Heart LP´s Journal


New member
yeah lol when I was like 10, I drew Sailor moon on my old computer with paint :p It was kinda cute :p

otherwise no, I dont really paint on computer.

how come?

I hope so..



New member
Lol I remeber that one, and I think I still have it o.0

I might post it later if I can find it, since it was really good.

And it was hard xD. But I think I've improved a bit since then lol.

You really should make yourself a new sig, I wanna see what you can do :D



New member
Tsoi - aww honey!! :D thankies so much!

I wish you would come here more often ><

Shaun - well, *points at my sig* IT SUCKS!!! but it has been a long time, so it'll take time to get some inspiration back again.

lol well, I'm not sure i'll make sig regularly but maybe once in while :p

Denemy - dude, what's your name?! XD

really? I never liked my sigs. hmm *shrugs* (I still dont)

yea PS is a real pain in the **** XD but then it turns out to be wuite interesting (addictive)

well, no pressure at all! >.> :p

but I made the sig Im having now. It's been so long that I've forgotten almost everything cause I learned to concentrate more on the colors then just bgs. oh well, more inspiration and practice will bring me back on track hopefully ^^


Bonjours!; Les amis de jour o.0

anyways, UPDATE!! tada! *dont you dare boo me! ><*

Well it'snot like I-did-this-and-that-today kind of update more of a something-i'll-maybe-do-or-maybe-not kind of update ^^

So my aunt and my cousin (sister! =D) is in London right, cause they wanted to visit us here in Sweden but they didn't get visa! >< so they only went to London. Now both of them are eager to meet me (me: o.0 okiiiii) so they want me to go and visit them. That's very nice! and my parents agreed! 0.0

First I was like noo I dont wanna go cause I dont know them which is true cause I've never met them. My aunt met me when I was born yaaay!

But now, when I really want to go (what if I see a celeb? 0.0 (yes I'm thinking someone from HP XD)) there are no tickets! >< and I really want to come back before 8th July cause Jennie's comes back from India! :D I haven't seen her in more than a month now =,(

Going to London would be so awsome 0.0 the place there HP and Narnia are being created, the london bridge, TEA!!, soccer suckers, nice weather? o.0,

Obi wan kenobi XD and I would totally talk in my brittish accent :p Marvellous! :D

well yea, so I cross my fingers that I get a ticket!

thanx for reading ^^



New member
Anime is awsome! that's what I wanna work with in future.

um...the girl in my sig is animated.

It's really fun to see animations. like...Finding nemo is also animation.

funny movie :p

duuuuude lmao



New member
Thanx Shaun XP

yea, well I used to work more on bgs before and i've pretty much forgotten everyting so I'll have to start over again =/...>< **** it!



New member
lol if it weren't for the net, I would never have heard of anime, manga and all that stuff until something like today or something, I'm quite behind the world :p


New member
lol dont worry, it would be the same for me and I would'nt even hear of Graffiti if I did'nt know LP which could be possible in India. They like...indian music there. Some of it is really good! ooh I'm gonna listen to "woh lamhe" now :p it means "those times" anyways...but some really suck.


New member
Anime rules! ^______________________^

hehe sorry.. but i really like anime.. *hint: sig :p *

and i watched sailor moon too! ^^

anyway.. awh too bad school wasn't that great today..

0_o.. you're going to work with graffiti? JEALOUS!

i want to do that too! T_T

i really like to design too.. hehe lol

we're much alike sis :p

take care *hugs*



New member

if I get a ticket I will but from what I know of now, I cant.

I'll still search more on the net cause it would be totally inappropraite if I spend like 5000 SEK for a ticket in air france or something cause from Sweden to London it's really cheap. If I'm lucky, I can even get a return ticket for only 500 SEK.

so..um...no for now, yes maybe in future.



New member
lol dont worry' date=' it would be the same for me and I would'nt even hear of Graffiti if I did'nt know LP which could be possible in India. They like...indian music there. Some of it is really good! ooh I'm gonna listen to "woh lamhe" now :p it means "those times" anyways...but some really suck.[/quote']woah really? well spose you're right.

is that hindi, or what?


New member
Sis- it sure does rule!! Heaven yeah :D

****, no wonder we are sisters :p

yeah, I'm really excited about it. Idk when we're supposed to do that tho

Kristjan- I just read your mail :p

yep, that's Hindi.

*sings* woh lamhe, woh baatein, koi naa jane :p




New member
lol oh yeah that, I sent that a while ago lol :p

I recorded some speech from the TV, which I think is in Hindi, not sure tho, and made it as an intro to a mixtape of Mike's part in Rock and Roll



New member
My name's Braden :)

And I like your sig, not quite as good as your old ones, but close :p

Lol hope you get to go to London and meet some celebs adn speak in your British accent too :thumbsup:



New member
cool! well if it sounds weir, it's punjabi lol

I dont know that lang.

I know, sry lol I always forget to open my yahoo mailbox :rolleyes:



New member
lol I can't really tell between hindi and punjabi XD

but you know the singer Panjabi MC, which language is that?

that's quite alright, I've been talking a lot to you anyway :p



New member
Braden- aaah I like your name ^^

thanx ^^ I've lost the touch but I'm too lazy to bring it back :p


Tsoi- Dont worry hon, I did not go to England -.-

It would sounds marvellous wouldn't it?

yees, marvellous indeed *nod*


1rst July

29 days left to Fri poo's b'day :p

Anywho, I did not get the chance to go to London..yes I know..booo, but well accept it! :p

Instead of that, my Aunt (another aunt) (Soheila), came from Iran to visit us and she has ben her since 4 days and the house is a totall wreck. Good ***, I hate her! ><

The first day she came, I was really nervous and you would be to if you had a Iranian stay at your place o.o When she came, she was so nice and err..cuddly and stuff and like"oooohhh, they are so beautiful" (me & my bro -.-) so I was like : :D

But as days went by I got like this:

:D ... :) ... :rolleyes: ... :( ... :mad:

nice mood map, huh? XP

You know what the first conversation topic was?! YEP! MARRIAGE ><

what's wrong with this ppl honestly? is marriage reallythat important that you chat about it all your freakin life?! >< so this was how it looked it:

aunt: Ooooh, a beautiful girl like you (errr...w/e) should marry an iranian guy! :D

Me: :rolleyes:

Mom: oooh no no!! *fake laugh* My daughter is going to get an indian guy, isn't that right beta? (beta= my child)

Me: *fake laugh* ...no *stares*

Mom: *stares*


Aunt: *fake laugh* dont tell me you're gonna marry a swede? *another fake laugh*

Me: why not? they are the cutest I have seen and they are just so adorable that I dont know where to begin!! :D (yes, I was tryin to annoy them, wth do you think? Swedish guys and cute? pfft...ok maybe some of them XD)

mom and aunt: *fake laugh* dear dear, this young girls dont know what they are talking about!

Me: :eek:

so yep, that was still okey and the whole reading my teacup and telling me that I'm gonna marry an iranian guy and have loads of chubby kids was still okey..><

but then she just stopped talking! first I was thinking HALLELUJA! but she became a total *****. She is not eating talking to anyone and she just returned all the gifts my mom gave her without saying anything and that's a very rude thing to do in our culture. I'm sure that she is mad at me or my mom cause I dont speak persian or something. Well, persian is NOT my language >< I dont give a **** if my dad is persian cause i'm nothing like 'em. (my mom says that I've got my bitchyness from them but I like to deny it..*cough*)

So me and mom are just praying that she goes back to her hellhole as soon as posiible and neither of us can tolerate her anymore.


meeh, I posted a pic in the thread it belongs in.

yea I know weird update but I'm really frustrated and just ugh-ed by the tense atmosephere in my house right now. :rolleyes:




New member
lol I understand :p

Punjabi MC is a punjabi group. I dont understand a **** about what they're talking about o_O

lol true...hope you are'nt tired of it :p



New member
yikes, annoying relatives. I can relate.

I knowww, my mom's always saying I should hook up with Nikhil. it's like, 'he's my brother, and furthermoreeeeee i don't care what you think!'

yeah so I can relate. Other people planning your life and all....

Oh well I'll cross my fingers for her departure soon!



New member
lol me neither...sometimes I wonder what he's saying...I mean he could be talking about his fave type of toilet paper or something, I wouldn't know XD

lol of course not, I like talking to you so much :)



New member
omg no way!! XD

I mean, yea that's very annoying..yea mmhmmm*snap snap*

I'll never ever do that to my daughter *shakes head*

thanx hon!

that makes it six crossed fingers totally :p



New member
*****!! wtf?! toilet paper?! XDD


great! ^^cause I do too,i dont like talking to m....aaah yeah you know what I mean :p

I've g2g tho, my bro wants to use the computer..

Well I'll Tokyo mew mew then :p (manga)

so I'll ttyl


Goda nott



New member
lmao just an example, he might be talking about that, we dont' know XD

aww know what you mean :)

lol wtf?

and rofl it's barely evening, at least where I am :p

but yeah, if I don't talk to you tonight, *** natt =)



New member
Hey Sammi!I used to watch Sailor Moon 2!Anime is kool although I don´t watch it:p.

How are u btw?Hope u are fine.

Take care and ttyl.


PS:You and Fri have insteresting convos in here XD:p



New member
Fri- It would be weird tho...hehehe....XDD

woah it was like 9:00 when I went offline but yeah we would'nt talk so I said good night :p

Vero- Hola mi amiga! ^^

I dont anymore ither but I used to :p

I'm fine hon...can say that I could be better tho.

lol yeah XD it's always fun.

20 september

I woke up and felt weird cause I forgot that I fell asleep in my bro's room :p I woke up to turn off the alarm and was about to fall down from the bed lol

anyways I got ready and whenevr i would open my room's door and see my bro, I would get scared o_O lol everytime! *shakes head*

well I went to school late cause I'm sooo happy! XD We ahve our own Mtv Sweden now!!! Everything is in Swedish instead of english, and our VJ is Kicki Bergström! woot woot! yeah so I was watching the news and got late :eek:

I went to school and had English so well, I did pretty much nothing.

Later on I had PE and I had to run so I did it **** it! I'm over with the **** 6 rounds now! Now I dont have to worry about it untill next yr ><

meeh then I just got upset without any reason and started to hate Shriti and screamed at Louice. o.o thankfully she just listened to me and wow that felt so good. Just some one there for me. I've never ever screamed at someone like this before but ****, It felt really good lol. Then we had Tema and when she would tell something nice to me I would say "get outta here" lol I've the habit to say that but in swedish you cant say that so I told her and she was like "ok" and she just went. lmao!! I told her to wait and she was like "decide, woman!" XD meeh I worked iwth maths in tema. then we had Home economice which sucked and when we were about to start to work, I had to go to this guy who gives advice about what you should choose for further education. yeaah so I had an appiontment and I went there and I'm sooo happy yet stressed! well the good news is that I can come in in any line I want to go to ^^ Dont need to worry about the points. so he told me to choose I.B but I want to choose art or media. Art is more like art with hands and Media is more like art on computer, photography and making movies and more. So, as I want to be graphic designer, I have to go in art or media. but! there are some awsome subjects in I.B. which I cant choose in those 2 courses. Like, French!, physcology, philosophy,chemistry and all that stuff XP

So I kinda want all 3 of them lol but I caaant >< Dont know what to do so if any of you have any suggestions, pleeeeaaaassssee do tell! ^^

I came home and now I'm alone! ^^

I'll just go for a lill walk now, Idk, feel like I need to think about somethings which are really confusing.

thanx for reading


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