Heart LP´s Journal


New member
lol and then the person will say JUDO CHOP! lol

sometimes I imagine that too when I see many bushes lol

once we were at school trip kinda thing and at midnight we had to go and walk in a forest..and someone would come and scare us..I was so tired that when I was walking through the forest someone just touched my shoulder and I just screamed and punched really hard on the persons face..lol it was my teacher lol



New member
LMAO... well your teacher shouldn't have snuck up on you lol, it was their fault :p

I'm very paranoid about lots of things!



New member
lol me too!

my teacher´s lip was bleeding lol not to say my hand hurt bad too but it was worth **** it lol it was his fault!

I did´nt want to go out in the midnight anyways when the weather was so freakin cold...

Where in Britain do you live? London? lol



New member
Hehe... lol it served him right :p

Nope, I live in the south east of England... right on the coast, in a little town. London is more inland :D



New member
oooh that´s cool!

I´ve only seen London in movies and stuff lol

I wanna visit Britain someday...sounds very cool...and specielly the British mesuem in London...I´ve heard alots of cool stuff about it..

have you been there?



New member
Maybe... I can't remember, I might have been there when I was really young or something (the museum, I mean.) I've been to London loads of times though. It's huuuuge, very very busy!


New member
ooooh very very cool too! :D

I´ve to go now cause I´ve gotta eat my lunch! :p

wahaha..msg..she´s always hungry...MSG reminds me of food o_O :p

I´ll come back later on so see ya later if you are still online :p

it was awsome talking to you! :thumbsup:





New member
woah I thought it would be impossible to me cause of...all the...birds!

yes birds o_O

anywho..I´m *yawn* tired

I have no school tomorrrow either! yay!

*jumps up and down happily*

but then on tuesday I have school again =_=



New member
we should burn the school down!

I mean c´mon! no one likes school, then why should there be a school?!

*tries to come up with a evil plan for burning down the school*




New member
something very devioussss

how about we take the teachers to a """"labratory"""" and kill them

and we change the schools local water into vodka

yessh yeshh...



New member
ok good buddy, now come join us.

we are going to *whispers the plan in your ear*

got it? :p

this thread is more of a insane ppl thread lol :p

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