* " o.0

***** why would I imagine ppl sniffing me? haha

that's cute? eerrr,,.


small updito

Well this day totally rocked, I mean rocked, like not literally, cause it cant o.0

haha anyways o.0

school was boring and Persian teacher didn't show up so I decided to go for a walk and was thinking about how my life generally was...I do that sometimes. idk.. *shrug* anyways and then I went to school, Tema sucked and I had nothing to do so I kept on bothering Jennie by telling her about how I would get married with William Moseley when Daniel Radcliffe would introduce us XD

then I had music and Anna was'nt there =/ so we had a new teacher who suprisingly liked me alot o.0 yea..anyways Carro and Louice are sick so there were only me, Bhavina and Shriti in the band. yaay all Indians! ^^

yep..then I kept on bothering Bhavina when she was trying to learn a new beat on drums about how I would end up cheating on William and then get married to Billie Joe Armstrong instead XD and she was like "=_=' lord, if you wanna kill me, this would be the exact right mom" :p

Then after lunch I had gym and I had to swim but I totaly forgot to wax and I had already ran out of excuses so I'm like "c'mon Sammi, think!" and tada! I came up with another excuse, I had an appointment at the clinic ^^

So me Jennie and Shriti skipped gym and went to library to hang out for some time and I saw Linus there and I swear to *** that when he hugged me, he sniffed! o.o meeeh i dont care, he is awsome plus he reminds me of my future second husband, Billie Joe lmao XD

um..then somehow me Jennie and Shriti ended up in a discussion of Middle east and saddam Hussein which was really good. Later on Me and Jennie decided to go and meet Andrea and today for the first time I held a baby! :D yaaaaaaaaay!!! I've always been really scared and I'm the youngest in my family =/ but Andrea's son is sooo cute, Ethan ^^ and I even got to make him burp! ^.^

I just came home and am eating dinner.

Awsome day right? ^^

Thank you for reading

wuv ya =*



New member

okay then Sammi...lol

oh yeah, did I ever tell you that it was an Indian surgent that did my appendix surgery? his name was Shri. he like tiny hands haha, so my scar is like really little :D

and great day haha :p



New member
lol I'm glad you like the sig :D

the 6th one os even longer then the 5th one. When I started to read it, I felt the same but later on, it's fun! ^^

thanx! XP

yeah the VMA's coming late here =/

Hope you're fine!

love you too!

*hugs and smooches*



New member
lmao sorry the update is so weird. I'm in a weird happy mood lately :p

haha well that's good!

Shri is a weird name cause that means..well when you say ***'s name, you say Shri before it. like Shri Krishna...so yep, quite weird.



New member
Fribs-well ok so the name of småland's governor is realy similar to this really famous old swedish singer in Abba's time. so I always the governor's name and the singer's name :p hihi I actually cpoied the "ð" from your username :p

thanx but hey, how come you know so much Swedish? Is it because of Danish? cause I've noticed that Swedish and Icel is'nt that similiar.

ttyl! ^^

August 28th

I woke up 10:30 and read HP 6 which was beside me from last night. I got up like 11:00-ish and remembered that VMa was on today so I quickly got ready, made breakfast and saw that VMA was going to be on at 2:00 in the night =_= **** Florida's time! :p

I cant stay up that last cause tomorrow's school so I'll just rec it.

umm....I watched VMA 2004 and saw LP win! :D I actually recorded that too lol meeh I pretty much watched mtv and read HP all day. Later on I got a shower again and felt like putting on something nice so I have punjabi on (An indian dress) and then mom thought I looked pretty so she forced me to out some make up on and took snaps of me. :rolleyes:

I dont wanna like be miss preppy but I really think I look cute :D

I'll try to upload the pics on my compy somehow.

That's pretty much everything I've done today. I have homework to do =/

Thanx for readin

oh I see, lol that can be confusing :p

yeah, probly cause of Danish, I mean, they're very alike, except pronounciation lol

What did LP win last year? something for BTH?

lol I would not like it if my mom did something like that to me. well, I'm not a girl so I escape that for the most part :p




New member

well that's good :D

and 0.o I had no idea

you've got all those cool words :p

so if you use Shri for that, what does Hare Krishna mean then?



New member
yeah I always think that the governor's name is Per gessle but I think that's the singer's name :p

but I think the governor's name is something like Göran Persson.

LP won Viewers choice award for BTH, they were nominated in best rock video too but unfortunately they did not win. I was so ****** at that mom. lol

You're lucky, you're a guy. Girls have to stand out with mnay many things...

Believe me! Specielly when a girl has parents like mine :rolleyes:

meeh...they're ok.



New member
yea but I just dont want ppl to think that I'm this weird physco girl XD

English ppl pronouce it as Hare but the actually word is Hari which means *** in Sanskrit. Most of our prayers come from Sanskrit cause that's our very first language and then Hindi and then the others.

so Hare Krishna would mean *** Krishna, you can also say it as Shri Hare Krishna.



New member
I see, pretty similar names.

Viewers' choice? That's nice.

That's true, and what, are your parents very conservative or something?



New member
well...I think it's a ****** up world where people think you're crazy if you're happy :rolleyes:

but lol yeah I get what you mean :p

Oh okay, I never knew that! Good for me I have you :D

Sanskrit, yeah I've heard about that. Apparently it's kinda related to Swedish and all those you know...

btw ever hear the word brather?



New member
yeaah you can say that. They treat me like a 7 yr old no matter how old I become. It can be embaressing infront of someone but otherwise i dont bother. I'm used to it lol

yep, Mike looked so suprised when the camera was on him. Nothing to be suprised of! :p



New member
well I don't really know much about it...lol

I just heard about it in Icelandic class about a year ago :p

Sanskrit's and indoeuropean language I guess...

okay. well I heard (also in Icelandic class, though longer ago) that brather was like Sanskrit (or an Indian dialect) word for brother. that way you see the relation or something...

brather - brother - bruder - bróðir...lol



New member
haha bruder in Swedish means brides :p or maybe it's brudar o.0 nooo.it's brudar..yea lol

oh I didn't know that. I know that it's bhai in Hindi. My mom knows more sanskrit then me. In India, you learn sanskrit when you're in 8th grade cause it's teh hardest of all Indian languages but after 7th grade I moved to Sweden =/

I only the prayers.

wow..ok then, if you say so ^^

oh btw do you know a way to upload song thro internet so that you can download it?

cause I have snook, svett och tårar now.



New member
nep, it's totally fine! ok maybe not totally fine but you know what I mean, well I hope you do lol

umm, I guess it's just hard for them to except a new culture, cause I have grown up more into the swedish culture so my parents are extra strict about it. o_O weird...*shrugs*

I loved how Mike got so happy and Joe ofcourse. ^^



New member
haha lol

well that's German for "brother"

oh I see. So you missed out on the sanskrit...

you mean like sites? like megaupload or savefile or yousendit?



New member
heeeeeeeyyyyyy sammmiii *hugs*

hehe just popping in to say helloo!

bruder means brother in german =)

edit: oh fri said it before me

heyyyyy friiii* hugs*



New member
yeah it can be hard to adjust, that's true.

lol I've seen LP get some award once, Chaz and Joe accepted it. Chaz was all happy about it and thanked everyone, and Joe was....um.....weird lol :p as usual



New member
Fri - yep! you send it takes a whole lot of time but you know what? I just found otu that the song is live playes =/ so it's not as good as the original one. do you still want it or wanna wait for the original one?

yep, unfortunately I did.

out of all those, brodir is the coolest tho :D

I still love the awsome creative D ^^

Fiona- Hiya! *huggly huggle*

thank you hon! it's always so good to see ya ^^

aaah..well well well..there ya go!



New member
lmao glad I'm not the only one who thinks Joe can be lill weird :p

Chaz was more cool about it in Mtv europe music awards but Joe did'nt say a word. Brad gets really happy too.



New member
Fri - yep! you send it takes a whole lot of time but you know what? I just found otu that the song is live playes =/ so it's not as good as the original one. do you still want it or wanna wait for the original one?
yep, unfortunately I did.

out of all those, brodir is the coolest tho :D

I still love the awsome creative D ^^
o.0 live played? erm well I kinda don't use ysi anymore, it kinda sucks lol

I'd like the original, I think

haha Ð all the way :p

and hey Fi



New member
yea the D is so awsome..so..twinkle-ish XD

I couldn't come up with a better word to describe it :p

oh ok, it's quite weird, I cant find the original song anywhere =/




New member
I think Brad is so quiet, he hardly says anything. From whole LP, Joe is definetly the weirdest. :p You can really see that in Frat party dvd.
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