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"Kevin Cunningham" <> wrote in message news:a7ZEh.7197$
>> Agreed. But it doesn't change the fact that Obama has very little political experience, absolutely no leadership experience, and
>> no military experience. He has no qualifications that would make him even a second round pick for president. Okay...he can
>> smile....he can be a pretty boy...but can he handle the job? He is completely unprepared to be president.
>> Honu

> And Bush, your president, had 0 military experience, no leadership experience and little political experience and you voted for
> him and would do it again. When did Bush ever serve in the real military? When did Bush ever run anything he didn't screw up?

Just as the people who yelled "draft dodger" at Bill Clinton voted for
George W. Bush. Democrats and Republicans both see the mote in their
opponent's eye but not the plank in their own.

On Feb 27, 8:22 am, "Bill ,the commodius,Bonde wrote:

>...This is how John Kerry swiftboated himself, his heroic Purple Hearts...

Bonde reaches into his so-called 'deep thoughts' and proclaims that
Kerry swiftboated himself!

So much for language precision, Bill. Congrats!
Hertz_Donut wrote:
> "Yo' Momma" <> wrote in message
>> "" <> wrote in message
>> Yup........Ain't it Amazing?...........
>> "A drunk and a bigot - what the US Presidental hopeful HASN'T said
>> about his father...
>> London Daily Mail
>> 27th January 2007
>> Well -- I see the Swift Boaters are now operating out of Great Britain.
>> In the first place, this father is not the man who raised Obama.
>> In the second place -- while Obama's father may have been everything
>> that's described in this article, Obama is not his father. MEANWHILE --
>> the Republican candidates -- the candidates themselves, not their
>> parents -- or multiple divorcees, crooks, liars, and associates of
>> criminals.

> Agreed. But it doesn't change the fact that Obama has very little political
> experience, absolutely no leadership experience, and no military experience.
> He has no qualifications that would make him even a second round pick for
> president. Okay...he can smile....he can be a pretty boy...but can he
> handle the job? He is completely unprepared to be president.

Exactly right.

Since 1960, no one has been elected president who
didn't have some kind of meaningful executive
experience first.

1964 - LBJ, former VP and president for a year after
JFK's assassination

1968 - Richard Nixon, two-term VP and a strong one

1976 - Jimmy Carter, former governor of Georgia

1980 - Ronald Reagan, former two-term governor of

1988 - George H.S. Bush, two-term VP and lots of
appointed executive experience

1992 - Bill Clinton, former two-term governor of Arkansas

2000 - George W. Bush, former two-term governor of Texas

No leading Democrat candidate has any executive
experience at all. Obama and Edwards are both one-term
senators. Biden has been a senator a long time, but no
executive experience. Hillary Clinton can try to claim
she was "co-president", but that isn't going to wash.

Among the Republicans, Giuliani and Romney have
executive experience; McCain has none.

One reason Al Gore, despite his demurrals, might emerge
as the Democrats' candidate is that he has the two
terms as VP under Clinton, and he was an active and
visible VP who ran a good campaign in 2000.
On Feb 27, 5:33?am, "Hertz_Donut" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > Y'know, I saw this article, found it interesting, and posted
> > it..........I expected the Typical, Humorous Hysterical Razzberries
> > from the Deranged Leftist Zealots, too..........But you'll notice I
> > really DIDN'T Comment on the Article..........Because it Says a LOT,
> > and I'm still Digesting It.........I'll let you know what I think
> > later...........In the meantime, you Lefties please Continue to make
> > ASSES of yourselves............We ALL expect you to...........

> We don't have to...your support of Obama makes you the biggest ASS of them
> all....
> Honu

I'm sorry.........WHAT "Support" are you talking about?.........Please
CITE and be SPECIFIC............
On Feb 27, 7:22?am, "Bill Bonde ('by a commodius vicus of

Don't you see the TONS of Irony here, Bill?.............
flanier wrote:
> On Feb 27, 8:22 am, "Bill ,the commodius,Bonde wrote:
> >...This is how John Kerry swiftboated himself, his heroic Purple Hearts...

> Bonde reaches into his so-called 'deep thoughts' and proclaims that
> Kerry swiftboated himself!

He certainly did. His comments opened him up to the response from the
Swiftboat vets.

> So much for language precision, Bill. Congrats!

It's a passive construction, perhaps the middle voice.

Bush say global warm-warm not real
Even though ice gone and no seals
Polar bears can't find their meals
Grow as thin as Ally McBeals
"" wrote:
> On Feb 27, 7:22?am, "Bill Bonde ('by a commodius vicus of
> recirculation')"
> Don't you see the TONS of Irony here, Bill?.............

You mean like how Democrats seem to want different rules to apply to
them than they use against Republicans?

Bush say global warm-warm not real
Even though ice gone and no seals
Polar bears can't find their meals
Grow as thin as Ally McBeals
On Feb 27, 1:37?pm, Bill Bonde <> wrote:
> "" wrote:
> > On Feb 27, 7:22?am, "Bill Bonde ('by a commodius vicus of
> > recirculation')"

> > Don't you see the TONS of Irony here, Bill?.............

> You mean like how Democrats seem to want different rules to apply to
> them than they use against Republicans?

That too, but if you were to change the locations of Obama's Childhood
and his Dad's Life to U.S. Inner City Locations, wouldn't his Dad's
Behavior be considered Stereotypical for the time and therefore less
of a "Concern"?..........
"" <> wrote in message
Yup........Ain't it OBVIOUS?...........
<> wrote in message
> On Feb 27, 7:22?am, "Bill Bonde ('by a commodius vicus of
> recirculation')"
> Don't you see the TONS of Irony here, Bill?.............

Two morons like you and Blondie forming mutual admiration society? Irony
isn't the term you're looking for here, JakDUMBAss.
"Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> "Clave" <> wrote in message
>> "flanier" <> wrote in message
>>> On Feb 26, 11:43 pm, loathsome reports-from a distance:
>>>> Yup........Ain't it Amazing?...........
>>>> "A drunk and a bigot - what the US Presidental hopeful HASN'T said
>>>> about his father...
>>> Why doesn't this "swift-boating" job surprise?

>> Bush's grandfather financed Hitler, and got his assets siezed for the
>> effort.
>> If ancestry matters, that sure should.

> Bush isn't running for re-election, in case you didn't know...

Irrelevant, Patsy. Obama's a threat, so let the dirty politics begin...
<> scrawled in crayon
> Y'know, I saw this article, found it interesting, and posted
> it..........I expected the Typical, Humorous Hysterical Razzberries
> from the Deranged Leftist Zealots, too..........But you'll notice I
> really DIDN'T Comment on the Article..........Because it Says a LOT,
> and I'm still Digesting It.........

So, when your brain passes through your rectum, you'll be able to discuss
it. Ain't that right, Stephanie Jayne?
"Hertz_Donut" <> wrote in message
> "Yo' Momma" <> wrote in message
>> "" <> wrote in message
>> Yup........Ain't it Amazing?...........
>> "A drunk and a bigot - what the US Presidental hopeful HASN'T said
>> about his father...
>> London Daily Mail
>> 27th January 2007
>> Well -- I see the Swift Boaters are now operating out of Great Britain.
>> In the first place, this father is not the man who raised Obama.
>> In the second place -- while Obama's father may have been everything
>> that's described in this article, Obama is not his father. MEANWHILE --
>> the Republican candidates -- the candidates themselves, not their
>> parents -- or multiple divorcees, crooks, liars, and associates of
>> criminals.

> Agreed. But it doesn't change the fact that Obama has very little
> political experience, absolutely no leadership experience,

Bush was the head goober in Texass, and he's dumber than a box of rocks...
"Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> "Ho' Momma" <> wrote in message
>> "" <> wrote in message
>> Yup........Ain't it Amazing?...........
>> "A drunk and a bigot - what the US Presidental hopeful HASN'T said
>> about his father...
>> Well -- I see the Swift Boaters are now operating out of Great Britain.

> They don't want a ****** Muslim in charge of America either...
>> In the first place, this father is not the man who raised Obama.

> The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

I always knew your daddy was a total asshole, Patsy, even if you didn't know
who he was.
"Bill Bonde ('by a commodius vicus of recirculation')"
<> wrote in message
> Clave wrote:
>> "flanier" <> wrote in message
>> > On Feb 26, 11:43 pm, loathsome reports-from a distance:
>> >> Yup........Ain't it Amazing?...........
>> >>
>> >> "A drunk and a bigot - what the US Presidental hopeful HASN'T said
>> >> about his father...
>> >
>> > Why doesn't this "swift-boating" job surprise?

>> Bush's grandfather financed Hitler, and got his assets siezed for the
>> effort.
>> If ancestry matters, that sure should.

> It doesn't matter unless you bring it into play by bragging about it as
> something different. This is how John Kerry swiftboated himself

Sell it somewhere else. Try washing it off first this time.

> Is Obama's father running for president?

With dirty politics of this sort, it is no wonder that we cannot get an
decent and honest President. The process drives them away.
On Feb 27, 8:53 pm, Bert Byfield <BertByfi...@nospam.not> wrote:
> > Is Obama's father running for president?

> With dirty politics of this sort, it is no wonder that we cannot get an
> decent and honest President. The process drives them away.

It's always good to hear from you, Mr. Byfield. You're right;
politics are so ugly that the people who are really inspired and
capable tend to stay way. Americans hate each other. So very sad.
On Tue, 27 Feb 2007 02:02:50 -0800, "Clave"
<> wrote:

>"flanier" <> wrote in message
>> On Feb 26, 11:43 pm, loathsome reports-from a distance:
>>> Yup........Ain't it Amazing?...........
>>> "A drunk and a bigot - what the US Presidental hopeful HASN'T said
>>> about his father...

>> Why doesn't this "swift-boating" job surprise?

>Bush's grandfather financed Hitler, and got his assets siezed for the

Ask Teddy Kennedy about his old man and the nazi's.
"Stu Gotz" <> wrote in message
> "Patriot Games" <> wrote in message
> news:w%ZEh.2540$QI4.2533@trnddc01...
>> "Clave" <> wrote in message
>>> "flanier" <> wrote in message
>>>> On Feb 26, 11:43 pm, loathsome reports-from a distance:
>>>>> Yup........Ain't it Amazing?...........
>>>>> "A drunk and a bigot - what the US Presidental hopeful HASN'T said
>>>>> about his father...
>>>> Why doesn't this "swift-boating" job surprise?
>>> Bush's grandfather financed Hitler, and got his assets siezed for the
>>> effort.
>>> If ancestry matters, that sure should.

>> Bush isn't running for re-election, in case you didn't know...

> Irrelevant, Patsy. Obama's a threat, so let the dirty politics begin...

You attempted to counter criticisms of a candidate by criticizing a
NON-CANDIDATE, that is relevant because it suggests you might be stupid...

You worry too much about Obama. America isn't going to elect a ****** any
time soon.