Braden- aaah I like your name ^^
thanx ^^ I've lost the touch but I'm too lazy to bring it back
Tsoi- Dont worry hon, I did not go to England -.-
It would sounds marvellous wouldn't it?
yees, marvellous indeed *nod*
1rst July
29 days left to Fri poo's b'day
Anywho, I did not get the chance to go to London..yes I know..booo, but well accept it!
Instead of that, my Aunt (another aunt) (Soheila), came from Iran to visit us and she has ben her since 4 days and the house is a totall wreck. Good ***, I hate her! ><
The first day she came, I was really nervous and you would be to if you had a Iranian stay at your place o.o When she came, she was so nice and err..cuddly and stuff and like"oooohhh, they are so beautiful" (me & my bro -.-) so I was like :
But as days went by I got like this:
nice mood map, huh? XP
You know what the first conversation topic was?! YEP! MARRIAGE ><
what's wrong with this ppl honestly? is marriage reallythat important that you chat about it all your freakin life?! >< so this was how it looked it:
aunt: Ooooh, a beautiful girl like you (errr...w/e) should marry an iranian guy!
Mom: oooh no no!! *fake laugh* My daughter is going to get an indian guy, isn't that right beta? (beta= my child)
Me: *fake laugh* *stares*
Mom: *stares*
Aunt: *fake laugh* dont tell me you're gonna marry a swede? *another fake laugh*
Me: why not? they are the cutest I have seen and they are just so adorable that I dont know where to begin!!
(yes, I was tryin to annoy them, wth do you think? Swedish guys and cute? pfft...ok maybe some of them XD)
mom and aunt: *fake laugh* dear dear, this young girls dont know what they are talking about!
so yep, that was still okey and the whole reading my teacup and telling me that I'm gonna marry an iranian guy and have loads of chubby kids was still okey..><
but then she just stopped talking! first I was thinking HALLELUJA! but she became a total *****. She is not eating talking to anyone and she just returned all the gifts my mom gave her without saying anything and that's a very rude thing to do in our culture. I'm sure that she is mad at me or my mom cause I dont speak persian or something. Well, persian is NOT my language >< I dont give a **** if my dad is persian cause i'm nothing like 'em. (my mom says that I've got my bitchyness from them but I like to deny it..*cough*)
So me and mom are just praying that she goes back to her hellhole as soon as posiible and neither of us can tolerate her anymore.
meeh, I posted a pic in the thread it belongs in.
yea I know weird update but I'm really frustrated and just ugh-ed by the tense atmosephere in my house right now.