Heart LP´s Journal


New member
wow, long convo!

lol, sounds like a slow day...so u skipped school!!!??? 0_o naughty if u did stupid me if i mis-understood

well hope alls well, <3 u *huggles*



New member
holaaaa!I'm just fine! :D

I know right, it's been too long!

I hope you are doing great! and dont stress yourself out with things ><

lolz thanx :p

love ya hon!

hahaha hoooooooolaaaaaaaaaa! :)

Good to know you are doing fine =)

I know,hopefully I´ll catcha some day over msn to talk :)

Well I´m trying to do my best although I´m not doing well in some subjects which sucks :(

Yeah I know what you mean but the teachers are always giving us a lot of h/w and I get really stressed so yea..

Thanx girl!

<3 ya 2!

*smiles and gives her a muffin* :p



New member
Fri- it is? I thought you said that you were 20 when you ended further education :confused: hm...

Keza-no long, not as long as the others :p

well, no not stupid you but naughty me ;) :p

I just did'nt feel like it. *shrugs*

heart you too!


Well, piano lessons....SUCK!!! right now I'm so frustrated, I dont understand a **** of it and my father tells me that if I quit piano, then I'm not allowed to got band practice >< I come home and he starts to babble about hoow cold the weather is and I did'nt have a jacket and I would catch cold and he had to take care of me O.O

since when?!?! I dont remembering him even tellin me once "I love you".

never ****** ever!!

I really need to smoke right now so I'll go.



New member
yaaay I love muffins! XD

I really do :p

my msn is messed up. It wont work ><

So hopefully I'll catch you here more often ^^

aah, that does suck =/ sorry to hear that hon :(

that sucks too >< **** teachers.

I'll have to change my sig. You'll see.

Atleast try not to then.

Stress never makes things easier.

my pleasure love ^^




New member
no lol, I messed up, further ed here is 4 years, which means its from 16-19 :thumbsup:

but some people of course do it a year later, or just take five years doing it ;)

Woah that's true, like is he gonna start caring now or?



New member
ooh ****!well then, youtube it is!

XD you are so guy-ish haha and that's such a weird thing to say to a guy XD!

I love that line too! it's how he pronounces each and every consonant with this..."ooh look at me" feeling haha
yeah, I guess so lol

lol...how am I guy-ish? XD

oh yeah, that's exactly how I feel he says it! ^^



New member
woah ok..hm..well if we dont have good grades to come in in any line, then we have to go 1 yr extra in the beginning then to further education.

Yeah I know, it's better actually if no one cares and let me live as I want to.



New member
cause you're a guy! XDD

and idk that sounded very guy-ish...err I cant explain :p


have you seen the matrix spoof made in mtv awards by just timberlake and sean william scott?

it's awsome! ^^



New member
Oh it's that way? I'm not really familiar with how it is here lol

don't follow it much......I just go to school and then try to do most of my homework :p

And yeah, that seems fair to me.

BTW, the whole ******* world sucks? Or something like that, I dont' know what förbaskade means



New member
yaaay I love muffins! XDI really do :p

my msn is messed up. It wont work ><

So hopefully I'll catch you here more often ^^

aah, that does suck =/ sorry to hear that hon :(

that sucks too >< **** teachers.

I'll have to change my sig. You'll see.

Atleast try not to then.

Stress never makes things easier.

my pleasure love ^^


lol I do as well :p

yeah hopefully we will catch each other in here ^_^

It´s ok girl,don´t worry I´ll be fine :)

yeah I mean I do like my teachers except for my spanish grammar teacher,she is a ***** I hate her :mad: but yeah h/w can be a pain in the *** sometimes =(

Why do u want to change it?I <3 it :D !!And I like the comment above it :p

yeah I know that´s why I need some holidays :D ,thank *** that in 3 weeks winter holidays are comming :D though one of my teacher has already gave us some books to read during those holidays which sucks cuz i want to relax T_T





New member
cause you're a guy! XDDand idk that sounded very guy-ish...err I cant explain :p


have you seen the matrix spoof made in mtv awards by just timberlake and sean william scott?

it's awsome! ^^
lol okay...o.0


matrix spoof...hmm no, I haven't unfortunately :rolleyes:



New member
Vero - I hope you know that I didn't mean to hurt you by that **** song ><

it's just the tune ><

**** tune ><

I'm really sorry if I did hurt you :(

<3 ya hon!!

ugh, i hate bitchy teachers!...wth I hate teachers ><

I just wanted to add the teacher comment, that's all :p

wow haha winter holidays! that's so cool!

hopefully the book turns to be preety interesting! who knows!

I really hope I didn't hurt you :(

*huggles tightly*

Fribs- sorry XP

ok, honestly, what do you do on youtube boy? haha



New member
yeah..cant do anything about it.

I dont understand what's the meaning of life

You born, start school, become a teenager, more stress, get married, more stress, have children, more stress, get old and die o_O




New member
Hey Sammi!Don´t worry,you didn´t hurt me at all ;) :thumbsup:

lol I still wonder what may be so catche about that song =P but yeah that song is a good one :)

yay!go us then!yeah they are always giving us lot of h/w and I end up all stressed and mad and stuff...but well I´ve got to do them right?lol

hahahaha u can do whatever u are pleased to do cuz this is your journal XD

yeah I don´t know...hopefully they will(they are 2 books)but the last book i had to read for literature(A room with a view)was 2 **** boring T_T so insteand of reading it I did something better ;)

yeah I´m longing for those holidays ASAP!!!!I need some rest and so does my brain =P

Anyways,hope u are doing good


*hugs u back* :)




New member
The meaning of life is either, that something at all has to exist, I mean, what if there was nothing?

Or, there is just plain no meaning of life.

I've been learning about that stuff in Philosophy, and I'm not a bit closer to the truth.

I guess we all have to wait for answers til the day we die.

With that in mind, I kinda look forward to dying, but in a sense not though.



New member
how you doing Sammi

you know what i want to do??

i want to make a 45,000 piece jigsaw puzzle

and when you finish it, it says "Go Out Side!!"




New member
but that's it...you die! then I say, what's the meaning of living the whole **** life? lol

Just useless.

meeh screw that. As you said, Everyone just have to wait and see. :rolleyes:



New member
thanx for the replies guys!

I'll reply 'em when I get more time ><

The time I haven't been here

Ok, so you all know that my aunt was on a visit right? good!

lord, she was so annoying Idk where to begin. So, I wont XD

Mom taught me to forget about things once they are done (I'm still learning and sometimes I just cant help it! ><)

Anywho, my aunt was awsome! yet I hope she talked a bit more. She was so quite and she gave me awsome gifts!

Dolce and Gabbana, Puma AND!!!! Valentino! *swoon, squee, passes out w/e*

omgosh!! I had one of the outfit on me and me and my friend were joking about the skinny models and stuff and ended up taking some pics so maybe I'll post one of 'em later cause all of 'em are just weird :p

anywho yes,update..err..aunt..err yes so both of them left and day after that I went to Jennie's summer cottage with her family and other 2 freinds. Andreas and Lucas. Lucas was just sooo adorable! she is just 7 and friend to Jennie's lill sis, Johanna. o my gosh, he laughed at every lill thing and he has this gap between this front teeth which makes him look even cuter! XD

It was fun but sometimes very annoying! (small children screaming all the time) Oh the most annoying part was that whenever we went anywhere (by car) we had to listen to children songs ><

so it was like:

Här kommer pippi långstrump

tjollehopp tjollehej tjollehoppsanson

här kommer pippi långstrump

ja här kommer faktiskt jag!


Imse vimse spindel

klättra' upp för trå'n.

Ner faller regnet

spolar spindeln bort.


Klappa händerna när du är riktigt glad (clap, clap)

Klappa händerna när du är riktigt glad (clap, clap)

Du kan också glädja andra som på denna jorden vandra,

klappa händerna när du är riktigt glad (clap, clap).

yea, you get the point! but there were like 6-7 songs which we had to listen again and again! and as soon as some good song came up, Johanna and Lucas started to whine ><

The fun part was Samuel :D Jennie's bro. He is just totally wonderfully awsome! and gosh is he funny! XD

like once he made this sketch of Frodo skywalker and I laughed so much that my stomache really hurt. Not to mention he is quite cute *wink wink* neeeh, he's like 3 yrs younger than me XD although quite matured.

meeh, atleast I got to go to Norway again! this time I was in Halden and it was really cool. And I got to drive both car and tractor! which was alot of fun!

I find car easier than tractor though. Much smoother and just aaahhhh..

I cant wait to have a car like the classical red mustang and just feel the breeze listening to something like norah jones and just aahhhh..

**** it! so many things to do but still 2 yrs left ><

hmm, once I had this weird dream that I got married to Darth Vader o.0 and the next day I got married to ***** Wonka o.0

why do I end up getting married to ppl all the time!?!

By now I've married:

Sharukh Khan

Hrithik Roshan

Keanu Reeves

William Moseley

Elijah wood

Orlando Bloom (several times)

Hayden Christensen

Captain Jack sparrow :p

and now those two -.-'


Anywho, before I went to the cottage (DahleMarken), Me, Jennie and Linn went to see POTC 2! Arr :D

It was awsome but I just hated the end >< and I hate Elizabeth! ><

I did hate her before for being with William *cough* but now ..I mean , what she did was just unbareable to see :eek: ... :eek:

well, errr....that's it I guess.


thanx for reading ^^




New member
Oh you mean this life, in that sense? Ok, now I really get what you meant.

With that said, you are right, we just have to wait and see.

But yeah that's a good point, there seems to be no real point of this earth life :rolleyes:



New member
***** pippi långstrump :p

she's quite popular amongst young kids in iceland lol

but yeah as you told me yesterday you had fun :D that's all that counts



New member
lol thank you....and Kelly XD

well, you can interprete the word "life" differently. what I thought that you meant, was that you meant it as this life, and then maybe an afterlife, or something in some form related to that.

we're getting pretty philosophical here lol



New member
lol yeah, well I love philosophy and that's why I want to choose IB :p however....lol

oh, I believe in afterlife..there has to be. Idk..*shrugs*

thank me?o.o or did you mean what I said lol



New member
yeah, that's my fave subject right now :thumbsup:

I'm pretty sure there is, I agree with that.

lol now I'm confused XD

well you thanked me and kelly for making you feeling better and I thanked you for saying that :)

glad you're feeling better than before ;)



New member
owwww lmao ok lol...you're welcome...o_O

*shakes head*

yeah...**** as I said before..If just IB had art >< but I kinda think that i'll choose IB...kinda...sorta....maybe XD



New member
yey icecream luff:D:D

*takes yoo home with me* now yoo cant leave us all agains...tuh

i likes teh siggy piccie btw...<3



New member
haha ok I'll come BUT only with one condition!

I want a bucket of icecream! *stick out tongue*

tee hee, I thought it would be fun to have something different. :p



New member
awwwww *huggles*

that's so shweet of you ^^

I feel the same ^^...not about myself but about you. 0.0

thanx for dropping by love :D



New member
well, I always get weird dreams XDmy fav one is when Sis taught me how to ski lmao
wasn't it ice-skating? or aren't you talking about your dream about all the people of the forums came to Sweden.. :p

anyway.. how are you doing?? ^^

you skipped school :eek: i'm dissapointed in you!.. jk

i wanted to skip school today too.. but i changed my mind..

Mnoe would be alone otherwise.. hehe

you have psp x? what the **** is that.. lol

is it much better then psp??

anyway take care sis!

*hugs and kisses*



New member
a bucket *grumbles* i think thats a bit hard to get

*goes in search of one*

if i cant find one does that mean yoo wont come? *looks all sad*

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