Heart LP´s Journal

Hehe, yay! I keep talking to people today and they keep leaving... I've been here all morning :p
Ack, nothing much is up... I'm a bit bored... but only because nobody was here until you came on :D How's you?
hehe I´m a bit bored too
I woke up and had to play piano...now..I dont like rading notes cause it sooooo boooorrriiinnnnggg!!!!!!
and I have piano lessons every monday so I have to practice but I dont want to lol
so my mom forced me too and the starting of the day was´nt so good..nee
but then when I opened my file..I found a lill suprise in there!
my sir gave it to me, I wanted to play that song from sooo long so yeah I have read notes again! and play the song...it´s fun but yet boring
yeaah.,so I needed a break and here I am..
when my mom sees me here she is gonna kill me lol cause I promised her not to turn on the computer :p
now that´s impossible! ;) :p
so yeah here I am lol
so I have to go soon but not yet :thumbsup:
lol I had this program before there you can play piano on computer!
it was cool but now I dont :p
I love acoustic guitar..the sound of it is so beatiful!
how long have you been playing guitar?
aww that sux!
my piano is not so good either..it´s of tune too lol
someone has to come and fix it!
but currently I´m playing on my keyboard so yeah it´s ok I guess.
it´s cool! then you must be pretty good at notes, right?
I can´t get ´em in my head..no place for them in my head lol
I just cant!
so when I play the song once or twice I can memorize it very easily, os that I dont need to look at the damn notes :p
Not really, hehe... I'm not very good at remembering notes! I know the notes on my guitar, but I can't write music or anything like that. I wish I could!

You come fix my guitar and I'll fix your piano :p :p
lol yeah I can try that!
*tries to fix your guitar*
did that help?
I can´t fix guitars though :p
I can´t write music either ooo nooooo lol
I´ve learned Indian notes so that is muuucho easier then the "international" ones :p
they are in hindi.
sry could´nt work!
the diff is that it´s in Hindi lol, indian language
instead of the note signs..it´s written in alphabets
like c, d, e etc but in Hindi
I can´t write it on computer but it´s pronounced like this

sa, re, ga, ma, pa, dha, ni, sa.
c d e f g a b c

it´s much easier to read it then.
whaha kick some guitar ass! :p

neeeh..you´re not stupid..I think the music noe thing is only in India and I think in other countries they use the "international" note writings..
We Indians are wicked lol :p
LOL, austin powers is funny :p
It's great being able to walk to the sea in like ten minutes... there's also a castle close to my house. I went there yesterday and raced my friend round and round the grounds :p lol we're strange.
lol and then the person will say JUDO CHOP! lol
sometimes I imagine that too when I see many bushes lol
once we were at school trip kinda thing and at midnight we had to go and walk in a forest..and someone would come and scare us..I was so tired that when I was walking through the forest someone just touched my shoulder and I just screamed and punched really hard on the persons face..lol it was my teacher lol