thanx for the replies guys!
I'll reply 'em when I get more time ><
The time I haven't been here
Ok, so you all know that my aunt was on a visit right? good!
lord, she was so annoying Idk where to begin. So, I wont XD
Mom taught me to forget about things once they are done (I'm still learning and sometimes I just cant help it! ><
Anywho, my aunt was awsome! yet I hope she talked a bit more. She was so quite and she gave me awsome gifts!
Dolce and Gabbana, Puma AND!!!! Valentino! *swoon, squee, passes out w/e*
omgosh!! I had one of the outfit on me and me and my friend were joking about the skinny models and stuff and ended up taking some pics so maybe I'll post one of 'em later cause all of 'em are just weird
anywho yes,update..err..aunt..err yes so both of them left and day after that I went to Jennie's summer cottage with her family and other 2 freinds. Andreas and Lucas. Lucas was just sooo adorable! she is just 7 and friend to Jennie's lill sis, Johanna. o my gosh, he laughed at every lill thing and he has this gap between this front teeth which makes him look even cuter! XD
It was fun but sometimes very annoying! (small children screaming all the time) Oh the most annoying part was that whenever we went anywhere (by car) we had to listen to children songs ><
so it was like:
Här kommer pippi långstrump
tjollehopp tjollehej tjollehoppsanson
här kommer pippi långstrump
ja här kommer faktiskt jag!
Imse vimse spindel
klättra' upp för trå'n.
Ner faller regnet
spolar spindeln bort.
Klappa händerna när du är riktigt glad (clap, clap)
Klappa händerna när du är riktigt glad (clap, clap)
Du kan också glädja andra som på denna jorden vandra,
klappa händerna när du är riktigt glad (clap, clap).
yea, you get the point! but there were like 6-7 songs which we had to listen again and again! and as soon as some good song came up, Johanna and Lucas started to whine ><
The fun part was Samuel
Jennie's bro. He is just totally wonderfully awsome! and gosh is he funny! XD
like once he made this sketch of Frodo skywalker and I laughed so much that my stomache really hurt. Not to mention he is quite cute *wink wink* neeeh, he's like 3 yrs younger than me XD although quite matured.
meeh, atleast I got to go to Norway again! this time I was in Halden and it was really cool. And I got to drive both car and tractor! which was alot of fun!
I find car easier than tractor though. Much smoother and just aaahhhh..
I cant wait to have a car like the classical red mustang and just feel the breeze listening to something like norah jones and just aahhhh..
**** it! so many things to do but still 2 yrs left ><
hmm, once I had this weird dream that I got married to Darth Vader o.0 and the next day I got married to ***** Wonka o.0
why do I end up getting married to ppl all the time!?!
By now I've married:
Sharukh Khan
Hrithik Roshan
Keanu Reeves
William Moseley
Elijah wood
Orlando Bloom (several times)
Hayden Christensen
Captain Jack sparrow
and now those two -.-'
Anywho, before I went to the cottage (DahleMarken), Me, Jennie and Linn went to see POTC 2! Arr
It was awsome but I just hated the end >< and I hate Elizabeth! ><
I did hate her before for being with William *cough* but now ..I mean , what she did was just unbareable to see
well, errr....that's it I guess.
thanx for reading ^^