Horse *******...You've got to be kidding right?


New member
Could it not be possible that a shrapnel shard from the bullet itself could cause such an injury ?? Who says it had to be the LEAD tip itself that did the damage... Or excuse me "WOULD DO THE DAMAGE" if the said story is infact a net fable.

Fables aside, why would it not be possible ??

MRIH said it himself that it would be like a firecracker... I would think such a burst momentum in a brass casing or whatever the material is, would be powerful enough to cause signifigant damage, even death.



Could it not be possible that a shrapnel shard from the bullet itself could cause such an injury ?? Who says it had to be the LEAD tip itself that did the damage... Or excuse me "WOULD DO THE DAMAGE" if the said story is infact a net fable.

Fables aside, why would it not be possible ??

MRIH said it himself that it would be like a firecracker... I would think such a burst momentum in a brass casing or whatever the material is, would be powerful enough to cause signifigant damage, even death.


The brass casing might tear open but not shrapnalize. If a piece of brass shrapnel did actually dislodge from the casing I doubt it would have enough momentum to pierce the trucks firewall. But in theory, maybe. I don't know.



New member
It depends on the calibre, mostly. I've seen 22 cal bullets exit a fire slow enough to watch. It's just simple physics. The expansion chamber of the rifles snugly cradles the round, and the projectile has only one path of escape.

Take away the expansion chamber, and the side of the bullet casing usually blows out before the crimped slug will let go of the casing.



New member
It depends on the calibre, mostly. I've seen 22 cal bullets exit a fire slow enough to watch. It's just simple physics. The expansion chamber of the rifles snugly cradles the round, and the projectile has only one path of escape.
Take away the expansion chamber, and the side of the bullet casing usually blows out before the crimped slug will let go of the casing.
And it is the bullet casing itself, not the slug that I am refering to that would/could do damage. Even on a tiny .22 shell, the smallest fragment of brass that has broken away would be like a grenade shrapnel. I would agree that the lead would not burst out, but I would think the shrapnel would occur at the bullets weakest point, the energy released from the heat on the powder needs to go somewhere.
I know it's not a good comparison, but look at a 12 guage shell, which is basically plastic with bb's inside, if it was to be ignited, the b.b.'s would blast everywhere in every direction.





New member
I was shot in the leg playing with .22 rounds. Well it was a piece of something I think it was part of the casing. We were throwing rocks at them.


I was young. :rolleyes:

Ripped my pants and made a very small flesh wound in my thigh. Took a band aid to fix.



New member
And it is the bullet casing itself, not the slug that I am refering to that would/could do damage. Even on a tiny .22 shell, the smallest fragment of brass that has broken away would be like a grenade shrapnel. I would agree that the lead would not burst out, but I would think the shrapnel would occur at the bullets weakest point, the energy released from the heat on the powder needs to go somewhere..
OK, I need to vent some here. Gunpowder is a predictable substance, as is cordite, which is a more reliable "wet area" answer to firing rounds.

The energy released by such a substance needs an outlet. The casing is the weakest link. Brass casings merely split. Experiment with it. I blew up heaps of **** in my experi-mental years. Torch batteries are the most dangerous projectile you could burn. It takes time, but when they ignite, there is no stopping them.

I know it's not a good comparison, but look at a 12 guage shell, which is basically plastic with bb's inside, if it was to be ignited, the b.b.'s would blast everywhere in every direction..

Actually, they don't. An asthma puffer is more dangerous than a plastic shotgun round when incinerated.



New member
That one made me a little sick until I could push it out of my mind...

I know better then to click on links but I do anyway...



New member
Yeah, because you don't really know what everyone is ranting until you find out for yourself then you kind of wish you didn't.


New member
Yeah, because you don't really know what everyone is ranting until you find out for yourself then you kind of wish you didn't.
I had an idea what it was, I can't deny that. But to think you know what is and actually see it unfolding is something completely different.



New member
Wow, well isn't that just ******* special. I've heard of some really disguisting things in my life time but nothing as bad as this.


New member
Well, define Disgusting... their are things like this, then their are things like blood shed, ugly animals etc..


New member
Well, disguisting, really, is what you define it as in your head. It's pretty much your belief system & what you've been taught in life that determines what's disguisting to you & what's not.


New member
Well, disguisting, really, is what you define it as in your head. It's pretty much your belief system & what you've been taught in life that determines what's disguisting to you & what's not.
OMG thats like the entire world summed into what...50 words?



New member
OMG thats like the entire world summed into what...50 words?
The truly funny part is the Italiano didn't watch the video clip that Hamza did. If Italiano is trying to say that whats on this video is not disgusting then he's out of his mind...



New member
The truly funny part is the Italiano didn't watch the video clip that Hamza did. If Italiano is trying to say that whats on this video is not disgusting then he's out of his mind...
I was trying to get that video out of my head, Lethal. I thought that you were too.

I'm glad that guy died and exposed the whole farm for the depraved place that it is.

Italiano can keep sucking horse ***** for food stamps. Who am I to stand in the way of someone else's "pleasure"????????????



New member
I was trying to get that video out of my head, Lethal. I thought that you were too.
I'm glad that guy died and exposed the whole farm for the depraved place that it is.

Italiano can keep sucking horse ***** for food stamps. Who am I to stand in the way of someone else's "pleasure"????????????
It took me a couple of days to get it out of my mind. He got what he deserved. so you and I agree.


that made me sick at my stomach!!



New member
The truly funny part is the Italiano didn't watch the video clip that Hamza did. If Italiano is trying to say that whats on this video is not disgusting then he's out of his mind...
**** I think the whole ******* thing is profoundly disguisting someone just asked me to define disguisting, which I did.



New member
Not only is it disgusting but its plain stupid.

Its simple math.

Dose a four foot long **** fit into a two foot deap ******? Hmmmm

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