Heart LP´s Journal


New member
sorry for the double post, I cant edit ><

anyways, I just..feel like posting a pic..*shrug* idk why o_O



it's kinda old but meeh..Jake said I looked shmeksy in it so Iwas like " :rolleyes: ....thank you :D " haha

yea, ok I'll shut up =_=

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New member
I'm jealous of your shmexyness Sammi *admires* :D

You really look sophisticated and oldish (but not in a bad way of course) you look to be like 18/19 :p

If you're not to busy, can I ask you to make me a Trent Reznor sig? I would be forever in your debt, more so than now :D

<3 ya sis *huggle*



New member
oookkiiiiii :rolleyes: ..............................

thank you :D haha ok I'll shut again =_='


sis you think I look old? *touched* I luv you so much right in a totally non gayish way ^^

well, I'm not so good at making sigs but I'll try ^^

*shummgles everyone*

you know I wuv ya ^^

(yes I'm in a I-love-everyone mood, ok? **** it! except it ><)



New member
Believe me, Icelanders are waaay more normal than Fins *nodes*

and I happen to know alot of them. Mostly all my freinds are fins so when I meet them so I just talk the lill finnish I know :p



New member
Sammi Hope things are well just like me I feel more happy since I left this ****** town now I actually have Emotions XD


New member
whys there such a big *** gap>.<


awww its that piccie again...<3 ur top tis very nice colour

and everyones said this already but i wanna say it...ur so purty!!!


yeah thats my randomness for today



New member
awww Sammi :D you're so cute

I wuv you lots too *big hugs*

accept your prettyness!!!


I'm sure you're wonderful at sigs, if they're anything like that awesome icon :D

<3 Twi



New member
oh yeah, we believe in elves living in stones, our traffic culture is awful and weird at the same time, we have a world record of buying the comp game Championship Manager and lol I could go on and on......


New member
Elves living in stones? wait wh-wh-what?

are you sure you mean elves living in stones? lol

That sounds more like hmm....norwegians o_O



New member
Shaun- haha you're so funny!

welle motions can be a crappy thing sometime >.> but..well happyness is always good and you've just spread the happyness to me :D

Keza- you're funny too!

aww thanx hon =)

lovely randomness!

omg Kezi!!! my scotish accent is so much better now! but instead of sounding it as Indian, I sound german =_=

one step at a time now =_='

note to everyone who is reading this : you are so funny! XD


Shaun- aww thanx *hugs*

Sis- awww aren't you cute! ^^ kawaii!

well, I haven't been making sigs since like ages and I find making icons a bit easier...well alot easier haha

but as I said, I'll try *g*




New member
no I dont know if they do but I know that they were the ones who came with trolls and stuff, so it sounds like norwegians to me :p


New member
trolls, oh yeah, we used to believe in trolls living in big caves lol

the trolls mentioned in The Hobbit are based on Nordic belief in trolls, as the Nordic ones they die when the sun rises and they turn into stone.

These here huge cliffs are "supposedly" a troll man and his wife along with their cow, that turned into stones lol:




New member
woah weird yet cool stuff :p

ooooh I did'nt know about the hobbit thing. cool! ^^

wait...I cant see the cows in the pic lol



New member
Sis- aww *pinches cheeks*

now shush, you thank alot :p

Shaun- well it did!

but um...go where? o.o

sounds mysterious..ooooooooooh I WANNA KNOW!!! ><



New member
rofl liked the note to people reading this that was gd^^


awww yey thats closer to us than indian is...yey ur nearly there!!!keep pracitsing promise me when u get it u will tape urself...YEY!!!^^

*is excited* lol

hehe...yeah im typing for no reason now...its like a 'put the keyboard down' sort of situation^^ lol




New member
I'm going to my cousins cause I bought him and her some stuff

like a resident Evil book and it was 41:99$ in canada o_O

and a game for my cousiin o_O



New member
lmao but I always love you comments so keep on typing ^^

haha I promise hon XD



I'm going to my cousins cause I bought him and her some stufflike a resident Evil book and it was 41:99$ in canada o_O

and a game for my cousiin o_O
I'm so sry Shaun, I didn't see the post =_=

woah that's expensive...I think...Idk lol

resident evil is coolio! ^o^



New member
dont worry sweetie ul never get rid of me *evil laghs*

mwahahahahaha *cough-splutter-choke-dies*<333

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