Hollywood trying to change the defenition of a cowboy!

Country Pride said:
That's where you're wrong pal. I know where i'm going bro. As a Christian I meet alot of folks in church. Some of the people i meet had some kind of bad habit or ediction like drugs or alcohol.

One of the fellow christian brothers i met was gay. That was up until three years ago when he dicited to put Christ in his life and serve God. Now he's ministering to many people and preaching the word of the Lord. He knew that what he was doing was not alright and very sinful. So by the power of the almighty he stopped. So it just goes to show!!!!!!

Read John chapter 6-8 Vortex and remember Jesus loves you. He just don't like what you do.

You are a pathetic, blind fool...I think God doesn't like what you do.
I seem to remember "Judge not that ye be not judged", you think so much of yourself that you put yourself in Gods position by making judgements on people you know nothing about. You think you know what God wants of you but only because your listening to whatever pathetic idiot that stands in the pulpit at your church.
RoyalOrleans said:
Hank Williams a cowboy? He was born in Alabama and he had spina bifida occulta, hardly the body condition to be riding on horseback. His music stayle was "Honky Tonk", as well. Which had a lot more similarities with ragtime music than western music.

What the heck is stayle? Do you mean style? Hank was still a cowboy outlaw.

By the way a capitolist is a republican like my self!!!!!!!

Lethalfind said:
You are a pathetic, blind fool...I think God doesn't like what you do.
I seem to remember "Judge not that ye be not judged", you think so much of yourself that you put yourself in Gods position by making judgements on people you know nothing about. You think you know what God wants of you but only because your listening to whatever pathetic idiot that stands in the pulpit at your church.

How am i judging? All i'm doing is trying to show people the right way.
Country Pride said:
That's where you're wrong pal. I know where i'm going bro. As a Christian I meet alot of folks in church. Some of the people i meet had some kind of bad habit or ediction like drugs or alcohol.

One of the fellow Christian brothers i met and still see in church was gay. That was up until four years ago when he dicited to put Christ in his life and serve God. Now he's ministering to many people and preaching the word of the Lord. He knew that what he was doing was not alright and very sinful. So by the power of the almighty he stopped. So it just goes to show!!!!!!

Read John chapter 6-8 Vortex and remember Jesus loves you. He just don't like what you do...

How am i judging? All i'm doing is trying to show people the right way.


I've said it before, I'll say it now, and I'll say it again in the future, more than once I'm sure: the most inhuman crimes against humanity have been committed by humans carrying the standards of their religions, believing that they were committing their acts in the service of their deity, or hiding their own personal desires for power or gratification - sexual or otherwise - under the cover of same religion.

Religion has become a way not of bringing a moral base to the masses, not a system of beliefs by which human beings may achieve a greater sense of community, but rather a way for a few people to exercise power over a mass of others irrespective of national borders.

One doesn't need to gain control over the masses by lines drawn on a map, but rather by herding the weak into a psychological corral based on religious dogma, playing to their basest need for validity for their existence as a part of a greater scheme in an effort to control them into doing your will. Once said sheep are in said corral, the religious sheepherders can bugger the flock to their hearts' content, all the while deluding themselves and the flock that it's for the good of the whole.

When the truth comes to light, they use their position as "God's servant" as a shield to deflect the punishment that the flock would have received for the same crimes, because after all, they were God's servants.

Yes, it's true - I hate all religions. Every single one of them. However, I support your right to believe as you wish but not to force it upon others.
Country Pride said:
What the heck is stayle? Do you mean style?

Check out this quote (the underlined words) from Country Pride...

Country Pride said:
That's where you're wrong pal. I know where i'm going bro. As a Christian I meet alot of folks in church. Some of the people i meet had some kind of bad habit or ediction like drugs or alcohol.

One of the fellow Christian brothers i met and still see in church was gay. That was up until four years ago when he dicited to put Christ in his life and serve God. Now he's ministering to many people and preaching the word of the Lord. He knew that what he was doing was not alright and very sinful. So by the power of the almighty he stopped. So it just goes to show!!!!!!

Read John chapter 6-8 Vortex and remember Jesus loves you. He just don't like what you do.

I'm not sure this redneck twit should be criticizing anyone's spelling, let alone RO's.

Country Pride said:
How am i judging? All i'm doing is trying to show people the right way.

No, all you're doing is showing people that you are intolerant of someone else's lifestyle and choices they make, even though they have no effect on your life in any way.

Remember, a different "way" is not necessarily the wrong way, it's just different.
ImWithStupid said:
Check out this quote (the underlined words) from Country Pride...

I'm not sure this redneck twit should be criticizing anyone's spelling, let alone RO's.

Yeah my spelling does need improvement. You aren't joking there. I didn't know who put CES in charge? But Phreak is the big boss man. Don't know where CES came from!

Well i wish you'll the best of goodbyes. Because i'm gone. Never to return again.

GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jesus Saves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Country Pride said:
That's where you're wrong pal. I know where i'm going bro. As a Christian I meet alot of folks in church. Some of the people i meet had some kind of bad habit or ediction like drugs or alcohol.

One of the fellow Christian brothers i met and still see in church was gay. That was up until four years ago when he dicited to put Christ in his life and serve God. Now he's ministering to many people and preaching the word of the Lord. He knew that what he was doing was not alright and very sinful. So by the power of the almighty he stopped. So it just goes to show!!!!!!

Read John chapter 6-8 Vortex and remember Jesus loves you. He just don't like what you do.

Well good for him, if i didnt have enough will power to deny who i am then i would have stayed in the closet.

PS did you know 2 of the founders of Exodus International (an ex-gay ministry) fell in love and OOOPS are gay....So your "friend" reference isnt quite as powerful. But thanks for sharing that story.

Well i wish you'll the best of goodbyes. Because i'm gone. Never to return again.

GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jesus Saves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do people like you loose an argument...or better yet, not get enough support and just up and leave?!? I never understood that.

BTW im sure going on a website called "what pisses you off", registering, and then posting is probably a grey area in christianity.....Probably no need to ask for forgiveness tomorow at church!
Country Pride said:
What the heck is stayle? Do you mean style? Hank was still a cowboy outlaw.

Being a drunken, pill popper doesn't make you an outlaw, it makes you a dumb ****. Though I do enjoy ol Hank's music and the status he had, he IS not a cowboy. He's got a lot more pride than that.

Country Pride said:
By the way a capitolist is a republican like my self!!!!!!!

A capitolist? Enjoy the capitol. Send me a postcard.

CP... you have to be the dumbest **** I've ever stepped in.
Country Pride said:
Yeah my spelling does need improvement. You aren't joking there. I didn't know who put CES in charge? But Phreak is the big boss man. Don't know where CES came from!

Well i wish you'll the best of goodbyes. Because i'm gone. Never to return again.

GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jesus Saves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, I'm crushed. 18 worthless posts and you're leaving because you cannot preach. Whaaaawa! Goodbye.
RoyalOrleans said:

Are you an idiot? Just because Roy passed through Garrison or stopped at the local greasy spoon to take a dump, doesn't make him a Texan or a Cowboy. Everything in Texas is bigger, they say. Even the lies.

I kind of understand what CP is trying to say. If you really look at it bull riding is most likely the toughest sport in the US. If not one of the toughest. That also goes for Boxing, football and many others. I don't know if any of you read the book "8 seconds" or seen the movie of it. But the movie is about former world champion bull rider Lane Frost who got his ribs crushed by a bull after riding it. I've been to many rodeos and can say all the cowboys i met are as str8 as it gets. They're also known as being big womenizers.
THUMPER1 said:
I kind of understand what CP is trying to say. If you really look at it bull riding is most likely the toughest sport in the US. If not one of the toughest. That also goes for Boxing, football and many others. I don't know if any of you read the book "8 seconds" or seen the movie of it. But the movie is about former world champion bull rider Lane Frost who got his ribs crushed by a bull after riding it. I've been to many rodeos and can say all the cowboys i met are as str8 as it gets. They're also known as being big womenizers.

If any man climbs on the back of a bull, they deserve the fate that awaits them.

Those aren't cowboys, either, they are made up dramatizations of what a cowboy should look like.
If homosexual was "normal" i guess none of us would be here since ****ing a man in the ass will not make a baby even though ces and vortex would like it to be true.
smutt butt said:
If homosexual was "normal" i guess none of us would be here since ****ing a man in the ass will not make a baby even though ces and vortex would like it to be true.

So let me get this straight, for sex to be normal, it has to be able to make a baby???
So a couple with the woman being past menopause should not be having sex since the sex can't make a baby?
This same criteria would make any type of oral sex wrong as well since there isn't a chance of impregnating a woman that way.
Why do you care what other people do with each other behind closed doors???
I assume you think a man butt****ing a man is normal. It is not "normal" and when i see a 80lb. fag dying of aids it affects me as much as a bug on my windshield does.
smutt butt said:
If homosexual was "normal" i guess none of us would be here since ****ing a man in the ass will not make a baby even though ces and vortex would like it to be true.

LMAO. And you base this rude comment of yours upon what? I never said I wanted to make you pregnant by blasting a hot juicy load up your ass smutt butt. However, I would gladly ram it down your throat and bust a nut. Open wide.
smutt butt said:
I assume you think a man butt****ing a man is normal. It is not "normal" and when i see a 80lb. fag dying of aids it affects me as much as a bug on my windshield does.

Oh yes...viruses choose people based upon their sexuality. :eek:

Another hopeless moron...we feel for you smutt butt. It sad.
If we weren't supposed do engage in deviant sex acts, we wouldn't have been made as the horny ****ers we are and there wouldn't be so many people with so-called weird fetishes.

smutt butt said:
I assume you think a man butt****ing a man is normal. It is not "normal" and when i see a 80lb. fag dying of aids it affects me as much as a bug on my windshield does.

I don't know if it's normal or not. Given your username, I was hoping you could tell me.
smutt butt said:
I assume you think a man butt****ing a man is normal. It is not "normal" and when i see a 80lb. fag dying of aids it affects me as much as a bug on my windshield does.

Right on dude!
RoyalOrleans said:
If any man climbs on the back of a bull, they deserve the fate that awaits them.

Those aren't cowboys, either, they are made up dramatizations of what a cowboy should look like.

Bull riding is as cowboy as it gets.

Some body needs to wake the hell up.