Heart LP´s Journal


New member
lol why not make a FEED BECKS group?!


hehe yeah being famous at LPf sounds cool

*daydreams to be famous at LPF*

aaaah that was a nice dream :p

btw u´re welcomies!

now I have´nt updated my journal from....*thinks* 3 days I think..not sure well..I´ll update it tonight cause idk how my day will go today.. :p

cool you have spiderwoman in your sig! mwuahaha sounds cool! :D

I´m hungwy!



New member
hehe yah, a feed becks group! must poke people in to joining :p

do you have school today?

yup i have spiderwoman! it's my LPF nickname :p or Spidey lol :p



New member
lmao spidey!! awsome!! :D

no, no school today!! but tomorrow =_=

you ahve 1 more week off right? lucky lucky girl! :p

first of all, I´ll poke twi with her sprok and then I´ll take the spork from twi and poke Hybi and then blue that is faded so then we can make a group :p

yay *pokes you*

*runs away*



New member

awwww... well at least you have today off hun *hugs* yes I have the whole of this week off... I'm very happy about it! :D Wednesday I'm going riding with my friend ;)

Yay thank you!! Make them join :p

owwww... I've been poked...

*chases after you*



New member
awwww lol *hugs ya back*

so sweet!! :p

I love hugs! they are so....yay-ish! :p ´

ooh I wanna ride horse too!

yeah I´ll make them join! :D

I´ll be right back..I have to eat!

aaah I´m sooo hungry! :p

ttyl if you´re online :thumbsup:



New member
hehe i know, i love hugs too :D

thankies! and yah... i should send you a horse in the mail :D

ack that's okay, I actually need to eat as well, I'm starved :p ttyl!



New member
*****,,,, send her a horse in the mail!!?hhah good stuff

I'd join a FEED BECKS group...if I had room in my sig XD

**** I have to go in a few mins



New member
oh buddy am I gonna get a big mail or what, eih?


omg twi is here!

hey twi *jumps on her and hugs her* :p

yay to hugs!

ok she´s gone! :(

yeah I dont have room in my sig too, I´ll try it out though



New member
*chases you*

yesh now I got the oppurtunity yesh yesh!

poking time!

*takes Twi´s spork and runs after you* :p



New member

i don't want to be poked!!

*runs away from Samira but trips over her own feet*

that always happens :rolleyes:



New member
whaha I trip over my own feet too sometimes! :p

*helps Hybi to get up* there there *pokes her and runs away*

mwuahahah you ahve just been pim...poked! :p



New member

ow now i'm going to get you!

*takes a spoon*

I'm going to poke you back with my evil spoon!


*runs after Samira*



New member
*eats cookie* hmmm

i want more! gimme more or i'll poke you muahaha!


whahah that was funny..!

lmao :p great find =P

ow and have a nice dinner! ^^



New member
ok so here´s my day

-------------------4rth April--------------------

I woke up in the morning finding out that I missed the persian classes and the teacher called cause she wanted to find out where I was..and well, I was home sleeping cause I had forgot all about it..it´s boring with persian..I mean it´s col to learn but I dont wanna! My dad is persian so I have to =_=

Then I was making breakfast and I thought would´nt it be awsome if they showed a LP song on tv and SHAZAM! Numb was on rise and shine!! :p

I was like no way! wtf is this song doing on rise and shine?! anyways so yeah the day got better, mom left so I was home alone..I played piano and then came online on the computer...and then went to my piano lessons later on.

then the day got worse when a freind of my mom´s came...all they do is complain about my behaviour! They dont have any ****** right to talk **** of me! and my mom´s freind´s daughter used to be my freind but I now I really dont even wanna see her face! why? Cause she always lies to me! Sometimes I feel like as if I dont have any freinds..for instance now..I dont have any freind that can offer me a shoulder to cry on, or someone I can trust..no one...well, yes on the internet but not in "reality"..so then I opened my big mouth and my bro ot mad at me and started the same **** as he always do..and atlast all I can do is just cry and listen to LP..nothing ****** else! I´m fed up with it now..now they are discussing of taking the compy away from my room..they´ll take everything from me that I like...so typical!

Only 3yrs 2 months and 12 days left till I´ll be 18 and move out of this **** hole!! v_v


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