How does Linkin Park make you feel?


New member
linkin park make me feel hundred feelings like when im feeling down i feel better when i listen to them and there my inspiration, they make me wanna be and do something with my life they make me realise alot of thnigs and when i put on one of their songs, i can forget about all the **** that has happened and its like im in a different world or something!but yeah they make me happy and make me feel like i have someone i can relate to or look up to


New member
Linkin park make my life worth living :)

but i think u can really connect with them like they no how ur feeling :thumbsup:



New member
They helped me to show me REAL ME!!! I so changed when I start to listen them...

They are one of the most important things in my life!!!



New member
Everytime I listen LP I forget about everything,like if I was in my own world,just LP and me lol,plus they make me feel to release my anger when I´m madt at my parents,it´s really funny tho,cuz every time I have fights with them I´m so mad that I listen to LP and then I´m more calm like my anger was gone,plus listening LP helps me when I´m sad,some of their songs sometimes makes me cry,like My December,***!that song is so deep and meaningfull,everytime I listen to it,it makes me cry.


New member
They all make me and my friends bond more cos we love their music. They are really good role models and show how good they are to fans and respect us..

Their songs just rock the planet and They are!!!

I dunno.....I never really thought of that......Sometimes they make me fell sad because of some of thier songs like my december.....or sometimes they make feel hapy. I dunno they are


New member
Linkin Parks music makes me feel good inside. it feels like Brad describes his headphones on "Making of In The End" he said their his plug into the matrix and he's in his own little world. I get goosebumps when I listen to LP

i bet that made no sense.. heh.

Linkin Parks music makes me feel good inside. it feels like Brad describes his headphones on "Making of In The End" he said their his plug into the matrix and he's in his own little world. I get goosebumps when I listen to LP
i bet that made no sense.. heh.




New member
when i listen to LP it feels like I'm in a differtend world where nobody can hurt me....

when I'm sad or angry I listen to them and it's like everything just falls from my shoulders...

their music also makes me feel happy sometimes :D :p


Amy Shinoda

New member
Linkin Park is the reason i'm still living... there are no words to describe how good they make me feel... i listen to LP when i'm happy, sad, mad, frustrated, depressed or just to chill out... and it makes me feel great no matter what...


New member
when i listen to LP it feels like I'm in a differtend world where nobody can hurt me....when I'm sad or angry I listen to them and it's like everything just falls from my shoulders...

their music also makes me feel happy sometimes :D :p
Same in here



New member
I like their heavy stuff the best and i also like the instrumentals like ''Cure for the itch'' , ''Session'' and ''Opening''.

They've got a positive message behind their music.

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