Hollywood trying to change the defenition of a cowboy!

Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
If we weren't supposed do engage in deviant sex acts, we wouldn't have been made as the horny ****ers we are and there wouldn't be so many people with so-called weird fetishes.


Well said Komrade, I always think its funny when people say being Gay isn't natural, apparently people don't actually watch whats going on at the zoo when they visit.
smutt butt said:
I don't really care what anyone's preference is.

I don't have any compassion for what an adult brings on himself. Straight or gay, if you get aids you did it to yourself. Someone dying of cancer because of 40 years of smoking will get no sympathy from me and i smoke occasionally.
When i got drunk and snapped my leg in half i didn't want any sympathy because it was my fault.

That i can agree with....

Gonna be a whore then remember what can happen...

there should be a childrens tale about that...
ImWithStupid said:

From what Thumper said to RO...

I thought it was this member...

http://Off Topic Forum.com/member.php?u=212

but I don't know.

Wasn't Country Pride already in the idiot box?
No, the intimidator is:

OrgName: Road Runner
Address: 13241 Woodland Park Road
City: Herndon
StateProv: VA
PostalCode: 20171
Country: US

If it IS the intimidator, he can use the password recovery feature, and log on with his normal user account and will not have the "I AM AN IDIOT" heading under his name since he is a Pioneer member. But since the I.P.'s do not match, I highly doubt that it is him. But he MAY have used an AOL account before, and I will look into it and help him recover his password. And WELCOME BACK !!
RoyalOrleans said:
I think it's funny how a film that is supposed to be "ground-breaking" and/or "controversial", has little fan-based acclaim. However, the Motion Picture Industry and the Academy doesn't see it that way.

I mean, how many times did Pulp Fiction lose to Forest Gump?

I have yet to see Brokeback Mountain but both of those make my list of all time favorite movies.
ImWithStupid said:
I have yet to see Brokeback Mountain but both of those make my list of all time favorite movies.

Any movie that glorifies marital infidelity, whether between a man and a woman or two men is not for me...
Lethalfind said:
Any movie that glorifies marital infidelity, whether between a man and a woman or two men is not for me...

I was referring to Pulp Fiction and Forrest Gump being on my all time favorite movie list.
I cant believe this thread is still going on...

I finally watched this stupid movie about a week ago....here is my impression...

Wow this was a pretty boring movie. 2 brainless men who do hard work and dont have the balls to be who they are....

then in donned on me....The message is pretty clear, its a message of our current society, pretty much.

So half way through I got ticked off and pissy about the movie, and NO not just because there wasnt enough nudity....let me walk you through it...(spoiler alert...but you shouldnt care)

First there was little to no sign of any attraction before the sex scene...just and arm around the chest and from there one dude is getting butt****ed by another (with no lube even...yeooowch!)

from then on out its love....err kinda...

one guy goes off and marries...the other does the same (but clearly is gay and just cant come out)....

they meet up a few times and bada bing bada boom get caught...

minimal dialouge, boooring (but some of the wilderness shots were quite purdy)

I'm with lethal cheating is cheating and is wrong.....If you don't have the balls to come out of the closet then dont get married and cheat. For those that think gay people should stay in the closet this is the best movie they could ever watch...because this crap wouldnt happen...bottom line....

shrug....i hated the movie and am glad i just rented it instead of bought it...

it woulda been worth my time if i had seen more than a buttcrack (lol) but since its a piece of crap film that really didnt deserve any of the controversy around it (which is laughable) id say dont watch, dont rent...and ignore..

but who am i :)
Vortex said:
I cant believe this thread is still going on...

I finally watched this stupid movie about a week ago....here is my impression...

Wow this was a pretty boring movie. 2 brainless men who do hard work and dont have the balls to be who they are....

then in donned on me....The message is pretty clear, its a message of our current society, pretty much.

So half way through I got ticked off and pissy about the movie, and NO not just because there wasnt enough nudity....let me walk you through it...(spoiler alert...but you shouldnt care)

First there was little to no sign of any attraction before the sex scene...just and arm around the chest and from there one dude is getting butt****ed by another (with no lube even...yeooowch!)

from then on out its love....err kinda...

one guy goes off and marries...the other does the same (but clearly is gay and just cant come out)....

they meet up a few times and bada bing bada boom get caught...

minimal dialouge, boooring (but some of the wilderness shots were quite purdy)

I'm with lethal cheating is cheating and is wrong.....If you don't have the balls to come out of the closet then dont get married and cheat. For those that think gay people should stay in the closet this is the best movie they could ever watch...because this crap wouldnt happen...bottom line....

shrug....i hated the movie and am glad i just rented it instead of bought it...

it woulda been worth my time if i had seen more than a buttcrack (lol) but since its a piece of crap film that really didnt deserve any of the controversy around it (which is laughable) id say dont watch, dont rent...and ignore..

but who am i :)

See I didn' t watch the movie but this is what I've been saying about gays. I think most of them are just looking for kinky sex. It's not a physical attratction like a man and a women get. This is not to say that all gays are like this. And when they do come out of the closet they can't go back and say wow that was a mistake. I do like women, I just can't get one.
That's my take on gays.
snafu said:
I think most of them are just looking for kinky sex. It's not a physical attratction like a man and a women get.

most gay people i know arent into the kinky stuff (although i do know of a few freaky leather dadies)

but saying its not a physical attraction like a man and women get? then what is it?
Vortex said:
most gay people i know arent into the kinky stuff (although i do know of a few freaky leather dadies)

but saying its not a physical attraction like a man and women get? then what is it?

It's Lust. Having sex with the same gender is kinky! It's not the norm to straights. So it would have that bad sex feeling. I dont' know how else to explain it.
snafu said:
It's Lust. Having sex with the same gender is kinky! It's not the norm to straights. So it would have that bad sex feeling. I dont' know how else to explain it.

Your so stupid...brain washed and don't have a clue.

Christians who WANT you all to believe this have planted this in peoples minds when its nothing of the sort.
Okay I'll go with brain washed. but that's how I feel. I can't see thinking a guy is cute. Can't happen. But I see a nice looking girl walk by and I get a neck cramp. That's physics.
snafu said:
Okay I'll go with brain washed. but that's how I feel. I can't see thinking a guy is cute. Can't happen. But I see a nice looking girl walk by and I get a neck cramp. That's physics.

Ditto only with guys......Explain to me how wanting to love a girl (as a male persepective) is not lust...but (from a male perspective) wanting to love a male is?!?!?!

its all perception. I see single guys just wanting to get into a womans pants (even if marriage and "love isn't apart of the equasion).....I see the same thing in the gay world. I also see those who are hurt, giving up, and thinking something is wrong with them (me included) no matter which sex they look too).

Just because your cup of tea is different from another doesnt make it "kinky" or "wrong". (till we enter murder and sex without consent from adults)....

So snafu you are straight....gay sex is gross to you....DUH! I am gay, straight sex is gross to me......exactly what is the difference?!?! Whos lust is worse?

if you bring up the bible so help me god :)
Vortex said:
So snafu you are straight....gay sex is gross to you....DUH! I am gay, straight sex is gross to me......exactly what is the difference?!?! Whos lust is worse?

Straight lust is worse. It has the potential of bringing little welfare bastards into this world.
hugo said:
Straight lust is worse. It has the potential of bringing little welfare bastards into this world.

Thats an excellent point, one that I have actually had gay friends make to me, there are already too many people in this world when we have children dying starvation...be glad that so many people are gay and not having children. Of course some gay couples do choose to have children but not as many straight ones I'm sure.