Hezbollah pledges "Open War"

ImWithStupid said:
You do realize that that pamphlet refers to Desert Shield/Desert Storm, and that conflict in Iraq was 14 years ago.

Exactly. Thanks for bringing that up...

The Desert Storm conflict that occured in Iraq is not as large a conflict as the Iraq War going on now, resulting in an even greater need for Saudi Arabia. Therefore MRIH is wrong to say what he said about Saudi.
Hamza123 said:
Exactly. Thanks for bringing that up...

The Desert Storm conflict that occured in Iraq is not as large a conflict as the Iraq War going on now, resulting in an even greater need for Saudi Arabia. Therefore MRIH is wrong to say what he said about Saudi.

That or the fact that during Desert Storm, Iraq was threatening the Saudi boarder and had more of an incentive to help.
ImWithStupid said:
That or the fact that during Desert Storm, Iraq was threatening the Saudi boarder and had more of an incentive to help.

Militarily, yes, however they still provide food and fuel and even though a small number, they have troops in Saudi. I am not saying this is not or is a bad thing, I am simply explaning, in one way, that 'nuking Saudi Arabia' is very stupid.
Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
BullShit, Ham Head! Typical argumentative distraction... Hezbollah (islam) kidnapped an israeli soldier... They will now get what they deserve! Hezbollah targetted (yeah right, accidentally on purpose maybe) a civilian commercial ship yestreday.

Israeli's are NOT on a defensive.

You can't defend yourself, when you're militarily occupying somebody elses land. Thats not defense. Call it what you like, thats not defense.
hugo said:
My great-great-grandmother just had her eyebrows singed by a Hezbollah missile.

Your comments in light of some of my personal issues disgust me. You truly should be ashamed of them. It just shows how your Israel-Arab opinion is not swayed by fairness... But by your discriminent and hostile tone.
Hamza123 said:
Israeli's are NOT on a defensive.

You can't defend yourself, when you're militarily occupying somebody elses land. Thats not defense. Call it what you like, thats not defense.
If the rest of your islamic military leaders are as smart as you, we'll have no problem occupying even more of your lands... you make me laugh.
Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
If the rest of your islamic military leaders are as smart as you, we'll have no problem occupying even more of your lands... you make me laugh.

Hmm... You would only wish they were. Actually no, not for your sake.

The funny thing is, you admit to occupying even more of our lands. This is why you're in no place of power within the government. They elect some "lesser" idiots.

You don't make me laugh. You disgust me.
Orthodox and Torah abiding Jews don't even believe a state of Israel should be created...

The Orthodox Jewish leadership and the Torah abiding Jews universally, have fought the ideology of Zionism and the State of “Israel”, since its inception and up until the present day.

What could be the reason for the most devout element of Jewish adherers, to be in such vehement opposition to such a seemingly “holy” and “Jewish” cause, as the State of “Israel”?

The Rabbis constantly declared that Judaism and Zionism are extreme opposites because...

Judaism is a G-dliness and spirituality, Zionism is its transformation into materialism with nationalistic aspirations. The fathers of this relatively new ideology of Zionism (approximately 100 years), have taken the Almighty out of the equation. The Rabbis further declared that Jews are forbidden to have a State of “Israel”, because…

The Jewish people were sent into exile by divine decree. They were then expressly commanded by the Almighty, not to attempt to leave their exilic existence through any human intervention. (Talmud, Tractate Kesuboth, p.111). (There you go MRIH. The Jewish people are FORBIDDEN to have their own state according to the Torah. Here is a photo of Rabbis holding a sign that shuns your opinion of Israel.


The Jewish people are forbidden to oppress another people. The creation of the State of “Israel” came about through, the theft from, subjugation and oppression of, the Palestinian people.

The Rabbis stated, that the State of “Israel” will result in unending pain, suffering and bloodshed. May the Almighty protect His creations.
Hamza123 said:
(There you go MRIH. The Jewish people are FORBIDDEN to have their own state according to the Torah.
1) That is like, your oppinion, man.
2) Who cares who is ridding the world of hezbollah, as long as it's being erased.
3) Look on the scoreboard, and see who's behind!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
1) That is like, your oppinion, man.

HAHA! It's written in the Torah, it's NOT my opinion.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
2) Who cares who is ridding the world of hezbollah, as long as it's being erased.

I don't like terrorists either, but that doesn't disclude the Israeli army.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
3) Look on the scoreboard, and see who's behind!

There is no such thing as a "scoreboard" in a war. You act as if it is a game to kill people. So simply you tell me to look at the scoreboard yet all it is, is a body count of innocent lives. Israel is infront, therefore they are behind!

Israel is not winning, they have killed hundreds more civilians than "terrorists" and Hezbollah is not winning.

Damn man. I though you already knew the spoils of war. I guess the discipline that the military teaches people doesn't always work...
Hey Ham-Head... Now that everyone can see just how stupid you are, I'll explain to you how stupid you are.

There is no book of "Tractate Kasoboth" in the Torah! The talmud is NOT the Torah...

I always find islamic stupidity very comforting!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Hey Ham-Head... Now that everyone can see just how stupid you are, I'll explain to you how stupid you are.

There is no book of "Tractate Kasoboth" in the Torah! The talmud is NOT the Torah...

I always find islamic stupidity very comforting!

Wow, I wonder what you were thinking trying to explain to me how stupid I am... The Talmud is NOT the Torah, but it IS apart of the Jewish faith. True Torah Jews follow the Talmud.

You purposley ignore http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/index.cfm whenever I post that link because you know in you're mind that you are wrong. You defy what I am posting but I am only posting what the majority of the Rabbis in the USA are saying.

Three Strong Oaths
The true Jewish position on Zionism and the state called Israel is found in the Scriptures in the Talmud and in the oral traditions transmitted to us by our parents and teachers.

At the outset of the Jews' exile to Babylonia, the Prophet Jeremiah, in chapter 29 of his book proclaimed G-d's message to all the exiled…Verse seven reads, "Seek out the welfare of the city to which I have exiled you and pray for it to the Almighty, for through its welfare will you have welfare." This has been a cornerstone of Jewish "foreign policy" how to behave in the lands of the nations throughout our ensuing exiles till this very day.

There Jeremiah adds in the name of G-d (verses 8 and 9), "Do not let your false prophets among you and your sorcerers seduce you, do not head your dreamers which you cause them to dream. For they speak falsely to you in My name. I did not send them." This too has applied to all the would-be misleaders of Jewry whether they presented themselves as prophets or as sorcerers or as dreamers of national aspirations.

King Solomon in Song of Songs thrice adjured the "daughters of Jerusalem" not to arouse or bestir the love until it is ready." The Talmud explains That we have been foresworn, by three strong oaths, not to ascend to the Holy Land as a group using force, not to rebel against the governments of countries in which we live, and not by our sins, to prolong the coming of moshiach; as is written in Tractate Kesubos 111a .

Throughout the seventy years of the Babylonian exile, throughout the 200 years of the Hellenic exile and throughout the 1917 since the destruction of G-d's Holy House, we have steadfastly maintained our loyalty to G-d and have not transgressed His oaths. And we have prayed for the welfare of the cities and the countries of our host nations that did not oppress us, and in their welfare we indeed always found ours.

Whoever violates Jeremiah's principles or Solomon's oaths immediately imperils the welfare of Jews locally and elsewhere in the world.


Maimonides, Iggeres Teiman – Letter to Yemen

[Maimonides wrote this Letter to the Jewish Community of Yemen almost 1,000 years ago]

And as King Solomon knew with divine inspiration that the Jewish People would face the consequences of this and that suffering would come upon them, and warned the Jewish People not to do this (i.e. violate the Three Oaths), and in a metaphorical way made them swear not to commit these acts, as it is written in Song of Songs, 3,5: I made you swear Daughters of Jerusalem by the deer and gazelles of the field should you arouse or awaken love until it is so desired.

Therefore, you, dear brethren, must accept the Oath and do not attempt to arouse the love until the proper time when the Alm-ghty shall remember us and you with his trait of mercy to gather his portion from Exile to behold his glory at his holy Temple and redeem us from the Valley of the shadow of Death where he has placed us, thereby removing the darkness from our eyes and the fog from our hearts. He will then fulfill in our days and in yours the verse from Isaiah 9:1 The nation wandering in darkness shall see a great Light, and a Light shall shine on those residing in the land of the shadow of death. At that time G-d shall darken the eyes of all those who rise up against us, and fulfill the verse from Isaiah 9:2 Verily darkness shall cover the land and fog shall cover nations, but the light of G-d shall shine upon you, and you shall display his honor.


The Maharal of Prague (Rabbi Betzalel Lowy who lived in the 17th century) explained that the prohibition of violating the Three Oaths applies even if the other nations force the Jewish People to do so.

In addition, he wrote in his book Netzach Yisroel (Chapter 24) that these Oaths may not be modified so as to affect the decree of Exile, and he expanded on the description in the Midrashic text on Song of Songs 2:18.

“Even if the nations wanted to kill the Jews with terrible torture, the Jews are forbidden to change the applicability of the Oaths. This is relevant to every one of these oaths and must be understood.” Therefore, not only is it forbidden to leave the Exile even with the permission of the nations, but even if they force the Jewish People to do so under pain of death, it is forbidden to violate these Oaths in the same way it is required to give up one’s life rather than accept another religion.

Even during the forced conversions under the kingdom of Portugal in the late 15th century it was forbidden to violate the Oath.

Rabbi Avraham Galanti, who other rabbis described as outstanding in his level of holiness, and who was a student of the great kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Cordovero in the 16th century, explained aspects of the Three Oaths in his book Zechus Avos [Merit of the Patriarchs] where he recounts how some Jews in Portugal wanted to revolt against the kingdom rather than submit to forced conversion. A rabbi quoted the verses from Song of Songs to the people who wanted to revolt, and pointed to the Talmudic tractate Ketuboth p. 111 which states that G-d made the Jewish People take three Oaths – one was that they should not rebel against G-d by rebelling against the nations. Thereafter the Jews submitted to death rather than forced conversion. Although the description in Ketuboth does not say that the Oaths involve directly rebelling against G-d, it is clear that the very violation of these Oaths is rebellion against G-d himself.

Nazis are the original supporters of a Zionist state. Do you not learn from history?
Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
You have need downgraded from stupid to retarded.


You only say that because what I write is out of your minds limited understanding. Well, in the past I have broughten down the level of my writing to see if you could understand anything, yet others do and you do not.

Phonics for kids or dipshits like you... I doubt it will help. But lets not be ignorant here MRIH. For your sake.

Hamza123 said:

You only say that because what I write is out of your minds limited understanding. Well, in the past I have broughten down the level of my writing to see if you could understand anything, yet others do and you do not.

Phonics for kids or dipshits like you... I doubt it will help. But lets not be ignorant here MRIH. For your sake.

Ham-Head... I know this is beyond your comprehension, but try and learn something about proper debate. When you offer a positive statement, the burden of proof is upon the one who offers the statement to advance an affirmative argument in support of the statement... It would be ludicrous to propose a positive statement and force an affirmative defense on your opponent. This is debating 101 (OK your 16, but still, it is common sense)

So... prove yourself right, dip-****!
Hamza123 said:
Nazis are the original supporters of a Zionist state. Do you not learn from history?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Ham-Head... I know this is beyond your comprehension, but try and learn something about proper debate. When you offer a positive statement, the burden of proof is upon the one who offers the statement to advance an affirmative argument in support of the statement... It would be ludicrous to propose a positive statement and force an affirmative defense on your opponent. This is debating 101 (OK your 16, but still, it is common sense)

So... prove yourself right, dip-****!

Read and weap!


Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), the founder of modern Zionism, recognized that anti-Semitism would further his cause, the creation of a separate state for Jews. To solve the Jewish Question, he maintained
Since your link claims the founder of zionism died before the National Socialist Party came into existance you have proven your statement that the original supporters of zionism was Nazis wrong.
Yawn I have read more convincing comic books... Hugo's right it is Chronologically impossible for Hertzl to be a nazi.

I love your 16 year old argumant... I'm wrong if I debate against an inferior 16 year old. And I'm wrong if I don't...
good one ham...

Thank you again for supporting my view.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Yawn I have read more convincing comic books... Hugo's right it is Chronologically impossible for Hertzl to be a nazi.

I love your 16 year old argumant... I'm wrong if I debate against an inferior 16 year old. And I'm wrong if I don't...
good one ham...

Thank you again for supporting my view.

I never said you were wrong. I just said it's funny because I am 16 years old, you always find a reason why I am stupid or retarted, and you can't seem to prove anything against me.

If you can't hold up your side of a debate with a speaker like me, I can't imagine how you would hold up against an Imam! I can't even imagining you holding up. They have the Qur'an memorized. Instantly they prove people wrong by the verses they have memorized.